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    Рабочая группа по побочной смертности, связанной с промыслом
    Хобарт, Австралия
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    понедельник, сентября 26, 2022 - 09:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)

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      Номер документа Заголовок Пункт(ы) повестки дня
      Обзор Правил доступа и использования данных АНТКОМ
      Председатель Консультативной группы службы данных (DSAG)
      The application of electronic monitoring in CCAMLR fisheries
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Proposal for a Workshop to enhance the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP)
      C. Waluda, M. Collins, M. Korczak-Abshire, J.-H. Kim, G. Milinevsky, A. Kato and S. Olmastroni
      Report of the Chair of the Scientific Committee on the CCAMLR Scientific Committee Symposium
      Chair of the Scientific Committee
      8, 9.1
      Approaches to data collection and analysis for detecting and quantifying functional overlap at the scale of the individual vessell
      M. Söffker and N. Gasco
      WG-EMM-2022/26 Rev. 1
      Return of the giants: Summer abundance of fin whales in the Scotia Sea
      M. Biuw, U. Lindstrøm, J.A. Jackson, M. Baines, N. Kelly, G. McCallum, G. Skaret and B.A. Krafft
      WG-FSA-2021/04 Rev. 1
      Summary of incidental mortality associated with fishing activities collected in scientific observer and vessel data during the 2020 and 2021 seasons
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Develop methods for the co-existence of large baleen whales with a sustainable krill fishery
      B.A. Krafft, U. Lindstrøm, M. Biuw M and A. Lowther
      4.2.1, 4.3
      ACAP review of mitigation measures and best practice advice for reducing the impact of demersal longline fisheries on seabirds
      Submitted by the Invited Expert Igor Debski
      Update on the conservation status of albatrosses and petrels in the CCAMLR area
      Submitted by the Invited Expert Igor Debski
      Data collection guidelines for observer and electronic monitoring programs to improve knowledge of fishery impacts on seabirds
      Submitted by the Invited Expert Igor Debski
      Safe handling and release guidelines for seabirds
      Submitted by the Invited Expert Igor Debski
      ACAP review of mitigation measures and best-practice advice for reducing the impact of pelagic and demersal trawl fisheries on seabirds
      Submitted by the Invited Expert Igor Debski
      Summary of incidental mortality associated with fishing activities during the 2022 season, and review of incidental mortality data and warp strike data since 2012
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      3, 4.2.2, 5.2
      Report of IWC Scientific Committee intersessional group on whale entanglement in Southern Ocean krill fishery
      Submitted by the Invited Expert Russell Leaper
      4.2.1, 4.1, 4.3
      New Zealand sea lion exclusion device as an example of successful by-catch mitigation
      E. Pardo, G. Lydon, A. Dunn and L. Boren
      Results of the net monitor trial season 2
      S. Young, J. Moir Clark, J. Chapman, B. A. Krafft and A. Lowther
      Results of the net monitor trial season 3
      S. Young, J. Moir Clark, J. Chapman, B. A. Krafft and A. Lowther
      Observations of marine mammals in Subarea 48.3 of CCAMLR
      C. Passadore, P. Conti and O. Pin
      Fisheries bycatch mitigation measures as an efficient tool for the conservation of seabird populations
      A. Dasnon, K. Delord, A. Chaigne and C. Barbraud

      повестки дня

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      1     Opening of the meeting

      The meeting will start with an introduction by the Working Group Co-conveners and inform delegates of administrative, technical and organisational matters.

      2     Adoption of the agenda

      Procedural agenda item. The annotated agenda has been prepared to assist meeting attendees in identifying which papers are planned to be discussed under individual agenda items. Once the agenda is adopted, rapporteurs and subgroups for the consideration of particular issues will be appointed.

      3     Review of incidental mortality in CCAMLR fisheries
      4     Marine mammal incidental mortality
      4.1     Population status of marine mammals in the CAMLR Convention Area

      Update on population status and trends for species occurring in the CAMLR Convention Area.

      4.2     Incidental mortality and risk assessments of marine mammals in CCAMLR fisheries
      4.2.1     Review of whale entanglement information

      The Co-conveners will introduce the recent humpback whale by-catch issues, and refer to outcomes from the intersessional actions to engage with IWC during 2022.

      4.2.2     Review of recent high rates of seal by-catch reported
      4.3     Mitigation methods for marine mammals

      Review of mitigation methods to reduce the incidental mortality of pinnipeds and cetaceans. The Working Group also will give consideration to the development of move-on rules or avoidance techniques in the krill fishery, and the design of marine mammal exclusion devices.

      5     Seabird incidental mortality
      5.1     Population status of seabird species in the CAMLR Convention Area
      5.2     Seabird incidental mortality and risk assessments in CCAMLR fisheries

      Discussion on emerging issues of seabird by-catch in CCAMLR fisheries. Consideration of a standard method for the extrapolation from incidental mortalities and warp/cable strikes to estimate total interactions and mortality numbers, accounting for differences between fishing methods, hauling/setting versus trawling period, time of day and season.

      5.3.1     Review of net monitoring cable trial

      Consideration of bird strike trials and provision of guidance on warp/cable strike counts by observers, as well as discussion on mitigation measure designs to reduce bird strikes on trawl warps and net monitoring cables.

      WG-IMAF-2022/10 Results of the net monitor trial season 2
      S. Young, J. Moir Clark, J. Chapman, B. A. Krafft and A. Lowther
      WG-IMAF-2022/11 Results of the net monitor trial season 3
      S. Young, J. Moir Clark, J. Chapman, B. A. Krafft and A. Lowther
      6     Observer reports and data collection

      Discussion on matters related to data collection, observer protocols, needs and ways to refine data quality where needed.

      7     Collaboration with relevant organisations

      Following the recommendation by SC-CAMLR-40, collaboration with intergovernmental organisations (namely ACAP and IWC) and the fishing industry (COLTO, ARK) is expected. The Working Group will discuss modalities to maximise collaboration with these and other organisations (including relevant regional fisheries management organisations) to reduce the incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals in CCAMLR and neighbouring waters.

      8     Future intersessional work
      9     Other business
      9.1     Review of Scientific Committee Strategic Plan
      9.2     Review of WG-IMAF terms of reference

      The Working Group will review current Working Group terms of reference and discuss the needs for updates or amendments, noting WG-IMAF is meeting after a 10-year break.

      10     Advice to the Scientific Committee
      11     Adoption of the report
      12     Close of the meeting.

      WG-IMAF-2022 Schedule (last updated: 10 October 2022)

      Monday 10 October
      09.00   1. Opening of the meeting
      09.30   2. Adoption of the Agenda
      09.45   3. Review of Incidental Mortality in CCAMLR Fisheries
      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break
      11.00   4.1. Population status of marine mammals in the CAMLR Convention Area
      11.30   4.2 Incidental mortality and risk assessments of marine mammals in CCAMLR fisheries
      12.00   4.2.1. Review of whale entanglement information
      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch
      14.00   4.2.1. Review of whale entanglement information (cont.)
      14.30   4.2.2. Review of recent high rates of seal by-catch reported

      15.00   4.3. Mitigation methods for marine mammals

                  4.4. Advice to the Scientific Committee regarding marine mammals and CCAMLR fisheries

      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break
      16.00   5.1. Population status of seabird species in the CAMLR Convention Area

                  5.2. Seabird incidental mortality and risk assessments in CCAMLR fisheries

                  5.3. Mitigation methods for seabirds

      Tuesday 11 October
      09.00   5.3. Mitigation methods for seabirds (cont.)
      10.00   5.3.1. Review of net monitoring cable trial
      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break
      11.00   5.4. Advice to the Scientific Committee regarding seabirds and CCAMLR fisheries
      11.30   6. Observer reports and data collection
      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch
      14.00   7. Collaboration with relevant organisations
      14.30   8. Future intersessional work
      15.00   9.1. Review of Scientific Committee Strategic Plan

                  9.2. Review of WG-IMAF terms of reference
      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break
      16.00   Subgroup discussions
      Wednesday 12 October
      09.00   Outstanding agenda items
      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break
      11.00   Outstanding agenda items (cont.)
      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch
      14.00   Outstanding agenda items (cont.)
      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break
      16.00   Outstanding agenda items (cont.)
      Thursday 13 October
      All day   Report drafting & FSA feedback
      Friday 14 October
      09.00   9. Other business

                10. Adoption of the report
      10.30 – 11.00   Coffee break
      11.00   10. Adoption of the report (cont.)
      12.30 – 14.00   Lunch
      14.00   10. Adoption of the report (cont.)
      15.30 – 16.00   Coffee break
      16.00   10. Adoption of the report (cont.)
      17.00   11. Close of the meeting