Noting the large increase in new research proposals tabled targeting toothfish across the Convention Area, and the relative lack of progress in achieving research objectives in some areas, WG-SAM-17 recommended that the procedures for research plan proposals in data poor fisheries be compiled and further developed to bring together the advice from the Scientific Committee and its Working Groups in one place, to provide context and direction where the process has not previously been specified, and to provide recommendations for the Scientific Committee to consider with regard to a CCAMLR strategy to manage progress and ensure success of research plans in data poor fisheries. We provide a chronology of the advice developed since 2011, when data-poor fisheries were first acknowledged in Conservation Measure 41-01, and provide recommendations for streamlining the review of new and ongoing research plans. As noted by the Scientific Committee and its Working Groups, we see benefit in an increased emphasis on multi-member collaboration, and firm commitment to ‘off the water’ research milestones such as ageing otoliths, analysing samples and data to inform stock hypotheses, and developing capability in conducting robust stock assessments.
Procedures for proposals and reporting on research plans in data-poor fisheries
Номер документа:
Представлено (имя):
Dr Dirk Welsford
Утверждено (имя):
Dr Dirk Welsford
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