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    понедельник, июня 21, 2021 - 00:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)
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    r-sc-40-a6.pdf (571.37 КБ)


      Номер документа Заголовок Пункт(ы) повестки дня
      Diet of Adélie penguin and emperor penguin given the regional differences in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
      S.-Y. Hong, J.-K. Gal, B. Lee, W. Son, J.-W. Jung, H.S. La, K.-H. Shin, J.-H. Kim and S.-Y. Ha
      Molecular diet analysis of Pygoscelis adeliae in the Ross Sea using fecal DNAs
      N. Tabassum, J.-H. Lee, J.-H. Kim, H. Park and H.-W. Kim
      The foraging behaviour of nonbreeding Adélie penguins in the western Antarctic Peninsula during the breeding season
      W.C. Oosthuizen, P.A. Pistorius, M. Korczak-Abshire, J.T. Hinke, M. Santos and A.D. Lowther
      Workshop report and synthesis: United States research and monitoring in support of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
      D. Ainley and C. Brooks
      WG-EMM-2021/05 Rev. 1
      Results from the WG-ASAM intersessional e-group on Krill biomass estimates from acoustic surveys
      WG-ASAM e-group on Krill biomass estimates from acoustic surveys
      Preliminary results of the density and distribution of krill larvae in the Mar de la Flota (Bransfield Strait) including Gerlache Strait and South Shetland surroundings during summer 2017–2020
      E. Rombolá, M. Sierra, B. Meyer and E. Marschoff
      An overview of the ecosystem survey to quantify krill abundance for krill monitoring and management in Eastern Sector of CCAMLR Division 58.4.2: Trends in Euphausiids off Mawson, Predators, and Oceanography “TEMPO”
      N. Kelly, S. Bestley, A. Burns, L. Clarke, K. Collins, M. Cox, D. Hamer, R. King, J. Kitchener, G. Macaulay, D. Maschette, J. Melvin, B. Miller, A. Smith, L. Suter, K. Westwood, S. Wotherspoon and S. Kawaguchi
      Annual report of the SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) 2021
      B. Meyer, J. Arata, A. Atkinson, C. Cárdenas, R. Cavanagh, M. Collins, J. Conroy, C. Darby, T. Dornan, R. Driscoll, S. Fielding, S. Grant, S. Hill, J. Hinke, S. Kawaguchi, S. Kasatkina, D. Kinzey, T. Knutsen, B. Krafft, L. Krüger, A. Lowther, E. Murphy, F. Perry, C. Reiss, E. Rombolá, F. Santa Cruz, M. Santos, F. Schaafsma, A. Sytov, P. Trathan, A. Van de Putte and G. Watters
      Effect of spatial scale on hotspot analysis of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) distribution
      G.P. Zhu and H. Liu
      Krill biology and size composition in Subarea 48.1 and 48.2 based on the RV Atlantida survey in 2020
      A. Sytov and D. Kozlov
      Results of krill flux study in Subarea 48.1 based on RV Atlántida survey in 2020
      V. Shnar, S. Kasatkina, A. Abramov and D. Shurin
      Krill distribution and environment in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 from results of the RV Atlántida cruise in 2020
      S. Kasatkina, V. Shrar, A. Abramov, M. Sokolov, D. Shurin, A. Sytov and D. Kozlov
      Functional responses of penguins: building towards better monitoring indices for adaptive management of the Antarctic krill fishery
      C. Oosthuizen, P. Pistorius, A. Makhado and A. Lowther
      New Zealand research and monitoring in the Ross Sea region in support of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area: 2021 update
      M.H. Pinkerton
      Ross Sea Life in a Changing Climate (ReLiCC) 2021 Voyage, 4 January – 17 February 2021
      R. O'Driscoll, A. Pallentin, A. Gutierrez Rodriguez, K. Safi, C. Law, C. Chin, P. Escobar-Flores, Y. Ladroit, P. Marriott, M. Gall, S. George, S. Seabrook, M. Druce, V. Cummings and M. Pinkerton
      A review of krill green-weight estimation using parameters submitted by vessels in C1 data, from methods specified in CM 21-03, Annex B
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Observations of birds and mammals in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 provided by the Russian RV Atlantida during January–March 2020: species composition and abundance
      I. Trufanova, S. Kasatkina and M. Sokolov
      Summary report of progress on spatial layers to support the development of the Weddell Sea MPA Phase 2
      G.P. Griffith, B. Merkel, T. Hattermann, J. Aarflot, H. Kauko, A. Skoglund, C. vonQuillfeldt, A. Høgestøl, B. Njåstad and B.A. Krafft with contributions from the participants at the International Scientific Workshop (digital) 10–12 May 2021
      WG-EMM-2021/19 Rev. 1
      The commercial fishery and pygoscelid penguins at three breeding sites in the Bransfield Strait, Subarea 48.1
      A. Lowther, H. Ahonen, C. Cárdenas, W. Jouanneau, B. Krafft, L. Krüger, A. Makkhado, A. Narvestad and C. Oosthuizen
      Intra-season variations in distribution and abundance of humpback whales in the West Antarctic Peninsula using cruise vessels as opportunistic platforms
      E. Johannessen, M. Biuw, U. Lindstrøm, V. Ollus, L. Lopez, K. Gkikopoulou, C. Oosthuizen and A. Lowther
      A preliminary evaluation of the evidence supporting fishery-driven localised depletion effects on the performance and demographic trends of pygoscelid penguins in Subarea 48.1
      A. Lowther, M. Biuw, U. Lindstrøm and B. Krafft
      Phytoplankton and zooplankton in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 in January–March 2020
      S.V. Аleksandrov, N.P. Dyushkov, S.N. Arkhipovsky and A.S. Semenova
      Using models to improve our understanding of Antarctic krill and their ecological role: Report of the Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Southern Ocean (ICED) workshop, 2021
      Z. Sylvester, D. Veytia, A. Bahl, D. Bahlburg, E. Murphy, N. Johnston, S. Corney, C. Brooks, B. Meyer, E. Hofmann and S. Thorpe
      CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program on Ardley Island
      A.L. Machado, M. Santos, L. Emmerson and A. Soutullo
      Update on the activities SCAR Antarctic Biodiversity Portal
      A.P. Van de Putte, M. Sweetlove and Y.M. Gan
      Estimating the average distribution of Antarctic krill at the northern Antarctic Peninsula
      V. Warwick-Evans, S. Fielding, C.S. Reiss, G.M. Watters and P.N. Trathan
      Using the Risk Assessment Framework to spread the catch limit in Subarea 48.1
      V. Warwick-Evans, L. Dalla Rosa, J.T. Hinke, N. Kelly, C. Reiss, E.R. Secchi, E. Seyboth, G.M. Watters, D. Welsford and P.N. Trathan
      Using seabird and whale distribution models to estimate spatial consumption of Antarctic krill to inform fishery management
      V. Warwick-Evans, N. Kelly, L. Dalla Rosa, A. Friedlaender, J.T. Hinke, J.H. Kim, N. Kokubun, J.A. Santora, E.R. Secchi, E. Seyboth and P.N. Trathan
      Towards a risk assessment for Subareas 48.2 and 48.3
      V. Warwick-Evans, F. Perry, S. Fielding and P.N. Trathan
      Designation of a newly exposed marine area adjacent to Pine Island Glacier (Subarea 88.3) as a Stage 1 Special Area for Scientific Study
      S.M. Grant, P.N. Trathan and L. Ireland
      Sympatric species respond differently to environmental change
      I.J. Martinez, A. Kacelnik, F. Jones, M. Dunn and T. Hart
      Characteristic spatial scale of distribution for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density in the Antarctic Peninsula
      G.P. Zhu and H. Liu
      A simple first step towards a science-based krill management for Subarea 48.1
      X. Zhao, X. Wang, G. Fan and Y. Ying
      2, 2.5
      Cetacean observations onboard krill fishing vessel near the Southern Orkney islands during Australian summer 2020/21
      K. Vishnyakova and J. Ivanchikova
      Parasitological monitoring of the fish species in the CCAMLR Area 48
      T. Kuzmina, K. Vishnyakova and J. Ivanchikova
      Acoustic detection of krill scattering layer in the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, Antarctica
      M. Kang, R. Fajaryanti, W. Son, J.-H. Kim and H.S. La
      Evidence for the impact of climate change on primary producers in the Southern Ocean
      M. Pinkerton, P. Boyd, S. Deppeler, A. Hayward, J. Höfer and S. Moreau
      Estimating variability and long-term change in sea ice primary productivity using a satellite-based light penetration index
      M. Pinkerton and A. Hayward
      Ross Sea benthic ecosystems: macro- and mega-faunal community patterns from a multi-environment survey
      V.J. Cummings, D.A. Bowden, M.H. Pinkerton, N.J. Halliday and J.E. Hewitt
      Risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in Antarctic wildlife
      A. Barbosa, A. Varsani, V. Morandini, W. Grimaldi, R.E.T. Vanstreels, J.I. Diaz, T. Boulinier, M. Dewar, D. González-Acuña, R. Gray, C.R. McMahon, G. Miller, M. Power, A. Gamble and M. Wille
      Multi-scale assessment of distribution and density of procellariiform seabirds within the Northern Antarctic Peninsula marine ecosystem
      V. Warwick-Evans, J.A. Santora, J.J. Waggitt amd P.N. Trathan
      Utilising IPCC assessments to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries management within a warming Southern Ocean
      R.D. Cavanagh, P.N. Trathan, S.L. Hill, J. Melbourne-Thomas, M.P. Meredith, P. Hollyman, B.A. Krafft, M.M.C. Muelbert, E.J. Murphy, M. Sommerkorn, J. Turner and S.M. Grant

      повестки дня

      Развернуть все Примечания | Развернуть все Документы | Свернуть все

      1     Opening of the meeting
      2     Krill management
      WG-EMM-2021/07 An overview of the ecosystem survey to quantify krill abundance for krill monitoring and management in Eastern Sector of CCAMLR Division 58.4.2: Trends in Euphausiids off Mawson, Predators, and Oceanography “TEMPO”
      N. Kelly, S. Bestley, A. Burns, L. Clarke, K. Collins, M. Cox, D. Hamer, R. King, J. Kitchener, G. Macaulay, D. Maschette, J. Melvin, B. Miller, A. Smith, L. Suter, K. Westwood, S. Wotherspoon and S. Kawaguchi
      WG-EMM-2021/08 Annual report of the SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) 2021
      B. Meyer, J. Arata, A. Atkinson, C. Cárdenas, R. Cavanagh, M. Collins, J. Conroy, C. Darby, T. Dornan, R. Driscoll, S. Fielding, S. Grant, S. Hill, J. Hinke, S. Kawaguchi, S. Kasatkina, D. Kinzey, T. Knutsen, B. Krafft, L. Krüger, A. Lowther, E. Murphy, F. Perry, C. Reiss, E. Rombolá, F. Santa Cruz, M. Santos, F. Schaafsma, A. Sytov, P. Trathan, A. Van de Putte and G. Watters
      WG-EMM-2021/09 Effect of spatial scale on hotspot analysis of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) distribution
      G.P. Zhu and H. Liu
      WG-EMM-2021/21 A preliminary evaluation of the evidence supporting fishery-driven localised depletion effects on the performance and demographic trends of pygoscelid penguins in Subarea 48.1
      A. Lowther, M. Biuw, U. Lindstrøm and B. Krafft
      WG-EMM-2021/23 Using models to improve our understanding of Antarctic krill and their ecological role: Report of the Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Southern Ocean (ICED) workshop, 2021
      Z. Sylvester, D. Veytia, A. Bahl, D. Bahlburg, E. Murphy, N. Johnston, S. Corney, C. Brooks, B. Meyer, E. Hofmann and S. Thorpe
      WG-EMM-2021/32 Characteristic spatial scale of distribution for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density in the Antarctic Peninsula
      G.P. Zhu and H. Liu
      WG-EMM-2021/33 A simple first step towards a science-based krill management for Subarea 48.1
      X. Zhao, X. Wang, G. Fan and Y. Ying
      2.2     WG-ASAM advice and consideration of WG-ASAM e-group acoustic survey summary table
      2.3     WG-SAM advice: Parameterisation for GYM at scale of subareas and advice on the application of the GYM to subareas
      2.4     WG-EMM advice on the details of the risk analysis for Subarea 48.1, data layers, catch scenarios, updates
      WG-EMM-2021/10 Krill biology and size composition in Subarea 48.1 and 48.2 based on the RV Atlantida survey in 2020
      A. Sytov and D. Kozlov
      WG-EMM-2021/11 Results of krill flux study in Subarea 48.1 based on RV Atlántida survey in 2020
      V. Shnar, S. Kasatkina, A. Abramov and D. Shurin
      WG-EMM-2021/12 Krill distribution and environment in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 from results of the RV Atlántida cruise in 2020
      S. Kasatkina, V. Shrar, A. Abramov, M. Sokolov, D. Shurin, A. Sytov and D. Kozlov
      WG-EMM-2021/17 Observations of birds and mammals in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 provided by the Russian RV Atlantida during January–March 2020: species composition and abundance
      I. Trufanova, S. Kasatkina and M. Sokolov
      WG-EMM-2021/19 Rev. 1 The commercial fishery and pygoscelid penguins at three breeding sites in the Bransfield Strait, Subarea 48.1
      A. Lowther, H. Ahonen, C. Cárdenas, W. Jouanneau, B. Krafft, L. Krüger, A. Makkhado, A. Narvestad and C. Oosthuizen
      WG-EMM-2021/20 Intra-season variations in distribution and abundance of humpback whales in the West Antarctic Peninsula using cruise vessels as opportunistic platforms
      E. Johannessen, M. Biuw, U. Lindstrøm, V. Ollus, L. Lopez, K. Gkikopoulou, C. Oosthuizen and A. Lowther
      WG-EMM-2021/22 Phytoplankton and zooplankton in Subareas 48.1 and 48.2 in January–March 2020
      S.V. Аleksandrov, N.P. Dyushkov, S.N. Arkhipovsky and A.S. Semenova
      WG-EMM-2021/26 Estimating the average distribution of Antarctic krill at the northern Antarctic Peninsula
      V. Warwick-Evans, S. Fielding, C.S. Reiss, G.M. Watters and P.N. Trathan
      WG-EMM-2021/27 Using the Risk Assessment Framework to spread the catch limit in Subarea 48.1
      V. Warwick-Evans, L. Dalla Rosa, J.T. Hinke, N. Kelly, C. Reiss, E.R. Secchi, E. Seyboth, G.M. Watters, D. Welsford and P.N. Trathan
      WG-EMM-2021/28 Using seabird and whale distribution models to estimate spatial consumption of Antarctic krill to inform fishery management
      V. Warwick-Evans, N. Kelly, L. Dalla Rosa, A. Friedlaender, J.T. Hinke, J.H. Kim, N. Kokubun, J.A. Santora, E.R. Secchi, E. Seyboth and P.N. Trathan
      WG-EMM-2021/29 Towards a risk assessment for Subareas 48.2 and 48.3
      V. Warwick-Evans, F. Perry, S. Fielding and P.N. Trathan
      WG-EMM-2021/P06 Multi-scale assessment of distribution and density of procellariiform seabirds within the Northern Antarctic Peninsula marine ecosystem
      V. Warwick-Evans, J.A. Santora, J.J. Waggitt amd P.N. Trathan
      2.5     Advice to the Scientific Committee on the review of CM 51-07
      3     Spatial management
      3.1     Data analysis supporting spatial management approaches in CCAMLR
      WG-EMM-2021/03 The foraging behaviour of nonbreeding Adélie penguins in the western Antarctic Peninsula during the breeding season
      W.C. Oosthuizen, P.A. Pistorius, M. Korczak-Abshire, J.T. Hinke, M. Santos and A.D. Lowther
      WG-EMM-2021/13 Functional responses of penguins: building towards better monitoring indices for adaptive management of the Antarctic krill fishery
      C. Oosthuizen, P. Pistorius, A. Makhado and A. Lowther
      WG-EMM-2021/18 Summary report of progress on spatial layers to support the development of the Weddell Sea MPA Phase 2
      G.P. Griffith, B. Merkel, T. Hattermann, J. Aarflot, H. Kauko, A. Skoglund, C. vonQuillfeldt, A. Høgestøl, B. Njåstad and B.A. Krafft with contributions from the participants at the International Scientific Workshop (digital) 10–12 May 2021
      WG-EMM-2021/30 Designation of a newly exposed marine area adjacent to Pine Island Glacier (Subarea 88.3) as a Stage 1 Special Area for Scientific Study
      S.M. Grant, P.N. Trathan and L. Ireland
      WG-EMM-2021/34 Cetacean observations onboard krill fishing vessel near the Southern Orkney islands during Australian summer 2020/21
      K. Vishnyakova and J. Ivanchikova
      3.2     Research and monitoring plans
      WG-EMM-2021/01 Diet of Adélie penguin and emperor penguin given the regional differences in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
      S.-Y. Hong, J.-K. Gal, B. Lee, W. Son, J.-W. Jung, H.S. La, K.-H. Shin, J.-H. Kim and S.-Y. Ha
      WG-EMM-2021/02 Molecular diet analysis of Pygoscelis adeliae in the Ross Sea using fecal DNAs
      N. Tabassum, J.-H. Lee, J.-H. Kim, H. Park and H.-W. Kim
      WG-EMM-2021/04 Workshop report and synthesis: United States research and monitoring in support of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
      D. Ainley and C. Brooks
      WG-EMM-2021/06 Preliminary results of the density and distribution of krill larvae in the Mar de la Flota (Bransfield Strait) including Gerlache Strait and South Shetland surroundings during summer 2017–2020
      E. Rombolá, M. Sierra, B. Meyer and E. Marschoff
      WG-EMM-2021/14 New Zealand research and monitoring in the Ross Sea region in support of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area: 2021 update
      M.H. Pinkerton
      WG-EMM-2021/15 Ross Sea Life in a Changing Climate (ReLiCC) 2021 Voyage, 4 January – 17 February 2021
      R. O'Driscoll, A. Pallentin, A. Gutierrez Rodriguez, K. Safi, C. Law, C. Chin, P. Escobar-Flores, Y. Ladroit, P. Marriott, M. Gall, S. George, S. Seabrook, M. Druce, V. Cummings and M. Pinkerton
      WG-EMM-2021/24 CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program on Ardley Island
      A.L. Machado, M. Santos, L. Emmerson and A. Soutullo
      WG-EMM-2021/P01 Acoustic detection of krill scattering layer in the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, Antarctica
      M. Kang, R. Fajaryanti, W. Son, J.-H. Kim and H.S. La
      WG-EMM-2021/P04 Ross Sea benthic ecosystems: macro- and mega-faunal community patterns from a multi-environment survey
      V.J. Cummings, D.A. Bowden, M.H. Pinkerton, N.J. Halliday and J.E. Hewitt
      3.3     VME data
      4     Climate change
      WG-EMM-2021/31 Sympatric species respond differently to environmental change
      I.J. Martinez, A. Kacelnik, F. Jones, M. Dunn and T. Hart
      WG-EMM-2021/P02 Evidence for the impact of climate change on primary producers in the Southern Ocean
      M. Pinkerton, P. Boyd, S. Deppeler, A. Hayward, J. Höfer and S. Moreau
      WG-EMM-2021/P03 Estimating variability and long-term change in sea ice primary productivity using a satellite-based light penetration index
      M. Pinkerton and A. Hayward
      WG-EMM-2021/P07 Utilising IPCC assessments to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries management within a warming Southern Ocean
      R.D. Cavanagh, P.N. Trathan, S.L. Hill, J. Melbourne-Thomas, M.P. Meredith, P. Hollyman, B.A. Krafft, M.M.C. Muelbert, E.J. Murphy, M. Sommerkorn, J. Turner and S.M. Grant
      5     Other business
      WG-EMM-2021/25 Update on the activities SCAR Antarctic Biodiversity Portal
      A.P. Van de Putte, M. Sweetlove and Y.M. Gan
      WG-EMM-2021/35 Parasitological monitoring of the fish species in the CCAMLR Area 48
      T. Kuzmina, K. Vishnyakova and J. Ivanchikova
      WG-EMM-2021/P05 Risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in Antarctic wildlife
      A. Barbosa, A. Varsani, V. Morandini, W. Grimaldi, R.E.T. Vanstreels, J.I. Diaz, T. Boulinier, M. Dewar, D. González-Acuña, R. Gray, C.R. McMahon, G. Miller, M. Power, A. Gamble and M. Wille
      6     Advice to the Scientific Committee and future work
      7     Adoption of the report