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In 2017, the Scientific Committee agreed to hold a Workshop on Spatial Management (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, paragraph 13.23) as part of its five-year work plan. It also noted a number of issues related to specific MPA planning processes that could be discussed further at the workshop.
The Scientific Committee’s five-year work plan (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/40) set out science topics under the theme of ‘Spatial management of impacts on the Antarctic ecosystem’, and highlighted two priority topics for the Workshop on Spatial Management:
- Spatial planning data management
- Implementation of the Ross Sea Region MPA Research and Monitoring Plan
The workshop terms of reference were developed intersessionally, based on the science topics and priorities in the five-year work plan, and were updated following feedback from Members (SC CIRC 18/18).
Submitted workshop papers, along with presentations and analyses conducted during the workshop, will form the basis for discussion and advice.
Welcome to participants and overview of facilities, Secretariat’s offices, computer support, internet access and social activities.
Amendments to, and adoption of, the meeting agenda, assignment of meeting papers to agenda items, appointment of rapporteurs and procedures for the preparation of the report and establishment of ad hoc subgroups if necessary.
The Workshop will consider general principles, in pursuance of the objective and principles of the Convention, to make use of the full range of spatial management tools available to be implemented under CM 91-04 and other mechanisms. Where possible, the workshop will aim to identify common elements and approaches on issues including:
- Achievement of the objectives of CM 91-04 across the Convention Area
- Criteria and methods to scientifically interpret and measure the achievement of MPA objectives
- Scientific background information and methodologies required for spatial management planning processes, including considerations of data availability.
SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/01 | Отчет созывающих Семинара АНТКОМ по разработке гипотезы о популяции Dissostichus mawsoni для Района 48 Созывающие Семинара К. Дарби (СК) и К. Джонс (США) |
WS-SM-18/05 | An experimental approach for the Antarctic krill fishery: advancing management and conservation through the use of Krill Reference Areas and Krill Fishing Areas P.N Trathan and O.R. Godø |
WS-SM-18/10 | Comments on the use of MPA for spatial management in the CCAMLR area Delegation of the Russian Federation |
WS-SM-18/12 Rev. 1 | Progress towards a representative network of Southern Ocean protected areas C. Brooks, S. Chown, L. Douglass and B. Raymond |
WS-SM-18/14 | Are we there yet? Evaluating and reporting progress towards a Representative System of Marine Protected Area across the CAMLR Convention Area D.C. Welsford |
The workshop will review technical issues relating to the development of specific MPA proposals, including on available scientific data and methodological approaches. It will aim to provide advice in response to specific questions identified during SC-CAMLR-XXXVI.
WS-SM-18/P01 | Abundance and richness of key Antarctic seafloor fauna correlates with modelled food availability J. Jansen, N.A. Hill, P.K. Dunstan, J. McKinlay, M.D. Sumner, A.L. Post, M.P. Eléaume, L.K. Armand, J.P. Warncock, B.K. Galton-Fenzi and C.R. Johnson |
WS-SM-18/P02 | Model-based mapping of assemblages for ecology and conservation management: A case study of demersal fish on the Kerguelen Plateau N.A. Hill, S.D. Foster, G. Duhamel, D. Welsford, P. Koubbi and C.R. Johnson |
The workshop will review progress and updates on the development of a proposal for a system of MPAs in Planning Domain 1, including work progressed by the Domain 1 MPA Expert Group. This will include consideration of issues raised by WG-EMM (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, Annex 6, paragraphs 4.21 to 4.22) and the Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, paragraphs 5.19 to 5.35).
Focus topics identified by the D1MPA Expert Group for its work include:
- Climate change and reference areas for D1MPA;
- Krill fishery management strategies and harmonisation with D1MPA;
- Information on fisheries in the D1MPA planning process (e.g. cost layer, krill fishery displacement, toothfish research fishery).
WS-SM-18/05 | An experimental approach for the Antarctic krill fishery: advancing management and conservation through the use of Krill Reference Areas and Krill Fishing Areas P.N Trathan and O.R. Godø |
WS-SM-18/17 | The identification of scientific reference areas in the wider context of MPA planning – report of the CCAMLR scholarship recipient A. Capurro, M.M. Santos, R. Cavanagh and S. Grant |
WS-SM-18/18 | Further information in relation to krill fisheries in the D1MPA process A. Capurro and M.M. Santos with contributions from the D1MPA Expert Group |
WS-SM-18/P03 | What’s the catch? Profiling the risks and costs associated with marine protected areas and displaced fishing in the Scotia Sea E.S. Klein and G.M. Watters |
The workshop will review progress and updates on the proposed Weddell Sea MPA, including consideration of issues raised by WG-EMM (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, Annex 6, paragraphs 5.9 to 5.19) and the Scientific Committee (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, paragraph 5.8).
The workshop will also consider the report of the Workshop for the Development of a Dissostichus mawsoni Population Hypothesis for Area 48 (held in Berlin, Germany, 19 to 21 February 2018), focusing on specific outputs relating to the further development of the WSMPA proposal.
The workshop will review progress and updates on the development of a representative system of Indian Ocean sub-Antarctic MPAs, including work progressed by the Indian Ocean sub-Antarctic spatial planning e-Group (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, Annex 6, paragraphs 3.29 to 3.37).
WS-SM-18/07 | Predator trophic hotspots in the Indian sector of the subantarctic Southern Ocean: how do they overlap with marine protected areas? M. O’Toole, S. Sergi, A. Baudena, C. Cotté, C. Bost, C. Guinet, H. Weimerskirch, M.A. Hindell, P. Koubbi and F. d’Ovidio |
The workshop will consider general principles and common approaches for efficient and effective monitoring and assessment of MPAs, including through MPA research and monitoring plans.
The workshop will continue the development of the Ross Sea region MPA research and monitoring plan (addressing Scientific Committee comments, SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, paragraph 5.45), and discuss mechanisms for its implementation. It will consider the development of baseline data, criteria and indicators for the RSRMPA (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/20, paragraphs 21 to 25; and SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, paragraph 5.45) and the development of the RSRMPA project lists (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/20, paragraphs 10 and 11; and SC-CAMLR-XXXVI, paragraphs 5.44 and 5.45).
The workshop will also consider updates to the draft South Orkney Islands southern shelf MPA research and monitoring plan, in advance of the review of this MPA in 2019.
The workshop will develop recommendations for data management in relation to:
- Spatial management planning processes
- MPA research and monitoring plans.
This will include consideration of the requirements for data management by the Secretariat (noting ongoing work by the Data Management Group), as well as the potential links with, and use of, existing external data portals and warehouses (e.g. SOOS).
Specifically in relation to the RSRMPA, this will include a preliminary discussion on how the Scientific Committee should review Member reports on scientific activities in 2021 as specified under CM 91-05 (paragraph 15), and how the Secretariat should compile such reports.
The workshop will identify prioritised research topics within the theme of ‘Spatial management of impacts on the Antarctic ecosystem’ to provide to the Scientific Committee for consideration in updating its five-year work plan.
The workshop will consider the scope and potential mechanisms for future cooperation and collaboration with other scientific programs (e.g. SCAR, SOOS, ICED), in terms of the provision of data relating to the development of spatial management and MPA research and monitoring.
The workshop will discuss how future SC-CAMLR work on the scientific and data aspects of spatial management can most effectively be undertaken given existing working group structures and agendas.
Participants are invited to identify issues for consideration under Other business. Papers submitted under this agenda item should link their content to the workshop terms of reference and identify specific actions sought.
The Workshop will provide advice to the Scientific Committee and to other working groups as appropriate. Specific advice will be summarised in this agenda item following general discussion in other agenda items.
As is usual practice in meetings of the Scientific Committee and its working groups, rapporteurs will draft sections of the report according to general guidelines for its production. The Secretariat is responsible for formatting, editing and circulation of the report. Any proposed changes to the report prior to report adoption should be arranged through the rapporteurs or the Co-conveners using the web-based document management system. Adoption of the report will be conducted interactively.
Discussion will conclude by midday on Thursday, allowing Thursday afternoon and evening for report preparation and reading. Report adoption will be on Friday morning.