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    A pilot study on the length-weight relationship of fresh Antarctic krill with weight-at-length based on multiple individuals

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    Numéro du document:
    G. Fan, Y. Ying, J. Zhu and X. Zhao
    Soumis par:
    Yi-Ping Ying
    Approuvé par:
    Xianyong Zhao (Chine)

    Aiming to develop a method to estimate the length-weight relationship for concurrent acoustic monitoring of Antarctic krill biomass, a pilot experiment is undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of measuring the weight of fresh Antarctic krill at sea by scientific observers onboard krill fishing vessel, where multiple individuals of the same length class is weighed together to alleviate the impact of vessel motion on individual mass measurement. Preliminary analysis showed that a reasonable krill length-weight relationship could be obtained by employing a uniform weight-at-length sampling design. Further work could be aimed to determine suitable sample sizes to obtain appropriate length-weight estimates for different usages, and advice is sought from this WG-SAM-2022 meeting.