Schedule for the Thirty-sixth Meetings of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
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The Chair of SCIC will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members and Observers.
This agenda was adopted by the Commission under Item 2 of its agenda.
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/08 | Training on CCAMLR and its current conservation measures Delegation of Chile |
In accordance with Conservation Measure 10-10, paragraph 3(i), SCIC shall consider the Summary CCAMLR Compliance Report taking into account any additional information received including in accordance with paragraph 1(iii).
SCIC shall adopt by consensus an annual Provisional CCAMLR Compliance Report that shall record any findings of non-compliance and issues identified with conservation measure implementation. This report shall include an assessment of compliance status, in accordance with Annex 10-10/B, as well as recommendations to the Commission in accordance with Conservation Measure 10-10, paragraph 3(iii).
CCAMLR-XXXVI/09 | Процедура АНТКОМ по оценке соблюдения (ПАОС) – Сводный отчет Секретариат АНТКОМ |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/18 | Представление данных в рамках Процедуры АНТКОМ по оценке соблюдения (ПАОС) Секретариат АНТКОМ |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/31 | Процедура АНТКОМ по оценке соблюдения (ПАОС) Секретариат АНТКОМ |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/23 | New Zealand investigation reports into late removal of fishing gear following fishery closure notification Delegation of New Zealand |
SCIC will consider the Secretariat’s summary on the implementation and operation of the CDS in 2016/17.
SCIC will consider the intersessional work undertaken to implement the recommendations of the Independent Review of CCAMLR’s CDS in relation to the e-CDS.
CCAMLR-XXXVI/06 | Анализ торговых данных Секретариат АНТКОМ |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/03 Rev. 1 | NCP Engagement Strategy CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/05 Rev. 1 | Overview of global trade in toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/18 | Implementation of the Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS) CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/20 | Consideration of measures to address a co-mingling scenario in the toothfish fishery CCAMLR Secretariat |
SCIC will review the implementation and operation of the System of Inspection and consider any proposals received for the improvement of the System of Inspection.
CCAMLR-XXXVI/14 | Уточнения к системе отчетности об инспекциях АНТКОМ Делегации Соединенного Королевства, Австралии и Новой Зеландии |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/15 | Мониторинг, контроль и наблюдение, проводившиеся Чили в сезоне 2016/17 г., и комментарии, направленные на улучшение Инспекционной системы Делегация Чили |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/24 | CCAMLR inspections undertaken by New Zealand from HMNZS Wellington during 2016/17 Delegation of New Zealand |
SCIC will consider the Secretariat’s summary on the implementation and operation of the VMS in 2016/17.
SCIC will consider any matters arising under the Arrangement between the Secretariat and competent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) to release VMS data held by the Secretariat to support search and rescue activities undertaken by the MRCCs.
SCIC shall consider fishery notifications submitted by Members in 2017 for the 2017/18 season.
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/02 Rev. 2 | Fishery notifications 2017/18 CCAMLR Secretariat |
SCIC will consider proposals for the revision of conservation measures in force and proposals for the adoption of new conservation measures.
In accordance with CM 10-10, paragraph 5, SCIC will consider the effectiveness of CM 10-10 in evaluating and addressing non-compliance, and report to the Commission on its findings and recommendations for improving the conservation measure.
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/29 | Collaborating to support effective protection of Southern Ocean ecosystems Submitted by ASOC and COLTO |
SCIC will consider information from Contracting Parties, cooperating non-Contracting Parties (NCPs), NCPs, the Secretariat and the Scientific Committee and its Working Groups on IUU fishing activity and trends in the Convention Area for 2016/17.
SCIC will review reports submitted by non-Contracting Parties on measures taken to exercise effective control over their flagged vessels included on the NCP-IUU Vessel List in 2016.
SCIC will consider the Provisional NCP-IUU Vessel List and the Provisional CP-IUU Vessel List for 2016 and any additional information provided in relation to vessels included in the Lists.
Following consideration of any information and evidence provided by Contracting Parties or non-Contracting Parties pertaining to vessels included on the NCP-IUU Vessel List adopted in 2016, SCIC will recommend to the Commission if any vessels should be removed from the list.
SCIC shall, by consensus, adopt a Proposed NCP-IUU Vessel List and a Proposed CP-IUU Vessel List which shall be provided to the Commission for approval.
The Chair of the Scientific Committee will report as appropriate, on the Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO) and exchange any information on matters of relevance for SCIC to consider.
CCAMLR-XXXVI/01 | Вторая оценка работы АНТКОМ – Заключительный отчет Группы по оценке Группа по оценке работы |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/02 | Предложение о выделении Глобальным экологическим фондом (ГЭФ) средств в поддержку наращивания потенциала в странах-членах АНТКОМ, имеющих право на получение средств из ГЭФ Делегации Чили, Индии, Намибии, Южной Африки, Украины и Секретариат |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/07 | Compliance and the CCAMLR website CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-XXXVI/BG/26 | Polar Code Phase 2 and next steps for Southern Ocean vessel management Submitted by ASOC |
SCIC will adopt a report that will be provided to the Commission.