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    Full Name
    Thirty-sixth Meeting of the Scientific Committee
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Friday, 1 September 2017 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Paper)
    Saturday, 16 September 2017 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Background Paper)

    Schedule for the Thirty-sixth Meetings of the Commission and the Scientific Committee

    Videos in our support forum

    The Secretariat has developed instructional videos about the submission of meeting documents and the use of the meeting server. These videos are available from the CCAMLR Support Forum (currently available in English only).

    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xxxvi.pdf (5.34 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Second Performance Review of CCAMLR – Final Report of the Panel
      Performance Review Panel
      More Info
      Proposal for GEF (Global Environment Facility) funding to support capacity building in the GEF-eligible CCAMLR Members
      Delegations of Chile, India, Namibia, South Africa, Ukraine and the CCAMLR Secretariat
      CCAMLR-XXXVI/10 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Relations with other organisations: Cooperation with RFMOs
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      EU proposal to amend the Rules of Procedure of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
      Delegation of the European Union
      More Info
      Proposal for a Climate Change Response Work Program for CCAMLR
      Delegations of Australia and Norway on behalf the Climate Change Intersessional Correspondence Group
      More Info
      Proposal to increase transparency related to fishing for research purposes targeting Dissostichus spp. conducted pursuant to Conservation Measure 24-01
      Delegation of the USA
      More Info
      Harmonising CCAMLR’s approach to activities targeting toothfish
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Establishment of an exploratory fishery for Dissostichus mawsoni in Statistical Subarea 88.3
      Delegations of Australia and New Zealand
      CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/02 Rev. 2
      More Info
      Fishery notifications 2017/18
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      3.2.3, 3.1
      CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/25 Rev. 2
      More Info
      A representative system of CCAMLR MPAs: taking stock and moving forward
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Adopting and implementing a climate change response work plan
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Proposed designation of newly-exposed marine area (adjacent to Larsen C Ice Shelf, Subarea 48.5) as a Special Area for Scientific Study
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10 to 14 July 2017)
      3.1, 5.2, 7, 8, 13
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (Hobart, Australia, 2 to 13 October 2017)
      3, 4, 5, 6, 7.1, 9, 13, 3.2
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 to 30 June 2017)
      2.1, 3.2, 6, 9
      More Info
      Report of the Meeting of the Subgroup on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods (Qingdao, People’s Republic of China, 15 to 19 May 2017)
      More Info
      Report of the Co-conveners of the CCAMLR Workshop on the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Research and Monitoring Plan
      Co-conveners (A. Dunn, M. Vacchi and G. Watters)
      More Info
      Convener's Report of the Workshop on the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (WS-SISO) (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3 to 7 July 2017)
      WS-SISO Convener (J. Moir Clark (EU))
      More Info
      Developing an experimental approach to help resolve the relative roles of predation and flux on krill distribution and improve the assessment of potential fisheries impacts on predators
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      The Weddell Sea MPA revisited and wider implications for CCAMLR MPA planning
      Delegation of Norway
      More Info
      Quality of positioning and estimates of green weight of krill when using the continuous fishing system
      Delegation of Norway
      More Info
      Proposed update to the terms of reference and guidelines for the CCAMLR MPA Special Fund
      Delegations of the United Kingdom and the United States, on behalf of the MPA Special Fund Correspondence Group
      More Info
      Election of the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Scientific Committee
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Information about a workshop for training CCAMLR scientific observers and inspectors
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Development of procedures for ecosystem-based management of the krill fishery: proposals and comments concerning the CCAMLR Scientific Committee's five-year work plan
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      2.2, 3.1, 13.1
      More Info
      Proposal for a CCAMLR Science Special Volume
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      5.2.1, 16
      More Info
      Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART A-1: Priority Areas for Conservation
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART A-2: MPA Model
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      Proposal for the creation of a Domain 1 MPA Expert Group
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      The Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area Research and Monitoring Plan
      A. Dunn, M. Vacchi and G. Watters (Co-conveners)
      More Info
      The effect of sample size on the observed length distribution of Antarctic krill
      Delegation of China
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/01 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Catches of target species in the Convention Area
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Australia
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Uruguay
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Norway
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Japan
      5.1, 5.1
      More Info
      Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) [Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)]
      Делегация Российской Федерации [Delegation of the Russian Federation]
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/07 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of New Zealand
      More Info
      Committee for Environmental Protection: 2017 Annual Report to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR
      CEP Observer to SC-CAMLR (Dr P. Penhale, USA)
      More Info
      Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee in 2016/17
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Soft-sediment macrozoobenthos from Domain 1 (Antarctica): A preliminary report using community parameters and proxies
      Delegation of Chile
      More Info
      The benthic realm in Domain 1: a review
      Delegation of Chile
      More Info
      Simulating nursery areas for Antarctic krill along the western Antarctic Peninsula with relevance for the Domain 1 MPA Planning process
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Annual Report 2016/17
      Submitted by SCAR
      More Info
      Report on 2017 Activities of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), relevant to the work of CCAMLR
      Submitted by SCOR
      More Info
      Proposal for a joint workshop between the Southern Ocean Observing System and the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Submitted by SCOR
      More Info
      Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – 2017 Update
      Submitted by SCAR
      8, 10.1.2
      More Info
      Korean research project on the ecosystem structure and function of the Ross Sea region MPA (2017–2022)
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      More Info
      New Zealand’s exploratory fishery for toothfish within the SPRFMO Convention Area: update and future directions
      M. Cryer, A. Dunn and J. Fenaughty
      More Info
      Antarctic Site Inventory/MAPPPD/Climate Challenge Analyses: Report to CCAMLR by Oceanites, Inc.
      Submitted by Oceanites, Inc.
      More Info
      An approach to feedback management (FBM) of the krill fishery based on routine acoustic data collection and intermittent land-based predator studies
      Delegations of Norway, China and Chile
      More Info
      Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART C: Biodiversity Analysis by MPA zones
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART B: Conservation Objectives
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      More Info
      Proposal to modify Conservation Measure 24-02 regarding the use of a streamer line
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Materials on the biodiversity of areas of possible introduction
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Designation of the Weddell Sea MPA (comments and questions)
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Comments regarding a Marine Protected Area on the Southern Shelf
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      More Info
      Model-based, ecosystem risk assessments of MPA scenarios in Planning Domain 1
      Delegation of the USA
      5.2, 5.2.1
      More Info
      Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) – Version 2017 – Reflection of the recommendations by WG-EMM-16 and SC-CAMLR-XXXV
      Delegation of Germany
      More Info
      Marine debris: a persistent and emerging threat to antarctic ecosystems
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Strengthening the Ross Sea Research and Monitoring Plan to deliver effective, measurable, and robust management
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Progressing towards responsible, science-based and highly precautionary krill fisheries management
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Toward a System of Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      Report to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR by the Association of Responsible Krill Harvesting Companies (ARK)
      Submitted by ARK
      3.1, 10.2
      More Info
      CEMP Fund cameras and satellite transmitter projects in areas of Ukraine responsibility: state and preliminary results
      D. Lutsenko, G. Milinevsky, O. Savitsky, A. Simon, I. Dykyy, M. Telipska, V. Lytvynov and L. Pshenichnov
      More Info
      Marine debris and entanglements at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia, Signy Island, South Orkneys and Goudier Island, Antarctic Peninsula 2016/17
      C. Waluda
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      More Info
      Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Ukraine
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/38 Rev. 1
      More Info
      CCAMLR information and data systems update
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Évaluation préliminaire du risque d'impact négatif significatif des activités de pêche de fond proposées sur les écosystèmes marins vulnérables (VME) [Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems]
      Délégation française
      More Info
      Development of a five-year work plan for the CCAMLR Scientific Committee Mark Belchier (Chair of SC-CAMLR)
      Mark Belchier (Chair of SC-CAMLR)
      More Info
      Report on the CCAMLR marine debris monitoring program
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      More Info
      Ukrainian research proposal for the 2017/18 season in Subarea 88.1
      Delegation of Ukraine


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      1     Opening of the meeting

      The Chair (Dr M. Belchier, UK) will open the meeting and welcome delegations of CCAMLR Members and observers. International organisations invited to the meeting are listed in Agenda Item 10.2. The organisation of the meeting, chairing and local arrangements will be discussed.

      1.1     Adoption of the agenda

      The Preliminary Agenda for the Thirty-sixth Meeting of the Scientific Committee was prepared and distributed in accordance with Rule 5 of the Scientific Committee’s Rules of Procedure. This Provisional Agenda has been prepared, taking account of Members’ additions and comments in accordance with Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure.

      1.2     Chair’s report

      The Chair will report on intersessional activities undertaken since the Thirty-fifth Meeting (SC-CAMLR-XXXV).

      2     Advances in statistics, assessments, modelling, acoustics and survey methods
      2.1     Statistics, assessments and modelling
      2.1.1     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will advise the Commission on matters of relevance to the development of statistics, assessments and modelling.

      2.2     Acoustic survey and analysis methods

      The Co-conveners of SG-ASAM (Drs C. Reiss, USA, and X. Zhou, China) will present the 2017 SG-ASAM report, noting progress with further consideration of the use of fishing vessels to collect acoustic data for use in estimating krill biomass and in understanding the distribution and patterns of occurrence of krill. The outcomes of the deliberations of SG-ASAM from WG-EMM will be further considered at the appropriate point in the Agenda.

      2.2.1     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will advise the Commission on matters of relevance to acoustic data collection and survey methods.

      3.1.1     Status and trends

      Data reported for the current season, as well as any updates to the notifications for krill fisheries in the 2017/18 season, will be presented, including relevant advice from WG-EMM. Members will be invited to inform the Scientific Committee of updated information relating to those notifications, as well as any relevant developments and trends in krill fisheries in the Convention Area.

      3.1.2     Ecosystem effects of krill fishing

      The Convener of WG-EMM (Dr M. Korczak-Abshire, Poland) will present the relevant sections of the 2017 WG-EMM report, noting that ‘Operationalising FBM in Subarea 48.1’ was identified as the priority issue for WG-EMM in 2017 (SC-CAMLR-XXXV, Table 1).

      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/34 CEMP Fund cameras and satellite transmitter projects in areas of Ukraine responsibility: state and preliminary results
      D. Lutsenko, G. Milinevsky, O. Savitsky, A. Simon, I. Dykyy, M. Telipska, V. Lytvynov and L. Pshenichnov
      3.1.3     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission in respect of krill resources.

      3.2.1     Status and trends

      Data and related information for the current season will be presented, including relevant advice from WG-FSA. Members will be invited to inform the Scientific Committee of recent developments and trends in finfish fisheries in the Convention Area.

      3.2.2     Assessment of fish resources

      The Convener of WG-FSA (Dr D. Welsford, Australia) will present the sections of the 2017 WG-FSA report dealing with the assessment of fish resources.

      0.027     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission on catch limits in the 2017/18 season for assessed fisheries.

      3.2.3     New and exploratory finfish fisheries

      Fishing activities in exploratory fisheries in the 2016/17 season and notifications for new and exploratory fisheries in the 2017/18 season will be reviewed, taking into account the advice of WG-SAM and WG-FSA.     Progress towards assessments

      The Scientific Committee will review advice from WG-SAM and WG-FSA on the progress towards assessments in exploratory fisheries and research in other areas (including research conducted under Conservation Measure 24-01) designed to provide future assessments of Dissostichus spp.

      0.009     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice in relation to research in new, exploratory and other research fisheries.

      3.3     Fish and invertebrate by-catch
      3.3.1     Status and trends

      By-catch data and related information for the current season will be presented. Members will be invited to inform the Scientific Committee of recent developments and trends in by-catch from fisheries in the Convention Area.

      3.3.2     WG-FSA advice

      The Scientific Committee will consider the recommendations of WG-FSA and WG-EMM on developments in fishing methods, education and other matters relevant to by-catch in CCAMLR fisheries.

      3.3.3     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission related to fish and invertebrate by-catch.

      4     Incidental mortality arising from fishing operations
      4.1     Incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals associated with fisheries
      4.2     Marine debris

      The Scientific Committee will consider the occurrence and impact of marine debris, including any advice from WG-FSA in respect of reports of lost fishing gear in the Convention Area.

      4.3     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission.

      5     Spatial management of impacts on the Antarctic ecosystem
      5.1     Bottom fishing and vulnerable marine ecosystems
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/02 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/03 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Uruguay
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/04 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Norway
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/05 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Japan
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/05 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Japan
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/06 Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) [Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)]
      Делегация Российской Федерации [Delegation of the Russian Federation]
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/07 Rev. 1 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of New Zealand
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/36 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/37 Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems
      Delegation of Ukraine
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/39 Évaluation préliminaire du risque d'impact négatif significatif des activités de pêche de fond proposées sur les écosystèmes marins vulnérables (VME) [Preliminary assessment of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems]
      Délégation française
      5.1.1     Status and trends

      The Scientific Committee will consider advice on the implementation of Conservation Measures 22-05, 22-06, 22-07, 22-08 and 22-09 and other matters pertaining to CCAMLR’s actions in respect of bottom fishing and vulnerable marine ecosystems.

      5.1.2     Advice to Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission.

      5.2.1     Scientific analysis of proposals for MPAs

      The Scientific Committee will consider scientific analysis relevant to the implementation of a representative system of marine protected areas in the CAMLR Convention Area.  It will also consider the development of the Ross Sea region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan.

      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/16 Proposal for a CCAMLR Science Special Volume
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/17 Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART A-1: Priority Areas for Conservation
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/18 Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART A-2: MPA Model
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/19 Proposal for the creation of a Domain 1 MPA Expert Group
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/10 Soft-sediment macrozoobenthos from Domain 1 (Antarctica): A preliminary report using community parameters and proxies
      Delegation of Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/11 The benthic realm in Domain 1: a review
      Delegation of Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/12 Simulating nursery areas for Antarctic krill along the western Antarctic Peninsula with relevance for the Domain 1 MPA Planning process
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/21 Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART C: Biodiversity Analysis by MPA zones
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/22 Domain 1 Marine Protected Area Preliminary Proposal PART B: Conservation Objectives
      Delegations of Argentina and Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/24 Materials on the biodiversity of areas of possible introduction
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/25 Designation of the Weddell Sea MPA (comments and questions)
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/26 Comments regarding a Marine Protected Area on the Southern Shelf
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/27 Model-based, ecosystem risk assessments of MPA scenarios in Planning Domain 1
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/28 Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) – Version 2017 – Reflection of the recommendations by WG-EMM-16 and SC-CAMLR-XXXV
      Delegation of Germany
      5.2.2     Advice to the Commission
      6     IUU fishing in the Convention Area
      7.1     Scientific observations

      The Secretariat will summarise data received in accordance with the Scheme of International Scientific Observation in the 2016/17 season. The Convener of the SISO 2017 workshop will present the report of that workshop.

      The Conveners of WG-EMM and WG-FSA will also present relevant sections of their reports.

      The Scientific Committee will review recommendations for the operation of the scheme, including the scientific objectives and priorities for the deployment of CCAMLR international scientific observers during the 2017/18 season.

      7.2     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will advise the Commission on matters of relevance to the implementation of the scheme and its objectives.

      8     Climate change

      The Scientific Committee will consider advice from WG-SAM, WG-EMM and WG-FSA on the science required to inform management responses to climate change (SC-CAMLR-XXVII, paragraphs 8.1 to 8.10).

      8.1     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission on the impacts of climate change as appropriate.

      9     Scientific research exemption

      The Scientific Committee will consider the advice of WG-FSA and WG-SAM on scientific research conducted in the 2016/17 season under Conservation Measure (CM) 24-01 (noting that such research related to Dissostichus spp. will be covered under Agenda Item

      The Scientific Committee will consider proposals submitted under CM 24-01 to ensure all research proposed for the 2017/18 season is consistent with the intended purpose of the measure.

      9.1     Advice to the Commission

      The Scientific Committee will provide scientific advice to the Commission on research conducted under Conservation Measure 24-01.

      10.1     Cooperation within the Antarctic Treaty System
      10.1.1     Committee for Environmental Protection
      10.1.2     Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research
      10.2     Reports of observers from other international organisations

      Reports will be received from representatives of international and non-governmental organisations present as observers at the Scientific Committee meeting.

      Invitations to attend SC-CAMLR-XXXVI (see SC-CIRC 17/35) were extended to the following intergovernmental organisations – ACAP, CCSBT, CEP, CITES, COMNAP, FAO, IATTC, ICCAT, IOC, IUCN, IWC, South East Asia RPOA-IUU, SCAR, SCOR, SEAFO, SIOFA, SPRFMO, UNEP and WCPFC and the following non-governmental organisations – ARK, ASOC, COLTO and Oceanites Inc.

      10.3     Reports of representatives at meetings of other international organisations

      Reports of meetings of other international organisations during the 2016/17 intersessional period will be received.

      10.4     Future cooperation

      The Scientific Committee will discuss the further development of cooperation with other international organisations and consider any proposals for cooperation received by the Scientific Committee under Agenda Items 10.1 to 10.3.

      The Scientific Committee will review invitations to representatives of international and non-governmental organisations to be present as observers at the next meeting of the Scientific Committee.

      11     Budget for 2017/18

      The financial implications of decisions taken during the meeting will be used to prepare a detailed Scientific Committee budget for 2017/18. This budget will be based on the costs of ongoing projects and new proposals and should include expenditure from Special Funds and other monies made available to the Scientific Committee as well as from the CCAMLR General Fund. Any budgetary items that have implications for longer-term funding will also be reviewed.

      In developing its budget, the Scientific Committee will need to consider the budgetary aspects of working groups’ requirements for invited experts and review the science-related special funds. 

      12     Advice to SCIC and SCAF

      In accordance with established practice, the Chair will provide preliminary advice to SCAF and SCIC, and will receive advice on matters of relevance to the Scientific Committee from these standing committees, which will meet concurrently with the meeting of the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee will provide the Commission with summaries of its recommendations to SCIC and SCAF.

      13.1     Priorities for work of the Scientific Committee and its working groups

      The Scientific Committee will review the five-year strategic plan for the work of the Scientific Committee and its working groups (SC-CAMLR-XXXV, paragraph 13.20).

      The priorities for the intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee in 2018 will be discussed and planned. This will include identifying the dates and venues for meetings of working groups and other groups, the timing of data submission to the Secretariat, and a schedule of agreed actions to be undertaken during the intersessional period by the Chair, conveners of working groups, Members and the Secretariat.

      13.2     CCAMLR Scientific Scholarships Scheme

      The Scientific Committee will receive an update on the progress of the current scholarship recipients and consider the outcomes of the selection process for the sixth year of the scholarship scheme.

      13.3     Invitation of experts and observers to meetings of working groups

      On the basis of advice from working group conveners, and in accordance with Rule 2 of the Rules of the Scientific Committee, the Scientific Committee will consider how invitations should be extended to invited experts and to representatives of international and non-governmental organisations to attend intersessional meetings of its working groups.

      13.4     Next meeting

      The Scientific Committee will consider the dates of its next meeting and the invitation of Observers to that meeting.

      14     Secretariat supported activities

      The Scientific Committee will consider the Secretariat’s report on work in support of the Scientific Committee during the 2016/17 intersessional period (see also Agenda Item 1.2), and will consider priorities for future work and requirements for the 2017/18 intersessional period.

      15     Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
      16     Other business

      The Scientific Committee will consider any other business.

      17     Adoption of report of the Thirty-sixth Meeting

      The Scientific Committee will adopt the report of the Thirty-sixth Meeting.

      18     Close of meeting