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    Rossii revisited: new information on the early history of the fishery for Notothenia rossii in Subarea 48.3

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    Agnew, D.J.
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    New catch data reported to CCAMLR indicate that Notothenia rossii was heavily exploited in Subarea 48.3 from 1966- 197 1, rather than just 1970 and 197 1 as previously reported. Previous assessments, based on the incomplete data set, had indicated a 1970 biomass of 600 000 tonnes and an unrealistic stock history considering that this stock was the first to be exploited in the Antarctic. A VPA using the new data suggests that unexploited biomass was over 900 000 tonnes, and declined in a manner to be expected from a new fishery. However, on the basis of historical reports and analyses of stock histories, it is suggested that 50% of the catch of 400 000 tonnes reported from 1970 was Champsocephalus gunnari, rather than N. rossii, and that 25% of the catch in 1969 was also C. gunnari. A VPA run with these catches predicts a more reasonable stock history for a species undergoing first exploitation, and an unexploited biomass of 600 000 tonnes prior to 1966.