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    The principal results of YugNIRO complex studies in the Indian sector of the Antarctic

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    Номер документа:
    V.I. Bondarenko, V.A. Bibik, V.V. Gerasimchook, E.P. Goubanov, A.V. Romanov and B.G. Trotsenko (Ukraine)
    Пункт(ы) повестки дня

    In 1997 it was 30 years from the moment of launching YugNIRO fisheries studies in the Antarctic.
    Two essential points should be emphasized in the ideology and methodology of the studies carried out. Firstly, complex monitoring is their basis: in addition to the determination of the commercial potential of fish species and krill, study of the Antarctic ecosystem with its non-biological part was given an important place. Secondly, development of scientific grounds for the rational fisheries was their essential part.