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Ordre du jour
Ordre du jour préliminaire
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The Working Group will review the Terms of Reference (See SC-CAMLR-4,1Annex 10) and the workplan set out in SC-CAMLR-41, Table 9).
The Working Group will review the content and quality assurance required for dedicated acoustic surveys to deliver krill biomass estimates to CCAMLR for use in management.
The Working Group will review the metadata reporting requirements developed during ASAM 2022, including the development of a data exploration tool.
The Working Group will consider database and storage needs for acoustic data collected by fishing vessels and research surveys.
The Working Group will consider methods, procedures, and reporting requirements for calibration of echosounders on fishing vessels used for acoustic data collection.
The Working Group will review acoustic data collected along nominated transects by fishing vessels.
The Working Group will consider survey designs, data reporting requirements and data processing needs for using fishing vessels as platforms to support biomass estimation of krill, including the review of an instruction manual for collection of fishing-vessel-based acoustic data.
The Working Group will consider the data collection needs to support krill biomass estimation from fishing vessels undertaking acoustic surveys for krill, particularly krill length frequency data and weight data from scientific observers.
The Working Group will discuss the methodology on the estimation of uncertainty for Subarea 48.1 stratum biomass estimates using existing data, and consider the krill biomass estimates for other subareas in Area 48.
The Working Group will review survey results for biomass estimates from East Antarctic surveys.
The Working Group will consider design and analysis methods to examine temporal and spatial variability of krill distribution by observations from various sources (e.g., gliders, moorings, and acoustic data collected during routine fishing activities.
The Working Group will consider papers submitted regarding the design, analysis or results of biomass surveys for finfish such as mackerel icefish.
The working group will consider the workplan in SC-CAMLR-41 Table 9 and identify any reprioritisation or revision for discussion by the Scientific Committee.
The Working Group will consider any other business, including acoustic survey data from research conducted under CM 24-01.