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    Proposed update to the terms of reference and guidelines for the CCAMLR MPA Special Fund

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegations of the United Kingdom and the United States, on behalf of the MPA Special Fund Correspondence Group
    Submitted By:
    Dr Susie Grant
    Approved By:
    Ms Kylie Bamford (United Kingdom)

    The MPA Special Fund was established in 2005 to support activities undertaken in respect of MPAs. Given recent progress by CCAMLR towards the development of MPAs, it is now timely to review the purpose of the Fund, and to update the terms of reference and practical guidance for how it is accessed and used. This paper makes recommendations on the following updates for consideration by the Scientific Committee:

    i)    Terms of Reference for use of the MPA Special Fund

    ii)    Guidelines on submission and review of proposals for use of the MPA Special Fund

    iii)    Terms of Reference for the MPA Special Fund Correspondence Group