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    Рабочая группа по оценке рыбных запасов
    Хобарт, Австралия
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    вторник, сентября 26, 1995 - 00:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)
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    r-sc-xiv-a5.pdf (10 МБ)


      Номер документа Заголовок Пункт(ы) повестки дня
      Provisional agenda and annotation to the provisional agenda for the 1995 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      List of participants
      A new fishery for D. eleginoides at Macquarie Island
      Williams, R.
      Abundance of larvae and assessment of recruitment size of Carlsberg lantern fish (Electrona carlsbergi Tåning, 1932) - (family myctophidae) in Southwest Atlantic in 1989
      Nevisnky, M.M.
      Species composition of icefishes of the genus Channichthys (Channichthyidae, Nototheioidei) in the Kerguelen Islands area with a description of three new species
      Shandikov, G.A.
      A new species of icefish Channichthys panticapaei sp. N. (Channichthyidae, Notothenioidei) from Kerguelen Island, Antarctica
      Shandikov, G.A.
      Peches exploratoires dans la sous-zone 58.6, resultats des campagnes 1983 a 1995
      Duhamel, G.
      Larval fish distribution and abundance of the western Ross Sea
      Greco, S., la Mesa, M., Vacchi, M.
      Brief biological characteristics of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3 according to the results of the SRTMK Itkul fishing trip in May 1995
      Zaitsev, A.K.
      WG-FSA-95/13 Rev. 1
      Some biological aspects of fishing Champsocephalus gunnari in the Kerguelen area in the season of 1994/95
      Pshenichnov, L.K.
      VPA as one of the approaches for settling a problem of Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, population quantity (Subarea 48.3, South Georgia)
      Shlyakhov, V.A.
      WG-FSA-95/15 Rev. 1
      Fishing of icefishes (Channichthyidae family) in the Kerguelen Ridge waters (Subarea 58.5) in 1970-1978 split years
      Gherasimchook, V.V.
      WG-FSA-95/16 Rev. 1
      Report of the fishing cruise of the Korean vessel, Ihn Sung 66, in statistical Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) (fish observations - March to May 1995)
      Kozlov, A.N.
      Rossii revisited: new information on the early history of the fishery for Notothenia rossii in Subarea 48.3
      Agnew, D.J.
      Analysis of fishing for Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, conducted during the 28th fishery voyage by SRT Primorets
      Chikov, V.N.
      Extract from the first International Workshop on Albatross-Fisheries Interactions
      Delegation of United Kingdom
      Report submitted to the longline management committee on the hake-directed longline pilot study conducted from 23 May 1994 to 31 May 1995
      Japp, D.W.
      The effects of an experimental hake Merluccius capensis/paradoxus longline fishery on Procellariiform seabirds in South Africa - a preliminary investigation
      Barnes, K.
      Preliminary assessment of longline experiment: west coast hake
      Japp, D., Butterworth, D., Leslie, R., Geromont, H.
      Data availability for the Dissostichus workshop
      Population status and establishing a tac for Champsocephalus gunnari in the South Georgia area (48.3)
      Shust, K.V.
      WG-FSA-95/25 Rev. 2
      Catch and effort data for the longline fishery in Subarea 48.3 - comparison of data reported to CCAMLR and data acquired by the UK
      Parkes, G.
      1995 assessment of the Falklands longline fishery for toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides
      Des Clers, S., Kirkwood, G., Baranowski, R.
      WG-FSA-95/27 Rev. 1
      Length composition, sex ratio, and pre-spawning migration of Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3 during 1995
      Agnew, D.J.
      The metazoan endoparasite fauna of the patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898 (Pisces: Nototheniidae) off central Chile: taxonomic, ecological and zoogeographic aspects
      George-Nascimento, M., Rodriguez, L.
      Investigacion monitoreo capturas de bacalao de profundidad al sur 47° L.S. 1994
      Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile
      WG-FSA-95/3 Rev. 2
      List of documents
      Investigacion CTP bacalao de profundidad al sur 47° L.S. 1994
      Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile
      Informe final - investigacion CTP bacalao de profundidad al sur 47° L.S. 1995
      Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile
      Variations in the chronology of ovarian maturation in three channichthyids at South Georgia
      Kock, K.-H., Parkes, G., Everson, I.
      The use of stock depletion models for the assessment of local abundance of toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides
      Moreno, C., Young, Z., Pilling, G., Parkes, G.
      A comparison of densities and length distribution of the Champsocephalus gunnari stock in Subarea 48.3 between years 1994 and 1995
      Marschoff, E., Calcagno, J., Gonzalez, B.
      Results of E.L. Holmberg 1995 fish survey in Subarea 48.3
      Marschoff, E., Madirolas, A., Balestrini, C., Tossonotto, G., Gonzalez, B., Calcagno, J.
      Analysis of the diet of Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3, Dr E. Holmberg survey, February 1995
      Marschoff, E., Barrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R.
      Age-length key for Champsocephalus gunnari from Subarea 48.3; Holmberg survey, February 1995
      Casaux, R., Marschoff, E., Barrera-Oro, E.
      Distribucion, estructura de tallas, alimentacion y pesca de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides Smith, 1898) en el mar Argentino
      Perrotta, R.G., Cassia, M.C.
      WG-FSA-95/4 Rev. 1
      Report of the third cruise of the SRTM RK-1 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (May to October 1994) (seabird observations)
      Khvichiya, V.A.
      WG-FSA-95/40 Rev. 1
      Bycatch of fishes captured by the krill fishing vessel Chiyo Maru No. 2 in Statistical Area 58 (January to March 1995)
      Watters, G.
      A generalised model for evaluating yield and the long term status of fish stocks under conditions of uncertainty
      de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.J.
      Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesqueria de Dissostichus eleginoides en el Area 48.3 (temporada 1995)
      Rubilar, P.S., Moreno, C.A., Benzaquen, L., Marschoff, E.
      Potential interactions between wandering albatrosses and Dissostichus eleginoides fisheries at South Georgia
      Prince, P.A., Croxall, J.P.
      Intersessional work on seabirds incidental mortality in longline fisheries
      A first insight into the longline fishing operations based in Patagonia and their effects on wildlife
      Crespo, E., García, N., Schiavini, A., Frere, E.
      Resultados de la observacion cientifica a bordo del B/P Isla Camila en la Subarea 48.3
      Quintero, F., Balguerías, E.
      Composition and vertical distribution of near-bottom ichthyofauna in the southern Kerguelen ridge (Statistical Division 58.4.3)
      Piotrovsky, A.S.
      Report of the Workshop on Methods for the assessment of Dissostichus eleginoides(Hobart, Australia, 5 to 9 October 1995)
      Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XXII en la Subarea 48.3 (25 de marzo al 15 de mayo)
      José P. Maraboli A. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/5 Rev. 1
      Report of the fishing cruise of the Korean vessel Ihn Sung 66 in Statistical Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) (seabird observations March to May 1995)
      Kozlov, A.N.
      Observacion cientific de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Estela en la Subarea 48.3 (06 de marzo al 29 de mayo 1995)
      Mario Acevedo Gyllen (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Marunaka en la subarea 48.3 (06 de marzo al 26 de abril de 1995)
      Pedro S. Rubilar (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Estela en la subarea 48.3 (06 de marzo al 16 de mayo de 1995)
      Cristian Lemaître A. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Mar Del Sur II en la subarea 48.3 (20 de abril al 16 de mayo)
      Gastón Ojeda Maguire (Scientifc Observer, Chile)
      Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XX en la subarea 48.3 (05 de marzo al 25 de mayo de 1995)
      José R. Pacheo B. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XXIII en la subarea 48.3 (20 de marzo al 25 de mayo de 1995)
      César A. Gordon (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      Brief report on scientific observation under CCAMLR scheme on commercial vessel SRTMK Itkul (25 April to 19 June 1995)
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Informe de la observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Isla Camila en la subarea 48.3 (1º de marzo al 17 de mayo de 1995)
      Quintero, F.
      An investigation into the causes of seabird mortality and solutions to this in the Spanish system of demersal longline fishing for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the South Atlantic Ocean
      Delegation of Australia

      повестки дня

      Развернуть все Примечания | Развернуть все Документы | Свернуть все

      WG-FSA-95/01 Provisional agenda and annotation to the provisional agenda for the 1995 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      WG-FSA-95/02 List of participants
      WG-FSA-95/06 A new fishery for D. eleginoides at Macquarie Island
      Williams, R.
      WG-FSA-95/07 Abundance of larvae and assessment of recruitment size of Carlsberg lantern fish (Electrona carlsbergi Tåning, 1932) - (family myctophidae) in Southwest Atlantic in 1989
      Nevisnky, M.M.
      WG-FSA-95/08 Species composition of icefishes of the genus Channichthys (Channichthyidae, Nototheioidei) in the Kerguelen Islands area with a description of three new species
      Shandikov, G.A.
      WG-FSA-95/09 A new species of icefish Channichthys panticapaei sp. N. (Channichthyidae, Notothenioidei) from Kerguelen Island, Antarctica
      Shandikov, G.A.
      WG-FSA-95/10 Peches exploratoires dans la sous-zone 58.6, resultats des campagnes 1983 a 1995
      Duhamel, G.
      WG-FSA-95/11 Larval fish distribution and abundance of the western Ross Sea
      Greco, S., la Mesa, M., Vacchi, M.
      WG-FSA-95/12 Brief biological characteristics of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3 according to the results of the SRTMK Itkul fishing trip in May 1995
      Zaitsev, A.K.
      WG-FSA-95/13 Rev. 1 Some biological aspects of fishing Champsocephalus gunnari in the Kerguelen area in the season of 1994/95
      Pshenichnov, L.K.
      WG-FSA-95/14 VPA as one of the approaches for settling a problem of Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, population quantity (Subarea 48.3, South Georgia)
      Shlyakhov, V.A.
      WG-FSA-95/15 Rev. 1 Fishing of icefishes (Channichthyidae family) in the Kerguelen Ridge waters (Subarea 58.5) in 1970-1978 split years
      Gherasimchook, V.V.
      WG-FSA-95/16 Rev. 1 Report of the fishing cruise of the Korean vessel, Ihn Sung 66, in statistical Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) (fish observations - March to May 1995)
      Kozlov, A.N.
      WG-FSA-95/17 Rossii revisited: new information on the early history of the fishery for Notothenia rossii in Subarea 48.3
      Agnew, D.J.
      WG-FSA-95/18 Analysis of fishing for Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, conducted during the 28th fishery voyage by SRT Primorets
      Chikov, V.N.
      WG-FSA-95/19 Extract from the first International Workshop on Albatross-Fisheries Interactions
      Delegation of United Kingdom
      WG-FSA-95/20 Report submitted to the longline management committee on the hake-directed longline pilot study conducted from 23 May 1994 to 31 May 1995
      Japp, D.W.
      WG-FSA-95/21 The effects of an experimental hake Merluccius capensis/paradoxus longline fishery on Procellariiform seabirds in South Africa - a preliminary investigation
      Barnes, K.
      WG-FSA-95/22 Preliminary assessment of longline experiment: west coast hake
      Japp, D., Butterworth, D., Leslie, R., Geromont, H.
      WG-FSA-95/23 Data availability for the Dissostichus workshop
      WG-FSA-95/24 Population status and establishing a tac for Champsocephalus gunnari in the South Georgia area (48.3)
      Shust, K.V.
      WG-FSA-95/25 Rev. 2 Catch and effort data for the longline fishery in Subarea 48.3 - comparison of data reported to CCAMLR and data acquired by the UK
      Parkes, G.
      WG-FSA-95/26 1995 assessment of the Falklands longline fishery for toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides
      Des Clers, S., Kirkwood, G., Baranowski, R.
      WG-FSA-95/27 Rev. 1 Length composition, sex ratio, and pre-spawning migration of Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3 during 1995
      Agnew, D.J.
      WG-FSA-95/28 The metazoan endoparasite fauna of the patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898 (Pisces: Nototheniidae) off central Chile: taxonomic, ecological and zoogeographic aspects
      George-Nascimento, M., Rodriguez, L.
      WG-FSA-95/29 Investigacion monitoreo capturas de bacalao de profundidad al sur 47° L.S. 1994
      Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile
      WG-FSA-95/3 Rev. 2 List of documents
      WG-FSA-95/30 Investigacion CTP bacalao de profundidad al sur 47° L.S. 1994
      Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile
      WG-FSA-95/31 Informe final - investigacion CTP bacalao de profundidad al sur 47° L.S. 1995
      Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile
      WG-FSA-95/32 Variations in the chronology of ovarian maturation in three channichthyids at South Georgia
      Kock, K.-H., Parkes, G., Everson, I.
      WG-FSA-95/33 The use of stock depletion models for the assessment of local abundance of toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides
      Moreno, C., Young, Z., Pilling, G., Parkes, G.
      WG-FSA-95/34 A comparison of densities and length distribution of the Champsocephalus gunnari stock in Subarea 48.3 between years 1994 and 1995
      Marschoff, E., Calcagno, J., Gonzalez, B.
      WG-FSA-95/35 Results of E.L. Holmberg 1995 fish survey in Subarea 48.3
      Marschoff, E., Madirolas, A., Balestrini, C., Tossonotto, G., Gonzalez, B., Calcagno, J.
      WG-FSA-95/36 Analysis of the diet of Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3, Dr E. Holmberg survey, February 1995
      Marschoff, E., Barrera-Oro, E., Casaux, R.
      WG-FSA-95/37 Age-length key for Champsocephalus gunnari from Subarea 48.3; Holmberg survey, February 1995
      Casaux, R., Marschoff, E., Barrera-Oro, E.
      WG-FSA-95/38 Distribucion, estructura de tallas, alimentacion y pesca de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides Smith, 1898) en el mar Argentino
      Perrotta, R.G., Cassia, M.C.
      WG-FSA-95/39 Vacant
      WG-FSA-95/4 Rev. 1 Report of the third cruise of the SRTM RK-1 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (May to October 1994) (seabird observations)
      Khvichiya, V.A.
      WG-FSA-95/40 Rev. 1 Bycatch of fishes captured by the krill fishing vessel Chiyo Maru No. 2 in Statistical Area 58 (January to March 1995)
      Watters, G.
      WG-FSA-95/41 A generalised model for evaluating yield and the long term status of fish stocks under conditions of uncertainty
      de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.J.
      WG-FSA-95/42 Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesqueria de Dissostichus eleginoides en el Area 48.3 (temporada 1995)
      Rubilar, P.S., Moreno, C.A., Benzaquen, L., Marschoff, E.
      WG-FSA-95/43 Potential interactions between wandering albatrosses and Dissostichus eleginoides fisheries at South Georgia
      Prince, P.A., Croxall, J.P.
      WG-FSA-95/44 Intersessional work on seabirds incidental mortality in longline fisheries
      WG-FSA-95/45 A first insight into the longline fishing operations based in Patagonia and their effects on wildlife
      Crespo, E., García, N., Schiavini, A., Frere, E.
      WG-FSA-95/46 Resultados de la observacion cientifica a bordo del B/P Isla Camila en la Subarea 48.3
      Quintero, F., Balguerías, E.
      WG-FSA-95/47 Composition and vertical distribution of near-bottom ichthyofauna in the southern Kerguelen ridge (Statistical Division 58.4.3)
      Piotrovsky, A.S.
      WG-FSA-95/48 Report of the Workshop on Methods for the assessment of Dissostichus eleginoides(Hobart, Australia, 5 to 9 October 1995)
      WG-FSA-95/49 Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XXII en la Subarea 48.3 (25 de marzo al 15 de mayo)
      José P. Maraboli A. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/5 Rev. 1 Report of the fishing cruise of the Korean vessel Ihn Sung 66 in Statistical Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) (seabird observations March to May 1995)
      Kozlov, A.N.
      WG-FSA-95/50 Observacion cientific de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Estela en la Subarea 48.3 (06 de marzo al 29 de mayo 1995)
      Mario Acevedo Gyllen (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/51 Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Marunaka en la subarea 48.3 (06 de marzo al 26 de abril de 1995)
      Pedro S. Rubilar (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/52 Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Estela en la subarea 48.3 (06 de marzo al 16 de mayo de 1995)
      Cristian Lemaître A. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/53 Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Mar Del Sur II en la subarea 48.3 (20 de abril al 16 de mayo)
      Gastón Ojeda Maguire (Scientifc Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/54 Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XX en la subarea 48.3 (05 de marzo al 25 de mayo de 1995)
      José R. Pacheo B. (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/55 Observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Arbumasa XXIII en la subarea 48.3 (20 de marzo al 25 de mayo de 1995)
      César A. Gordon (Scientific Observer, Chile)
      WG-FSA-95/56 Brief report on scientific observation under CCAMLR scheme on commercial vessel SRTMK Itkul (25 April to 19 June 1995)
      Delegation of Ukraine
      WG-FSA-95/57 Informe de la observacion cientifica de la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides a bordo del B/P Isla Camila en la subarea 48.3 (1º de marzo al 17 de mayo de 1995)
      Quintero, F.
      WG-FSA-95/58 An investigation into the causes of seabird mortality and solutions to this in the Spanish system of demersal longline fishing for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the South Atlantic Ocean
      Delegation of Australia