In the report, which is updated paper WG-EMM-16/55, we describe the season activity in the Ukrainian Vernadsky Antarctic Station area on installation CEMP cameras in penguin colonies as part of the CEMP project run by USA, Argentina, Poland and Ukraine 'Establishing a CEMP Camera Network in Subarea 48.1'. Work has been provided under support of the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine that is operating Vernadsky Station. In season 2015/2016 we installed nine cameras at penguine colonies at Petermann, Yalour and Galindez Islands to monitor pengiune nests for breeding success and chronology. Cameras have been installed in the middle of breeding season due to late arrival and hard ice conditions in Argentine Islands area. In time of cameras establishing in all colonies the penguine chicks were in the nests already. We will receive photo sequences for all breeding activity the next season in 2016/2017. The training of winterers-biologists has been provided for CEMP rules activity and for monitoring that can assist with camera data validation. Winteres will fullfill the observations of gentoo penguin activity and breeding at Galindez Island sites start from early season in October-November 2016.
Cameras installation by Ukraine at the Galindez, Petermann and Yalour Islands penguin colonies – CEMP Fund project ‘Establishing a CEMP Camera Network in Subarea 48.1’
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Soumis par:
Kostiantyn Demianenko
Approuvé par:
Oleh Klochak (Ukraine)
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