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    Full Name
    Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management
    Kochi, India
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 27 July 1998 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xvii-a4.pdf (1.42 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional and Annotated Provisional Agenda for the 1998 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
      More Info
      List of participants
      More Info
      List of documents
      WG-EMM-98/04 Rev. 2
      More Info
      CEMP indices 1998: summary of anomalies and trends
      More Info
      Revision of the fishery–foraging overlap model
      More Info
      Development of standard methods for environmental data
      WG-EMM-98/07 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Report on fine-scale krill data for the 1996/97 season
      More Info
      Status and trends of Antarctic sealsReport of SCAR
      Report of SCAR
      More Info
      Human activity and disturbance: building an Antarctic site inventory
      R. Naveen, Oceanites (USA)
      More Info
      Comments of the Antarctic site inventory project on the application of the Standard Method A6 ‘penguins breeding success’
      More Info
      Monitoring changes in coastal fish populations by the analysis of pellets of the Antarctic shag Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis: a new proposed standard method
      R. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
      More Info
      The principal results of YugNIRO complex studies in the Indian sector of the Antarctic
      V.I. Bondarenko, V.A. Bibik, V.V. Gerasimchook, E.P. Goubanov, A.V. Romanov and B.G. Trotsenko (Ukraine)
      More Info
      Preliminary results of biological studies in the 1st Ukrainian Antarctic expedition in Subarea 48.2 in March 1997
      V.A. Bibik (Ukraine)
      More Info
      VNIRO program on remote monitoring of oceanographic conditions in fishing areas of the World Ocean (the southwestern Atlantic and the southeastern Pacific)
      G.P. Vanyushin, T.B. Barkanova and A.A. Troshkov (Russia)
      More Info
      Diet and foraging effort of Adélie penguins in relation to pack-ice conditions in the southern Ross Sea
      D.G. Ainley (USA), P.R. Wilson, K.J. Barton (New Zealand), G. Ballard, N. Nur (USA) and B. Karl (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Report of the Workshop on Area 48
      (La Jolla, USA, 15 to 26 June 1998)

      More Info
      Decline of Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) population at SSSI No. 32, South Shetlands, Antarctica, during 1997/98: a discussion of possible causes
      R. Hucke-Gaete, D. Torres, A. Aguayo and V. Vallejos (Chile)
      More Info
      Occurrence of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) concentrations in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands: relationship to environmental parameters
      T. Ichii, K. Kayatama, N. Obitsu, H. Ishii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      More Info
      On the possibility of practical utilisation of krill target strength TS in situ obtained on the basis of EK-500 measurements
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      More Info
      Catchability of midwater trawls in relation to krill fishery
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      More Info
      Some comments on the procedure of krill target strength assessment in echosurveys
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      More Info
      SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Ad Hoc Working Group on Seabirds at Sea Methodology
      More Info
      Secretariat work in support of WG-EMM
      More Info
      Hydroacoustic and net krill sampling methods Area 48 survey (decisions and recommendations of the Scientific Committee and its working groups)
      More Info
      Report from the Steering Committee for the synoptic survey of Area 48
      Steering Committee

      More Info
      Report of the 1996 APIS Survey Design and Implementation Workshop
      More Info
      Report of the Meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      Submitted by SCAR
      More Info
      Foraging trip duration in male and female macaroni penguins at Bouvetøya
      F. Mehlum, K. Isaksen and V. Bakken (Norway)
      More Info
      Green krill, the indicator of micro- and nano-size phytoplankton availability to krill
      S. Kawaguchi, T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      More Info
      Status of the Polish FIBEX acoustic data from the west Atlantic
      P.N. Trathan (UK), J. Kalinowski (Italy) and I. Everson (UK)
      More Info
      Pursuit and polynyas in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
      M. Naganobu, T. Tanaka, Y. Okada, N. Kimura and S. Matsumura (Japan)
      More Info
      Krill distribution in the western Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during 1983/84, 1984/85 and 1987/88 on the basis of the Soviet mesoscale surveys with Isaacs Kidd midwater trawl
      V.A. Sushin and K.E. Shulgovsky (Russia)
      More Info
      Proportional recruitment indices of Antarctic krill from Japanese fisheries data in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 during 1980 through 1997
      S. Kawaguchi, T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      More Info
      Phytoplankton standing stocks in relation to krill in Antarctic waters
      X.N. Verlecar, R. Vijayakumar, F. Saldhana and L. Martins (India)
      More Info
      Studies on zooplankton with special reference to krill from the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean
      K.L. Bhat, R. Vijayakumar and V. Jaya Sree (India)
      More Info
      Hydroacoustic assessment of krill in Area 58 of the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic region
      Z. Klusek and A. Anrose (India)
      More Info
      Biology, distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and by-catch
      A. Anrose, Z. Klusek, M.K.R. Nair and M. R. Bhoopendranath (India)
      More Info
      Investigations on midwater trawling for krill (Euphausia superba) in the Southern Ocean
      M.R. Bhoopendranath, M.K.R. Nair, A. Anrose and V.C. George (India)
      More Info
      Studies on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) biochemical and processing aspects
      C.N. Ravishankar and K. Ashok Kumar (India)
      More Info
      Product development from Antarctic krill and test marketing
      M.K.R. Nair, S. Girija, K.K. Muhammad Basheer and M.K. Venu (India)
      More Info
      Products for human consumption from krill (Euphausia superba)
      J. Joseph, V. Muraleedharan, R. Thankamma and C.N. Ravishankar (India)
      More Info
      Biochemical investigations on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
      M.R. Raghunath, T.V. Shankar, A.G. Radhakrishnan, S. Mathew, K. Ammu, C.N. Ravishankar, K. Jayan and L. Jose (India)
      More Info
      Otolith size in the mackerel icefish
      I. Everson and B. Bendall (UK)
      More Info
      The Area 48 synoptic survey: an adaptive survey design
      J. Watkins, A. Murray and I. Everson (UK)
      More Info
      Evaluation of de la Mare’s composite standardised index for generating a simple time-series summary of many long-term datasets on Antarctic predators: consequences of missing values and criteria for inclusion of predator parameters
      A. Constable (Australia)
      More Info
      CCAMLR Standard Method A3b
      P. Wilson (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Some suggestions for acoustic protocols for the synoptic survey of FAO Area 48
      D.A. Demer (USA)
      More Info
      A model at the level of the foraging trip for the indirect effects of krill (Euphausia superba) fisheries on krill predators
      M. Mangel and P.V. Switzer (USA)
      More Info
      AMLR 1997/98 Field Season Report: Objectives, accomplishments and tentative conclusions
      US Delegation
      More Info
      Interannual variability of krill, salp and other zooplankton populations in the South Shetland Island area during Austral summer 1993–1998
      V. Loeb, W. Armstrong, R. Hewitt (USA) and V. Siegel (Germany)
      More Info
      Acoustic estimates of krill density at South Georgia during 11 austral summers between 1981 and 1998
      A.S. Brierley, J.L. Watkins, C. Goss, M.T. Wilkinson and I. Everson (UK)
      More Info
      Natural fluctuations in the abundance of krill with due regard to global climate changes in the southern hemisphere: forecasting possibilities
      K. Shust (Russia)
      More Info
      The Area 48 synoptic survey: three possible approaches
      J. Watkins, A. Murray and I. Everson (UK)


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      WG-EMM-98/01 Provisional and Annotated Provisional Agenda for the 1998 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
      WG-EMM-98/02 List of participants
      WG-EMM-98/03 List of documents
      WG-EMM-98/04 Rev. 2 CEMP indices 1998: summary of anomalies and trends
      WG-EMM-98/05 Revision of the fishery–foraging overlap model
      WG-EMM-98/06 Development of standard methods for environmental data
      WG-EMM-98/07 Rev. 1 Report on fine-scale krill data for the 1996/97 season
      WG-EMM-98/08 Status and trends of Antarctic sealsReport of SCAR
      Report of SCAR
      WG-EMM-98/09 Human activity and disturbance: building an Antarctic site inventory
      R. Naveen, Oceanites (USA)
      WG-EMM-98/10 Comments of the Antarctic site inventory project on the application of the Standard Method A6 ‘penguins breeding success’
      WG-EMM-98/11 Monitoring changes in coastal fish populations by the analysis of pellets of the Antarctic shag Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis: a new proposed standard method
      R. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
      WG-EMM-98/12 The principal results of YugNIRO complex studies in the Indian sector of the Antarctic
      V.I. Bondarenko, V.A. Bibik, V.V. Gerasimchook, E.P. Goubanov, A.V. Romanov and B.G. Trotsenko (Ukraine)
      WG-EMM-98/13 Preliminary results of biological studies in the 1st Ukrainian Antarctic expedition in Subarea 48.2 in March 1997
      V.A. Bibik (Ukraine)
      WG-EMM-98/14 VNIRO program on remote monitoring of oceanographic conditions in fishing areas of the World Ocean (the southwestern Atlantic and the southeastern Pacific)
      G.P. Vanyushin, T.B. Barkanova and A.A. Troshkov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-98/15 Diet and foraging effort of Adélie penguins in relation to pack-ice conditions in the southern Ross Sea
      D.G. Ainley (USA), P.R. Wilson, K.J. Barton (New Zealand), G. Ballard, N. Nur (USA) and B. Karl (New Zealand)
      WG-EMM-98/16 Report of the Workshop on Area 48
      (La Jolla, USA, 15 to 26 June 1998)
      WG-EMM-98/17 Decline of Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) population at SSSI No. 32, South Shetlands, Antarctica, during 1997/98: a discussion of possible causes
      R. Hucke-Gaete, D. Torres, A. Aguayo and V. Vallejos (Chile)
      WG-EMM-98/18 Occurrence of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) concentrations in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands: relationship to environmental parameters
      T. Ichii, K. Kayatama, N. Obitsu, H. Ishii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      WG-EMM-98/19 On the possibility of practical utilisation of krill target strength TS in situ obtained on the basis of EK-500 measurements
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      WG-EMM-98/20 Catchability of midwater trawls in relation to krill fishery
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      WG-EMM-98/21 Some comments on the procedure of krill target strength assessment in echosurveys
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      WG-EMM-98/22 SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Ad Hoc Working Group on Seabirds at Sea Methodology
      WG-EMM-98/23 Secretariat work in support of WG-EMM
      WG-EMM-98/24 Hydroacoustic and net krill sampling methods Area 48 survey (decisions and recommendations of the Scientific Committee and its working groups)
      WG-EMM-98/25 Report from the Steering Committee for the synoptic survey of Area 48
      Steering Committee
      WG-EMM-98/26 Report of the 1996 APIS Survey Design and Implementation Workshop
      WG-EMM-98/27 Report of the Meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      Submitted by SCAR
      WG-EMM-98/28 Foraging trip duration in male and female macaroni penguins at Bouvetøya
      F. Mehlum, K. Isaksen and V. Bakken (Norway)
      WG-EMM-98/29 Green krill, the indicator of micro- and nano-size phytoplankton availability to krill
      S. Kawaguchi, T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      WG-EMM-98/30 Status of the Polish FIBEX acoustic data from the west Atlantic
      P.N. Trathan (UK), J. Kalinowski (Italy) and I. Everson (UK)
      WG-EMM-98/31 Pursuit and polynyas in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
      M. Naganobu, T. Tanaka, Y. Okada, N. Kimura and S. Matsumura (Japan)
      WG-EMM-98/32 Krill distribution in the western Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during 1983/84, 1984/85 and 1987/88 on the basis of the Soviet mesoscale surveys with Isaacs Kidd midwater trawl
      V.A. Sushin and K.E. Shulgovsky (Russia)
      WG-EMM-98/33 Proportional recruitment indices of Antarctic krill from Japanese fisheries data in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 during 1980 through 1997
      S. Kawaguchi, T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      WG-EMM-98/34 Phytoplankton standing stocks in relation to krill in Antarctic waters
      X.N. Verlecar, R. Vijayakumar, F. Saldhana and L. Martins (India)
      WG-EMM-98/35 Studies on zooplankton with special reference to krill from the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean
      K.L. Bhat, R. Vijayakumar and V. Jaya Sree (India)
      WG-EMM-98/36 Hydroacoustic assessment of krill in Area 58 of the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic region
      Z. Klusek and A. Anrose (India)
      WG-EMM-98/37 Biology, distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and by-catch
      A. Anrose, Z. Klusek, M.K.R. Nair and M. R. Bhoopendranath (India)
      WG-EMM-98/38 Investigations on midwater trawling for krill (Euphausia superba) in the Southern Ocean
      M.R. Bhoopendranath, M.K.R. Nair, A. Anrose and V.C. George (India)
      WG-EMM-98/39 Studies on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) biochemical and processing aspects
      C.N. Ravishankar and K. Ashok Kumar (India)
      WG-EMM-98/40 Product development from Antarctic krill and test marketing
      M.K.R. Nair, S. Girija, K.K. Muhammad Basheer and M.K. Venu (India)
      WG-EMM-98/41 Products for human consumption from krill (Euphausia superba)
      J. Joseph, V. Muraleedharan, R. Thankamma and C.N. Ravishankar (India)
      WG-EMM-98/42 Biochemical investigations on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
      M.R. Raghunath, T.V. Shankar, A.G. Radhakrishnan, S. Mathew, K. Ammu, C.N. Ravishankar, K. Jayan and L. Jose (India)
      WG-EMM-98/43 Otolith size in the mackerel icefish
      I. Everson and B. Bendall (UK)
      WG-EMM-98/44 The Area 48 synoptic survey: an adaptive survey design
      J. Watkins, A. Murray and I. Everson (UK)
      WG-EMM-98/45 Evaluation of de la Mare’s composite standardised index for generating a simple time-series summary of many long-term datasets on Antarctic predators: consequences of missing values and criteria for inclusion of predator parameters
      A. Constable (Australia)
      WG-EMM-98/46 CCAMLR Standard Method A3b
      P. Wilson (New Zealand)
      WG-EMM-98/47 Some suggestions for acoustic protocols for the synoptic survey of FAO Area 48
      D.A. Demer (USA)
      WG-EMM-98/48 A model at the level of the foraging trip for the indirect effects of krill (Euphausia superba) fisheries on krill predators
      M. Mangel and P.V. Switzer (USA)
      WG-EMM-98/49 AMLR 1997/98 Field Season Report: Objectives, accomplishments and tentative conclusions
      US Delegation
      WG-EMM-98/50 Interannual variability of krill, salp and other zooplankton populations in the South Shetland Island area during Austral summer 1993–1998
      V. Loeb, W. Armstrong, R. Hewitt (USA) and V. Siegel (Germany)
      WG-EMM-98/51 Acoustic estimates of krill density at South Georgia during 11 austral summers between 1981 and 1998
      A.S. Brierley, J.L. Watkins, C. Goss, M.T. Wilkinson and I. Everson (UK)
      WG-EMM-98/52 Natural fluctuations in the abundance of krill with due regard to global climate changes in the southern hemisphere: forecasting possibilities
      K. Shust (Russia)
      WG-EMM-98/53 The Area 48 synoptic survey: three possible approaches
      J. Watkins, A. Murray and I. Everson (UK)