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    Full Name
    Sous-groupe sur les méthodes d'évaluation
    Sienne, Italie
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Dates limites de soumission
    lundi 21 juin 2004 à 00:00 Australie/Hobart (Document de groupe de travail)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Plus d'infos
      List of participants
      Plus d'infos
      List of documents
      Plus d'infos
      Further development of the fishery plans
      Plus d'infos
      Update on the external review of the Generalised Yield Model (GYM) software and manual
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Re-organisation of WG-FSA Report
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Feasibility of trawl surveys to estimate abundance of juvenile toothfish in Subarea 88.1
      Wood, B.A., ODriscoll, R.L., Hanchet, S.M.
      Plus d'infos
      Approaches to monitoring and assessing toothfish in new and exploratory fisheries, with particular reference to Subarea 88.1
      ODriscoll, R.L., Hanchet, S.M.
      Plus d'infos
      Application of the bootstrap-method in assessment of target strength regression parameters on the basis of in situ measurements
      P.S. Gasyukov and S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Revision of icefish (C. gunnari) stock estimate in the South Georgia area on the basis of the Russian trawl-acoustic survey 2002
      Gasyukov, P.S., Kasatkina, S.M.
      Plus d'infos
      On the catchability of bottom trawl in relation to icefish (C. gunnari)
      Kasatkina, S.M., Ivanova, V.F.
      Plus d'infos
      Variants of the ASPM assessment of the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity which attempt to reconcile CPUE and catch-at-length data
      Brandão, A., Butterworth, D.S.
      Plus d'infos
      Development of a population model for the assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea
      Gilbert, D.J., Bull, B., Dunn, A., Hanchet, S.M.
      Plus d'infos
      Estimating the level of illegal fishing using simulated scaling methods on detected activity
      Ball, I.
      Plus d'infos
      Technical Specifications of Fish Heaven: version 2.1.5
      Ball, I.
      Plus d'infos
      Survey estimates of recruitment of toothfish in Subarea 48.3
      Collins, M., Wakeford, R.C., Moir-Clark, J., Belchier, M., Agnew, D.J.
      Plus d'infos
      Alternative assessment methods for toothfish at South Georgia
      Kirkwood, G., Payne, A., Agnew, D.
      Plus d'infos
      Estimating toothfish biomass in Subarea 48.3 using local depletions
      Pearce, J., Agnew, D.
      Plus d'infos
      Considerations on the design and evaluation of surveys for estimating recruitment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) with preliminary outcomes for the Heard Island plateau region (Division 58.5.2)
      Candy, S., Constable, A.J., Davies, C.R.
      Plus d'infos
      Does the current South Georgia groundfish survey accurately estimate the standing stock of mackerel icefish?
      Agnew, D., Goss, C., Xavier, J., Belchier, M., Collins, M., Reid, K.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/4 Attachmen
      Plus d'infos
      Draft fishery plans sections 1,2 and 3
      CCAMLR Secretariat

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      WG-FSA-SAM-04/01 Agenda
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/02 List of participants
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/03 List of documents
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/04 Further development of the fishery plans
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/05 Update on the external review of the Generalised Yield Model (GYM) software and manual
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/06 Re-organisation of WG-FSA Report
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/07 Feasibility of trawl surveys to estimate abundance of juvenile toothfish in Subarea 88.1
      Wood, B.A., ODriscoll, R.L., Hanchet, S.M.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/08 Approaches to monitoring and assessing toothfish in new and exploratory fisheries, with particular reference to Subarea 88.1
      ODriscoll, R.L., Hanchet, S.M.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/09 Application of the bootstrap-method in assessment of target strength regression parameters on the basis of in situ measurements
      P.S. Gasyukov and S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/10 Revision of icefish (C. gunnari) stock estimate in the South Georgia area on the basis of the Russian trawl-acoustic survey 2002
      Gasyukov, P.S., Kasatkina, S.M.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/11 On the catchability of bottom trawl in relation to icefish (C. gunnari)
      Kasatkina, S.M., Ivanova, V.F.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/12 Variants of the ASPM assessment of the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity which attempt to reconcile CPUE and catch-at-length data
      Brandão, A., Butterworth, D.S.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/13 Development of a population model for the assessment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea
      Gilbert, D.J., Bull, B., Dunn, A., Hanchet, S.M.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/14 Estimating the level of illegal fishing using simulated scaling methods on detected activity
      Ball, I.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/15 Technical Specifications of Fish Heaven: version 2.1.5
      Ball, I.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/16 Survey estimates of recruitment of toothfish in Subarea 48.3
      Collins, M., Wakeford, R.C., Moir-Clark, J., Belchier, M., Agnew, D.J.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/17 Alternative assessment methods for toothfish at South Georgia
      Kirkwood, G., Payne, A., Agnew, D.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/18 Estimating toothfish biomass in Subarea 48.3 using local depletions
      Pearce, J., Agnew, D.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/19 Considerations on the design and evaluation of surveys for estimating recruitment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) with preliminary outcomes for the Heard Island plateau region (Division 58.5.2)
      Candy, S., Constable, A.J., Davies, C.R.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/20 Does the current South Georgia groundfish survey accurately estimate the standing stock of mackerel icefish?
      Agnew, D., Goss, C., Xavier, J., Belchier, M., Collins, M., Reid, K.
      WG-FSA-SAM-04/4 Attachmen Draft fishery plans sections 1,2 and 3
      CCAMLR Secretariat