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    Full Name
    Groupe de travail sur le krill
    Léningrad, URSS
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Dates limites de soumission
    lundi 13 août 1990 à 00:00 Australie/Hobart (Document de groupe de travail)
    Rapport de la réunion:
    f-sc-ix-a4.pdf (2.27 Mo)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      List of participants
      Plus d'infos
      List of documents
      Plus d'infos
      On investigation of annual fluctuation of Euphausia superba larvae
      A.S. Fedotov and L.L. Menshenina (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Size composition in Euphausia superba’s males and females in the course of life cycle
      R.R. Makarov (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      A standardised sampling procedure for commercial krill catches
      S. Nicol (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      United States AMLR Program 1989/90 field season report
      Plus d'infos
      Fine-scale catches of krill in Subarea 48.1
      Plus d'infos
      Fine-scale catches of krill in Subarea 48.2
      WG-KRILL-90/1 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Plus d'infos
      Fine-scale catches of krill in Subarea 48.3
      WG-KRILL-90/11 Rev1
      Plus d'infos
      Homogeneity of body length composition of Antarctic krill within the commercial haul
      T. Ichii (Japan)
      Plus d'infos
      An evaluation of reduced target strength estimates reported for krill (Euphausia superba)
      M.C. Macaulay (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Factors to consider in developing management measures for krill
      W.K. de la Mare (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Comments on the calculation of the composite index of krill abundance
      V.A. Spiridonov (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      The distribution pattern and fishery for the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off the Wilkes Land and Balleny Islands (with notes on the application of CPUE data as indices of krill abundance)
      V.N. Dolzhenkov, E.A. Kovalev, V.A. Spiridonov, V.P. Timonin, I.A. Zhigalov (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Condition of krill resources in the Statistic Regions 58.4.2 and 58.4.3 in 1988-1990 from the acoustic survey data
      V.A. Bibik and V.N. Yakovlev (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      The character of distribution and state of the resources of Euphausia superba Dana in the area of the Wilkes Land
      (Data for seasons 1985/86-1988/89)

      V.N. Dolzhenkov and V.P. Timonin (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      The distribution, biomass and characteristics of the fishery for Euphausia superba off the South Georgia Island (Subarea 48.3)
      V.I. Latogursky, R.R. Makarov and L.G. Maklygin (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Characteristics of distribution of krill aggregations in fishing grounds off Coronation Island in 1989-1990 season
      S.M. Kasatkina and V.I. Latogursky (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Krill biomass assessment in Statistical Area 48 in autumn 1989-90 from the TSM AtlantNIRO data
      A.C. Fedotov (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Midwater trawl catchability on krill exploitation and possible approaches to krill total exemption assessment
      Yu.V. Zimarev, S.M. Kasatkina and Yu.P. Frolov (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Summary results of krill integrated studies in Statistical Area 48 carried out in research cruises of RV Argus and RV Evrika in 1984-1988 (available in Russian only)
      V.A. Sushin, L.G. Maklygin and S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary results of research cruise of RV AtlantNIRO to the west of the Atlantic Ocean sector of the Antarctic in March-April 1990 (available in Russian only)
      P.P. Fedulov, V.N. Shnar, A.C. Fedotov and I.V. Krasovsky (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      Report of the scientific observer aboard fishing vessel BMRT Sapfir (available in Russian only)
      V.I. Latogursky (USSR)
      Plus d'infos
      How many krill should we measure?
      Y. Endo (Japan)
      Plus d'infos
      On the intensity of sampling krill trawl catches
      D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
      Plus d'infos
      Measurements of differences in the target strength of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) swarms at 38 and 120 kHz
      I. Hampton (South Africa)
      Plus d'infos
      Acoustically estimating krill abundance in the Southern Ocean
      C.H. Greene, S. McClatchie, P.H. Wiebe and T.K. Stanton (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Discussion of satellite imagery applied to CAMLR regions
      R.E. Dennis (USA)

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      WG-KRILL-90/02 List of participants
      WG-KRILL-90/03 List of documents
      WG-KRILL-90/04 On investigation of annual fluctuation of Euphausia superba larvae
      A.S. Fedotov and L.L. Menshenina (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/05 Size composition in Euphausia superba’s males and females in the course of life cycle
      R.R. Makarov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/06 A standardised sampling procedure for commercial krill catches
      S. Nicol (Australia)
      WG-KRILL-90/07 United States AMLR Program 1989/90 field season report
      WG-KRILL-90/08 Fine-scale catches of krill in Subarea 48.1
      WG-KRILL-90/09 Fine-scale catches of krill in Subarea 48.2
      WG-KRILL-90/1 Rev. 1 Agenda
      WG-KRILL-90/10 Fine-scale catches of krill in Subarea 48.3
      WG-KRILL-90/11 Rev1 Homogeneity of body length composition of Antarctic krill within the commercial haul
      T. Ichii (Japan)
      WG-KRILL-90/13 An evaluation of reduced target strength estimates reported for krill (Euphausia superba)
      M.C. Macaulay (USA)
      WG-KRILL-90/14 Factors to consider in developing management measures for krill
      W.K. de la Mare (Australia)
      WG-KRILL-90/15 Comments on the calculation of the composite index of krill abundance
      V.A. Spiridonov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/16 The distribution pattern and fishery for the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off the Wilkes Land and Balleny Islands (with notes on the application of CPUE data as indices of krill abundance)
      V.N. Dolzhenkov, E.A. Kovalev, V.A. Spiridonov, V.P. Timonin, I.A. Zhigalov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/17 Condition of krill resources in the Statistic Regions 58.4.2 and 58.4.3 in 1988-1990 from the acoustic survey data
      V.A. Bibik and V.N. Yakovlev (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/18 The character of distribution and state of the resources of Euphausia superba Dana in the area of the Wilkes Land
      (Data for seasons 1985/86-1988/89)

      V.N. Dolzhenkov and V.P. Timonin (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/19 The distribution, biomass and characteristics of the fishery for Euphausia superba off the South Georgia Island (Subarea 48.3)
      V.I. Latogursky, R.R. Makarov and L.G. Maklygin (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/20 Characteristics of distribution of krill aggregations in fishing grounds off Coronation Island in 1989-1990 season
      S.M. Kasatkina and V.I. Latogursky (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/21 Krill biomass assessment in Statistical Area 48 in autumn 1989-90 from the TSM AtlantNIRO data
      A.C. Fedotov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/22 Midwater trawl catchability on krill exploitation and possible approaches to krill total exemption assessment
      Yu.V. Zimarev, S.M. Kasatkina and Yu.P. Frolov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/23 Summary results of krill integrated studies in Statistical Area 48 carried out in research cruises of RV Argus and RV Evrika in 1984-1988 (available in Russian only)
      V.A. Sushin, L.G. Maklygin and S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/24 Preliminary results of research cruise of RV AtlantNIRO to the west of the Atlantic Ocean sector of the Antarctic in March-April 1990 (available in Russian only)
      P.P. Fedulov, V.N. Shnar, A.C. Fedotov and I.V. Krasovsky (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/25 Report of the scientific observer aboard fishing vessel BMRT Sapfir (available in Russian only)
      V.I. Latogursky (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-90/26 How many krill should we measure?
      Y. Endo (Japan)
      WG-KRILL-90/27 On the intensity of sampling krill trawl catches
      D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
      WG-KRILL-90/28 Measurements of differences in the target strength of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) swarms at 38 and 120 kHz
      I. Hampton (South Africa)
      WG-KRILL-90/29 Acoustically estimating krill abundance in the Southern Ocean
      C.H. Greene, S. McClatchie, P.H. Wiebe and T.K. Stanton (USA)
      WG-KRILL-90/30 Discussion of satellite imagery applied to CAMLR regions
      R.E. Dennis (USA)