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    Full Name
    Comité Permanente de Administración y Finanzas
    Hobart, Australia
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Plazo de presentación
    Sábado, 16 septiembre , 2017 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de referencia)
    viernes, 1 septiembre , 2017 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de trabajo)

    Schedule for the Thirty-sixth Meetings of the Commission and the Scientific Committee

    NO es necesario que los participantes se inscriban en las reuniones de SCIC o de SCAF. Sin embargo, sí que deberán inscribirse, como de costumbre, para la reunión de la Comisión.

    Informe de la reunión:
    s-scaf-17.pdf (299.11 KB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Informe final del Comité de la Segunda Evaluación del Funcionamiento de la CCRVMA
      Comité de Evaluación del Funcionamiento de la CCRVMA
      Mostrar menos información
      Propuesta para la financiación por parte del GEF (Fondo Mundial para el Medio Ambiente) para apoyar el desarrollo de capacidades de los Miembros de la CCRVMA que reúnan las condiciones exigidas por el GEF
      Delegaciones de Chile, India, Namibia, Sudáfrica y Ucrania, y la Secretaría
      Mostrar menos información
      Examen de los Estados Financieros Revisados de 2015
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Examen del presupuesto de 2017, proyecto de presupuesto de 2018 y proyección del presupuesto para 2019
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Informe del Secretario Ejecutivo de 2016/17
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Informe del Grupo de trabajo por correspondencia sobre financiación sostenible para 2016/17
      Secretaría de la CCRVMA
      Mostrar menos información
      Description of the General Fund Budget
      CCAMLR Secretariat


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      1     Opening of meeting

      The Chair of SCAF will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members and Observers.

      2     Organisation of meeting
      2.1     Agenda

      This agenda was adopted by the Commission under Item 2 of its agenda.

      3     Annual Financial Statements
      3.1     Examination of Audited Financial Statements for 2016

      Consistent with Financial Regulation 11.1, a full audit of the 2016 Financial Statements was completed in early 2017. The Financial Statements, together with the associated Audit Report, will be reviewed by SCAF and presented for acceptance by the Commission. In this regard, note should also be taken of COMM CIRC 17/37.

      3.2     Appointment of auditor

      SCAF will recommend an auditor for the 2017 and 2018 financial statements.

      4     Secretariat matters
      4.1     Executive Secretary’s Report

      The Executive Secretary will present his annual report. The report will summarise the implementation of activities and tasks described in the 2015–2018 Strategic Plan undertaken during the 2016/17 intersessional period (CCAMLR-XXXI, Annex 7, paragraph 3). The report will include matters relating to the Staffing and Salary Strategy for the Secretariat.

      5     Report of the CCAMLR Intersessional Correspondence Group on Sustainable Financing

      The Secretariat, as convener of an open-ended informal correspondence group established by the Commission (CCAMLR-XXXI, Annex 7, paragraph 13), will present a progress report on intersessional consultations that concerned further work to evaluate possible income-generating and cost-saving options (CCAMLR-XXXIII, Annex 7, paragraphs 14 and 15).

      6.1     Review of 2017 Budget

      The status of the 2017 budget will be presented for review.

      6.2     Draft Budget for 2018

      A draft budget for 2018 will be presented. This will be used to prepare a recommended budget for 2018. The advice to the Commission will reflect SCAF’s discussions on financial and administrative issues as well as advice from the Scientific Committee and SCIC Chairs.  This item will be finalised late in the second week of the Commission’s meeting.

      As part of its budgetary considerations, SCAF will review any income and expenditure proposals for any of the Special and other Funds.

      6.3     Forecast Budget for 2019

      The Committee will present a forecast budget for 2019 to the Commission for information purposes only.

      8     Report adoption

      SCAF will adopt a report that will be provided to the Commission.
