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    Симпозиум Научного комитета

    Full Name
    Симпозиум Научного комитета 2022
    Дата/время начала совещания:
    Дата/время окончания совещания :
    Срок подачи документов
    вторник, января 25, 2022 - 00:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)

    The symposium will take place on Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 February 2022 from 09:00 UTC to 13:40 UTC each day. No meeting will take place on Wednesday 9 February.

    Schedule for the Scientific Committee Symposium 2022

    Additional information for Members:

    SC CIRC 22/13

    SC CIRC 22/15

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      1     Opening

      The Chair will welcome participants and the meeting will agree its agenda.

      2     Review of implementation of the Scientific Committee’s 2017–2021 5-year Strategic Plan

      This agenda item will review progress against the 2017–2021 Strategic Plan (SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/BG/40).

      3     Priorities for scientific research and advice over the next 5 years (2023–2027)

      Following the proposal in SC-CAMLR-40/01, this agenda item will address the key question: “What are the most pressing issues for SC-CAMLR to provide advice to the Commission on over the next 5 years, and when can they be delivered by the Scientific Committee and its working groups?”

      4     Processes and mechanisms to deliver strategic work and advice

      Following the proposal in SC-CAMLR-40/01, this agenda item will provide an opportunity to review our operating practices, including Working Group structure and terms of reference, to ensure they are fit for purpose. The Symposium will also consider ways to increase scientific engagement to progress strategic work through outreach and capacity building, including the CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme and Scientific Capacity Building Funds, and how to best engage with the broader Antarctic scientific community.

      5     Next steps

      The proposal in SC-CAMLR-40/01 is for the Chair to develop a Chair’s Summary of the Symposium and submit this to all working group meetings in 2022. Following the approach adopted in 2016 (SC-CAMLR-XXXV, paragraph 13.20), the Chair proposes to work with Vice-Chairs and Conveners to take Symposium outcomes and working group feedback into account and develop a new 5-year Strategic Plan for consideration by the Scientific Committee at SC-CAMLR-41.

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