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    Full Name
    Groupe de travail sur le contrôle et la gestion de l'écosystème
    Varsovie, Pologne
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Dates limites de soumission
    lundi 22 juin 2015 à 00:00 Australie/Hobart (Document de groupe de travail)
    Rapport de la réunion:
    f-sc-xxxiv-a6.pdf (638.43 Ko)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Rapport de la réunion du sous-groupe sur les méthodes d'évaluation acoustique et d'analyse (Busan, République de Corée, du 9 au 13 mars 2015)
      Plus d'infos
      Net diagrams for Norwegian vessels notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 – Notification ID 86750, 86751, 86780 and 86781
      Delegation of Norway
      Plus d'infos
      Net diagrams for Chinese vessels notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 Notification ID 86733, 86772 and 86773
      Delegation of the People’s Republic of China
      Plus d'infos
      Net diagrams for Chilean vessels notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 Notification ID 86795, 86796 and 86797
      Delegation of Chile
      Plus d'infos
      Within season feedback management system – a pro forma for discussion at WG-EMM 2015
      C.S. Reiss, G.M. Watters, J. Hinke and D. Kinzey (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Winter habitat selection by Antarctic krill will increase krill-predator-fishery interactions during ice free years
      C.S. Reiss, A. Cossio, C.D. Jones, A. Murray, G. Mitchell, J. Santora, K. Dietrich, E. Weiss, C. Gimpel, J. Walsh and G.M. Watters (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Species identification illustrated guide of the Southern Ocean - CCAMLR convention area 48, 58, and 88
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      WG-EMM-15/07 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      CEMP Indices: 2015 update on data submissions and analyses
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Net diagrams and MED of CM 21-03 for Korean Krill fishing vessels
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      Plus d'infos
      Scotia Sea Pygoscelid Penguin Tracking and Habitat Analysis Workshop
      P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), J.T. Hinke (USA) and B. Lascelles (BirdLife International)
      Plus d'infos
      Possible options for the future management of the Antarctic krill fishery in Subarea 48.2
      P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), O.R. Godø (Norway) and S.L. Hill (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      A critical issue for feedback management – how do we determine the level of functional overlap between krill fishing operations and penguin foraging activity?
      P.N. Trathan, J.R.D. Silk, S.L. Hill (United Kingdom) and H.J. Lynch (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Introduction of the recent Korean research activity and future plan on penguin breeding and behavior
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      Plus d'infos
      Acoustic and catch data collected by the fleet – relevance for feedback management
      O.R. Godø, T. Klevjer and G. Skaret (Norway)
      Plus d'infos
      Antarctic krill; assessment of mesh size selectivity and escape mortality from trawls
      B.A. Krafft (Norway), L.A. Krag (Denmark), B. Herrmann, A. Engås, I. Bruheim and S. Nordrum (Norway)
      WG-EMM-15/15 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Progress report 1: Proposal for GEF (Global Environment Facility) funding to support capacity building in the GEF-eligible CCAMLR Members
      CCAMLR Secretariat
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      Variability in krill length distribution in 48.1 derived from data collected by scientific observers
      P. Ziegler, S. Kawaguchi D. Welsford and A. Constable (Australia)
      WG-EMM-15/17 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      A biomass estimate of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at the Balleny Islands
      M.J. Cox (Australia), Y. Ladroit, P. Escobar-Flores and R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
      Plus d'infos
      Joint CEP/SC-CAMLR workshop (2016) on climate change and monitoring
      S. Grant (UK) and P. Penhale (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Estimation of the green weight of krill caught
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Notes of hydrobiologist "Akademik Fedorov" (the 60th RAE Expedition) East Antarctica (December 2014 - February 2015)
      A.M. Sytov (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Preliminary report on krill survey off the coast of East Antarctica (Enderby Land to Prydz Bay) February-March 2015
      S. Kawaguchi, A. Constable, L. Emmerson, C. Southwell, R. King, K. Westwood and K. Swadling (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Chiller killers – first steps towards identifying krill pathogens
      K. Bateman, R. Hicks, G. Tarling, M. Soeffker and G. Stentiford (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      Why does it necessary to consider krill flux for developing the feedback management strategy for krill fishery in the Area 48?
      S. Kasatkina and V. Shnar (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Using vessel acoustics to detect diving patterns of krill foraging predators automatically: Development of a novel method for quantifying impact of krill fishing on seals and penguins
      T.A. Klevjer, O.R. Godø and B. Krafft (Norway)
      Plus d'infos
      Special features of the current krill fishery dynamics in the Southern Atlantic (Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3) during 2008-2014
      S. Kasatkina and P. Gasyukov (Russia)
      Plus d'infos
      Key considerations for planning a large-scale krill survey
      S. Hill, J. Watkins (United Kingdom), O.R. Godø (Norway), S. Kawaguchi (Australia), D. Kinzey, C. Reiss (USA), V. Siegel (Germany), P. Trathan (United Kingdom) and G. Watters (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Updating the Antarctic krill biomass estimates for CCAMLR Subareas 48.1 to 48.4 using available data
      S. Hill, A. Atkinson, C. Darby, S. Fielding (United Kingsom), B. Krafft, O.R. Godø, G. Skaret (Norway), P. Trathan, J. Watkins (United Kingdom)
      Plus d'infos
      Net diagrams for Russian vessel notified for krill fishery in 2015/16
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      Plus d'infos
      Krill Fishery Report
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      Citizen science for large-scale data extraction from a citizen science network
      T. Hart, C. Black (United Kingdom), L. Emmerson (Australia), J. Hinke (USA) and C. Southwell (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Antarctica
      P.A. Penhale (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Feedback management pro forma based on WG-EMM 12/44
      G. Watters and J. Hinke (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Report of a domestic workshop to identify U.S. stakeholders’ objectives and protection priorities for one or more marine protected areas in Planning Domain 1
      G. Watters (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Development of the fishing gear library
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Plus d'infos
      An ecosystem-based management procedure for krill fisheries: a method for determining spatially-structured catch limits to manage risk of significant localised fisheries impacts on predators
      A. Constable and S. Candy (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Seasonal variation in the diet of Arctocephalus gazella at 25 de Mayo/King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
      A. Harrington, G.A. Daneri, A.R. Carlini, D.S. Reygert and A. Corbalán (Argentina)
      WG-EMM-15/38 Rev.1
      Plus d'infos
      Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2015 - Part A: General context of the establishment of MPAs and background information on the Weddell Sea MPA planning area-
      K. Teschke (Germany) on behalf of the Weddell Sea MPA (WSMPA) project team
      Plus d'infos
      Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2015 - Part B: Description of available spatial data
      K. Teschke, H. Pehlke and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA (WSMPA) project team, with contributions from the participants at the International Expert Workshop on the WSMPA project (7-9 April 2014, Bremerhaven)
      Plus d'infos
      On amendments to Conservation Measure 51-07 (2014) dealing with interim distribution of the trigger level in the fishery for Euphausia superba in Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Plus d'infos
      Changes of population structure in common benthic species of the proposed Stella Creek MPA in the vicinity of the Akademik Vernadsky Station, Galindez Island, Antarctica
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Plus d'infos
      Report of the Second International Workshop for identifying Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Domain 1 of CCAMLR (Palacio San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25 to 29 May 2015)
      Second WS-MPA Domain 1
      Plus d'infos
      Information on Japan's plan for krill surveys in East Antarctic
      Delegation of Japan
      Plus d'infos
      The importance of standardising and validating new methods for CEMP to maintain the robustness of long-term time series
      C. Southwell and L. Emmerson (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Direct ageing of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) – potential utility of eyestalk sections for age determination
      C. Reiss (USA), R. Kilada (Canada) and S. Kawaguchi (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2015 - Part C: Data analysis and MPA scenario development
      K. Teschke, H. Pehlke, M. Deininger, L. Douglass and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA project team
      Plus d'infos
      Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands) - long-term marine monitoring program
      A. Panasiuk-Chodnicka, M. Korczak-Abshire, M.I. Żmijewska, K. Chwedorzewska, E. Szymczak, D. Burska, D. Pryputniewicz-Flis and K. Łukawska-Matuszewska (Poland)
      Plus d'infos
      Unmanned Aerial Vehicles based monitoring of indicator species populations on King George Island (Subarea 48.1)
      M. Korczak-Abshire, A. Zmarz, R. Storvold, M. Rodzewicz, K. Chwedorzewska, A. Kidawa and A. Znój (Poland)
      Plus d'infos
      Net diagrams for Ukrainian vessel notified for krill fishery in 2015/16 - Notification ID 86703, 86755 and 86757
      Delegation of Ukraine
      Plus d'infos
      UAV for monitoring environmental changes on King George Island (South Shetland Islands) Antarctica: preliminary study on wildlife disturbance
      A. Kidawa, M. Korczak-Abshire, A. Zmarz, R. Storvold, M. Rodzewicz, K. Chwedorzewska, S-R. Karlsen and A. Znój (Poland)
      WG-EMM-15/51 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Estimating future krill catches that meet the CCAMLR and alternative decision rules for FAO Subarea 48.1 using an integrated assessment model
      D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss (USA)
      Plus d'infos
      Activity, seasonal site fidelity, and movements of Type-C killer whales between the Ross Sea, Antarctica and New Zealand
      R. Eisert (New Zealand), G. Lauriano, S. Panigada (Italy), E.N. Ovsyanikova, I.N. Visser, P.H. Ensor, R.J.C. Currey, B.R. Sharp and M.H. Pinkerton (New Zealand)
      Plus d'infos
      Predation release of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) in the Ross Sea
      M.H. Pinkerton, P. Lyver, D. Stevens, J. Forman, R. Eisert and S. Mormede (New Zealand).
      Plus d'infos
      Evaluation of Antarctic krill biomass and distribution off the South Orkney Islands 2011-2015
      G. Skaret, B.A. Krafft, L. Calise (Norway), J. Watkins (UK), R. Pedersen and O.R. Godø (Norway)
      WG-EMM-15/55 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      A candidate process for managing the krill fishery at a local scale for krill predators, particularly in the early phases of the development of the krill fishery
      A. Constable, S. Kawaguchi, C. Southwell, L. Emmerson, W. de la Mare, P. Ziegler, D. Welsford and J. Melbourne-Thomas (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage
      R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
      WG-EMM-15/57 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Analysis of the scientific observer program on the krill fishery
      J.A. Arata and F. Santa-Cruz (Chile)
      Plus d'infos
      Comparative analysis of flow meter and codend volume method for estimating green weight in 'Betanzos'
      Delegation of Chile
      Plus d'infos
      Streamlining the work of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (SC-CAMLR)
      G. Watters (USA), A. Constable and D. Welsford (Australia)
      Plus d'infos
      Notification of intent to participate in a fishery for Euphausia superba
      Delegation of Poland
      Plus d'infos
      Report on 2015 Activities of the Southern Ocean Observing System relevant to the work of CCAMLR
      A. Constable (Australia), O.R. Godø (Norway) and L. Newman (SOOS)
      Plus d'infos
      Marine ecosystem acoustics (MEA): quantifying processes in the sea at the spatio-temporal scales on which they occur
      O.R. Godø, N.O. Handegard, H.I. Browman, G.J. Macaulay, S. Kaartvedt, J. Giske, E. Ona, G. Huse and E. Johnsen
      Plus d'infos
      Re-constructing historical Adélie penguin abundance estimates by retrospectively accounting for detection bias
      C. Southwell, L. Emmerson, K. Newbery, J. McKinlay, K. Kerry, E. Woehler and P. Ensor
      Plus d'infos
      Remotely operating camera network expands Antarctic seabirds observations of key breeding parameters for ecosystem monitoring and management
      C. Southwell and L. Emmerson
      Plus d'infos
      Spatially extensive standardized surveys reveal widespread, multi-decadal increase in East Antarctic Adélie penguin populations
      C. Southwell, L. Emmerson, J. McKinlay, K. Newbery (Australia), A. Takahashi, A. Kato (Japan), C. Barbraud, K. Delord and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      Plus d'infos
      The reliability of VHF telemetry data for measuring attendance patterns of marine predators: a comparison with Time Depth Recorder data
      A.D. Lowther, H. Ahonen, G. Hofmeyr, W.C. Oosthuizen, P.J. Nico De Bruyn, C. Lydersen and K. Kovacs
      Plus d'infos
      A small unmanned aerial system for estimating abundance and size of Antarctic predators
      M.E. Goebel, W.L. Perryman, J.T. Hinke, D.J. Krause, N.A. Hann, S. Gardner and D.J. LeRoi
      Plus d'infos
      Selectivity and two biomass measures in an age-based assessment of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
      D. Kinzey, G.M. Watters and C.S. Reiss
      Plus d'infos
      Antarctic's pelagic ecosystem: how environmental change will affect Salpidae population structure
      A.W. Słomska, A.A. Panasiuk-Chodnicka, M.I. Żmijewska and M.K. Mańko (Poland)
      Plus d'infos
      Update on the redevelopment of the CCAMLR database
      CCAMLR Secretariat

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      1     Introduction
      1.1     Opening of the meeting

      Welcome to participants, overview of facilities, Secretariat’s offices, computer support and Internet access, scheduled breaks and extracurricular activities.

      1.2     Adoption of the agenda and appointment of rapporteurs

      Amendments to, and adoption of, the meeting agenda, assignment of working papers to agenda items, appointment of rapporteurs and procedures for producing the report, and review needs for discussions by subgroups and establish such groups as necessary.

      1.3     Review of requirements for advice and interactions with other working groups

      Convener's synopsis of issues that have direct relevance to the WG-EMM and which were raised by the Scientific Committee and Commission in 2014 as well as issues that were raised by the other working groups since the last meeting of the WG-EMM.

      2     The krill-centric ecosystem and issues related to management of the krill fishery
      2.1     Issues for the present
      2.1.1     Fishing activities

      Review and evaluate reports on past fishing activities, including information on the composition of the catch, analyses of catch and effort data, descriptions of the fishery, green weight issue, information on the behaviour of fishing vessels and economics of the fishery. Review and evaluate krill fishery notifications (CM 21-03).

      2.1.2     Scientific Observation

      Reports and information relevant to implementation of the systematic scheme of scientific observation in CM 51-06. Review of fish by-catch.

      2.1.3     Krill Biology and Ecology and Management

      Review relevant information and submissions on krill demography, biology, ecology etc. Review the influence of recruitment variability on the calculation of precautionary yield for krill, any new information on B0. Discussions on the stock structure of krill populations, top-down and bottom-up forcing in the krill-centric ecosystem, observed trends, etc.

      WG-EMM-15/05 Winter habitat selection by Antarctic krill will increase krill-predator-fishery interactions during ice free years
      C.S. Reiss, A. Cossio, C.D. Jones, A. Murray, G. Mitchell, J. Santora, K. Dietrich, E. Weiss, C. Gimpel, J. Walsh and G.M. Watters (USA)
      WG-EMM-15/13 Acoustic and catch data collected by the fleet – relevance for feedback management
      O.R. Godø, T. Klevjer and G. Skaret (Norway)
      WG-EMM-15/14 Antarctic krill; assessment of mesh size selectivity and escape mortality from trawls
      B.A. Krafft (Norway), L.A. Krag (Denmark), B. Herrmann, A. Engås, I. Bruheim and S. Nordrum (Norway)
      WG-EMM-15/17 Rev. 1 A biomass estimate of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at the Balleny Islands
      M.J. Cox (Australia), Y. Ladroit, P. Escobar-Flores and R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
      WG-EMM-15/21 Notes of hydrobiologist "Akademik Fedorov" (the 60th RAE Expedition) East Antarctica (December 2014 - February 2015)
      A.M. Sytov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-15/22 Preliminary report on krill survey off the coast of East Antarctica (Enderby Land to Prydz Bay) February-March 2015
      S. Kawaguchi, A. Constable, L. Emmerson, C. Southwell, R. King, K. Westwood and K. Swadling (Australia)
      WG-EMM-15/23 Chiller killers – first steps towards identifying krill pathogens
      K. Bateman, R. Hicks, G. Tarling, M. Soeffker and G. Stentiford (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-15/24 Why does it necessary to consider krill flux for developing the feedback management strategy for krill fishery in the Area 48?
      S. Kasatkina and V. Shnar (Russia)
      WG-EMM-15/26 Special features of the current krill fishery dynamics in the Southern Atlantic (Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3) during 2008-2014
      S. Kasatkina and P. Gasyukov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-15/28 Updating the Antarctic krill biomass estimates for CCAMLR Subareas 48.1 to 48.4 using available data
      S. Hill, A. Atkinson, C. Darby, S. Fielding (United Kingsom), B. Krafft, O.R. Godø, G. Skaret (Norway), P. Trathan, J. Watkins (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-15/40 On amendments to Conservation Measure 51-07 (2014) dealing with interim distribution of the trigger level in the fishery for Euphausia superba in Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4
      Delegation of Ukraine
      WG-EMM-15/45 Direct ageing of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) – potential utility of eyestalk sections for age determination
      C. Reiss (USA), R. Kilada (Canada) and S. Kawaguchi (Australia)
      WG-EMM-15/P08 Antarctic's pelagic ecosystem: how environmental change will affect Salpidae population structure
      A.W. Słomska, A.A. Panasiuk-Chodnicka, M.I. Żmijewska and M.K. Mańko (Poland)
      2.1.4     Role of fish in the ecosystem

      This agenda takes up the issues which WG-EMM would like to discuss under what we called 'Fish-based ecosystem interactions' in the past. A broader, rather than region-specific discussions, on role of fish in the ecosystem aiming to allow a wider participation to the discussion in the working group. Issues related to the Ross Sea ecosystem not limited to fish will also be discussed under this item.

      WG-EMM-15/52 Activity, seasonal site fidelity, and movements of Type-C killer whales between the Ross Sea, Antarctica and New Zealand
      R. Eisert (New Zealand), G. Lauriano, S. Panigada (Italy), E.N. Ovsyanikova, I.N. Visser, P.H. Ensor, R.J.C. Currey, B.R. Sharp and M.H. Pinkerton (New Zealand)
      WG-EMM-15/53 Predation release of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) in the Ross Sea
      M.H. Pinkerton, P. Lyver, D. Stevens, J. Forman, R. Eisert and S. Mormede (New Zealand).
      WG-EMM-15/56 New Zealand-Australia Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage
      R.L. O’Driscoll (New Zealand)
      2.2     Issues for the future
      2.2.1     Feedback management strategy

      Primarily undertake topics related to the first two stages of the revised work plan to develop a feedback management strategy for the krill fishery.

      Stage 1 – continuation of the current trigger level and its spatial distribution among subareas.  

      Stage 2 – an increase from the trigger level to a higher interim catch limit and/or changes in the spatial distribution of catches that are adjusted based on decision rules that take account of results from the existing CEMP and other observation series

      Stage 3 – a further increase to a higher interim catch limit and/or changes in the spatial distribution of catches that take account of results from an ‘enhanced’ CEMP and other observation series

      Stage 4 – a fully developed feedback management strategy that is based on forecasts from ecosystem models, may involve structured fishing and/or reference areas, and includes catches up to the precautionary catch limit based on decision rules taking account of enhanced CEMP and other observation series.

      2.2.2     CEMP and WG-EMM-STAPP

      Discuss CEMP and WG-EMM-STAPP in the context of the potential requirements for feedback management, including estimates of abundance and krill consumption for fur seals and penguins, foraging models, monitoring data. Consideration for variation in CEMP standard methods.

      WG-EMM-15/07 Rev. 1 CEMP Indices: 2015 update on data submissions and analyses
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      WG-EMM-15/09 Scotia Sea Pygoscelid Penguin Tracking and Habitat Analysis Workshop
      P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), J.T. Hinke (USA) and B. Lascelles (BirdLife International)
      WG-EMM-15/12 Introduction of the recent Korean research activity and future plan on penguin breeding and behavior
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      WG-EMM-15/25 Using vessel acoustics to detect diving patterns of krill foraging predators automatically: Development of a novel method for quantifying impact of krill fishing on seals and penguins
      T.A. Klevjer, O.R. Godø and B. Krafft (Norway)
      WG-EMM-15/31 Citizen science for large-scale data extraction from a citizen science network
      T. Hart, C. Black (United Kingdom), L. Emmerson (Australia), J. Hinke (USA) and C. Southwell (Australia)
      WG-EMM-15/32 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Antarctica
      P.A. Penhale (USA)
      WG-EMM-15/37 Seasonal variation in the diet of Arctocephalus gazella at 25 de Mayo/King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
      A. Harrington, G.A. Daneri, A.R. Carlini, D.S. Reygert and A. Corbalán (Argentina)
      WG-EMM-15/44 The importance of standardising and validating new methods for CEMP to maintain the robustness of long-term time series
      C. Southwell and L. Emmerson (Australia)
      WG-EMM-15/47 Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands) - long-term marine monitoring program
      A. Panasiuk-Chodnicka, M. Korczak-Abshire, M.I. Żmijewska, K. Chwedorzewska, E. Szymczak, D. Burska, D. Pryputniewicz-Flis and K. Łukawska-Matuszewska (Poland)
      WG-EMM-15/48 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles based monitoring of indicator species populations on King George Island (Subarea 48.1)
      M. Korczak-Abshire, A. Zmarz, R. Storvold, M. Rodzewicz, K. Chwedorzewska, A. Kidawa and A. Znój (Poland)
      WG-EMM-15/50 UAV for monitoring environmental changes on King George Island (South Shetland Islands) Antarctica: preliminary study on wildlife disturbance
      A. Kidawa, M. Korczak-Abshire, A. Zmarz, R. Storvold, M. Rodzewicz, K. Chwedorzewska, S-R. Karlsen and A. Znój (Poland)
      WG-EMM-15/P01 Marine ecosystem acoustics (MEA): quantifying processes in the sea at the spatio-temporal scales on which they occur
      O.R. Godø, N.O. Handegard, H.I. Browman, G.J. Macaulay, S. Kaartvedt, J. Giske, E. Ona, G. Huse and E. Johnsen
      WG-EMM-15/P02 Re-constructing historical Adélie penguin abundance estimates by retrospectively accounting for detection bias
      C. Southwell, L. Emmerson, K. Newbery, J. McKinlay, K. Kerry, E. Woehler and P. Ensor
      WG-EMM-15/P03 Remotely operating camera network expands Antarctic seabirds observations of key breeding parameters for ecosystem monitoring and management
      C. Southwell and L. Emmerson
      WG-EMM-15/P04 Spatially extensive standardized surveys reveal widespread, multi-decadal increase in East Antarctic Adélie penguin populations
      C. Southwell, L. Emmerson, J. McKinlay, K. Newbery (Australia), A. Takahashi, A. Kato (Japan), C. Barbraud, K. Delord and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WG-EMM-15/P05 The reliability of VHF telemetry data for measuring attendance patterns of marine predators: a comparison with Time Depth Recorder data
      A.D. Lowther, H. Ahonen, G. Hofmeyr, W.C. Oosthuizen, P.J. Nico De Bruyn, C. Lydersen and K. Kovacs
      WG-EMM-15/P06 A small unmanned aerial system for estimating abundance and size of Antarctic predators
      M.E. Goebel, W.L. Perryman, J.T. Hinke, D.J. Krause, N.A. Hann, S. Gardner and D.J. LeRoi
      2.2.3     Integrated assessment model

      Discuss the development of an integrated assessment model and related issues in the context of the potential requirements for feedback management.

      2.2.4     Fishing vessel surveys

      Discuss development of scientific and survey work conducted from krill fishing vessels in the context of the potential requirements for feedback management.

      2.2.5     Multinational coordination
      3     Spatial Management
      3.1     Marine protected areas (MPAs)

      Reports and materials, any further updates from planning domains and technical workshops, as well as other MPA discussions, ASPA and ASMA issues will be considered.

      WG-EMM-15/34 Report of a domestic workshop to identify U.S. stakeholders’ objectives and protection priorities for one or more marine protected areas in Planning Domain 1
      G. Watters (USA)
      WG-EMM-15/38 Rev.1 Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2015 - Part A: General context of the establishment of MPAs and background information on the Weddell Sea MPA planning area-
      K. Teschke (Germany) on behalf of the Weddell Sea MPA (WSMPA) project team
      WG-EMM-15/39 Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2015 - Part B: Description of available spatial data
      K. Teschke, H. Pehlke and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA (WSMPA) project team, with contributions from the participants at the International Expert Workshop on the WSMPA project (7-9 April 2014, Bremerhaven)
      WG-EMM-15/41 Changes of population structure in common benthic species of the proposed Stella Creek MPA in the vicinity of the Akademik Vernadsky Station, Galindez Island, Antarctica
      Delegation of Ukraine
      WG-EMM-15/42 Report of the Second International Workshop for identifying Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Domain 1 of CCAMLR (Palacio San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25 to 29 May 2015)
      Second WS-MPA Domain 1
      WG-EMM-15/46 Scientific background document in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2015 - Part C: Data analysis and MPA scenario development
      K. Teschke, H. Pehlke, M. Deininger, L. Douglass and T. Brey on behalf of the German Weddell Sea MPA project team
      3.2     Vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)

      Consider notification of any new VMEs.

      4     Advice to the Scientific Committee and its working groups

      Collate, summarise and organise advice, items of interest and concern, requests for information and guidance etc. that were previously reported under Agenda Items 2 and 3.

      5     Future work

      Identify and prioritise items for future work, including short- and long-term work items with particular emphasis on suggesting revisions, if necessary, to the previously agreed work plans for the 2015 meeting of WG-EMM.  Consider work required in 2016–2018.

      6     Other business
      7     Adoption of the report and close of the meeting

      As at past meetings of the WG-EMM, rapporteurs will draft sections of the report. These sections will first be reviewed by the Convener and parties with strong interest in the topic and then submitted to the Secretariat for formatting, editing and circulation for reading and mark-up by attendees. Proposed changes to the draft report must be made in consultation with the rapporteurs, who will inform the convener and then provide the appropriate changes to the Secretariat. The report will be interactively adopted in plenary, using a data projector and support from the Secretariat.
