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    Full Name
    Deuxième réunion de la Commission
    Hobart, Australie
    Date/heure de début de réunion:
    Date/heure de fin de réunion:
    Rapport de la réunion:
    f-cc-ii.pdf (1.23 Mo)


      Numéro du document Titre Point(s) de l'ordre du jour
      Plus d'infos
      Provisional Agenda for the Second Meeting of the Commission
      Plus d'infos
      Report of the Executive Secretary - 1983
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Draft Decision on the Establishment of a Standing Committee on Administration and Finance
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Review of 1982/83 Budget
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Budget for 1984
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/05 Rev. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Budget for 1984
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Matters Arising Out of the Staff and Financial Regulations and Other Matters Relating to the Administration of the Secretariat
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Cooperation with Organisations Listed in Article XXIII of the Convention
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      CCAMLR Representation a t Meetings of Other Organisations in 1983
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Draft Headquarters Agreement Between the Government of Australia and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      (Originally submitted as Document Number CCAMLR-I/3, to the first meeting of the Commission (1982))

      Plus d'infos
      Draft Headquarters Agreement - Australian Government Response to Outstanding Issues
      (This document was distributed to members by the Executive Secretary on 21 March, 1983)

      Plus d'infos
      Suggested Changes to the Financial Regulations as a Result of the Auditor’s Observations
      Secrétaire exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Amendment to the Commission’s Rules of Procedure
      (As adopted by the Commission on 30 August 1983)

      Plus d'infos
      Headquarters Agreement Between the Government of Australia and the Commission: Proposed Amendments
      Plus d'infos
      Principal Provisions of the Headquarters Agreement between the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Government of Australia and Relating to Privileges and Immunities
      Plus d'infos
      Applications for Observer Status
      Présenté par le Secrétaire Exécutif
      Plus d'infos
      Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance
      Plus d'infos
      Draft Report of the Commission
      Plus d'infos
      Draft Headquarters Agreement
      (Results of Chairman's Informal Consultations)

      CCAMLR-II/INF. 1
      Plus d'infos
      Annotated Agenda - Commission
      CCAMLR-II/INF. 2
      Plus d'infos
      List of Participants – Commission and Scientific Committee
      CCAMLR-II/INF. 3/0I
      Plus d'infos
      Opening Statement by the Chairman of the Commission
      Mr. A.D. Brown of Australia

      Plus d'infos
      Report of the Chairman for 1983

      Ordre du jour

      Développer Commentaires | Développer Document | Réduire

      CCAMLR-II/01 Provisional Agenda for the Second Meeting of the Commission
      CCAMLR-II/02 Report of the Executive Secretary - 1983
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/03 Draft Decision on the Establishment of a Standing Committee on Administration and Finance
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/04 Review of 1982/83 Budget
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/05 Budget for 1984
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/05 Rev. 1 Budget for 1984
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/06 Matters Arising Out of the Staff and Financial Regulations and Other Matters Relating to the Administration of the Secretariat
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/07 Cooperation with Organisations Listed in Article XXIII of the Convention
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/08 CCAMLR Representation a t Meetings of Other Organisations in 1983
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/09 Draft Headquarters Agreement Between the Government of Australia and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      (Originally submitted as Document Number CCAMLR-I/3, to the first meeting of the Commission (1982))
      CCAMLR-II/10 Draft Headquarters Agreement - Australian Government Response to Outstanding Issues
      (This document was distributed to members by the Executive Secretary on 21 March, 1983)
      CCAMLR-II/11 Suggested Changes to the Financial Regulations as a Result of the Auditor’s Observations
      Secrétaire exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/12 Amendment to the Commission’s Rules of Procedure
      (As adopted by the Commission on 30 August 1983)
      CCAMLR-II/13 Headquarters Agreement Between the Government of Australia and the Commission: Proposed Amendments
      CCAMLR-II/14 Principal Provisions of the Headquarters Agreement between the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Government of Australia and Relating to Privileges and Immunities
      CCAMLR-II/15 Applications for Observer Status
      Présenté par le Secrétaire Exécutif
      CCAMLR-II/16 Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance
      CCAMLR-II/17 Draft Report of the Commission
      CCAMLR-II/18 Draft Headquarters Agreement
      (Results of Chairman's Informal Consultations)
      CCAMLR-II/INF. 1 Annotated Agenda - Commission
      CCAMLR-II/INF. 2 List of Participants – Commission and Scientific Committee
      CCAMLR-II/INF. 3/0I Opening Statement by the Chairman of the Commission
      Mr. A.D. Brown of Australia
      CCAMLR-II/INF. 3/II Report of the Chairman for 1983