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    Full Name
    Taller sobre Áreas Marinas Protegidas
    Brest, Francia
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Plazo de presentación
    lunes, 15 agosto, 2011 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de grupo de trabajo)
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-sc-xxx-a06.pdf (840.06 KB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of the work of the CEP on Marine Protected Areas
      Antarctic Treaty Secretariat, c/o Dr P. Penhale, CEP Representative to the CCAMLR MPA Workshop
      Mostrar menos información
      Identifying marine protected areas (MPAs) in data-poor regions to conserve biodiversity and to monitor ecosystem change: an Antarctic case study
      A.J. Constable, B. Raymond, S. Doust, D. Welsford (Australia), P. Koubbi (France) and A.L. Post (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      A circumpolar pelagic regionalisation of the Southern Ocean
      B. Raymond (Australia)
      2, 3, 4
      Mostrar menos información
      Estimating the biodiversity of the shelf and oceanic zone of the d’Urville Sea (East Antarctica) for ecoregionalisation using the CEAMARC (Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census) CAML surveys
      P. Koubbi (France), G. Hosie, A. Constable, B. Raymond (Australia), M. Moteki (Japan), N. Améziane, R. Causse (France), V. Fuentes (Spain), K. Heerah, F. Penot, D. Vincent, A. Ancel, C.A. Bost, M. Eléaume (France), D. Lindsay (Japan), M. Lindsay (Australi
      2, 3, 4, 6
      Mostrar menos información
      Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for the ecoregionalisation of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6: Part II. foraging habitats of top predators from French Antarctic Territories – areas of ecological significance in the Southern Ocean
      K. Delord, C. Bost, C. Guinet and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      Mostrar menos información
      Estimating the biodiversity and distribution of the northern part of the Kerguelen Islands slope, shelf and shelf-break for ecoregionalisation: benthos and demersal fish
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, P. Pruvost, G. Duhamel and Kerguelen group (France)
      2, 3, 4, 6
      Mostrar menos información
      Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for ecoregionalisation: Part I. Pelagic realm of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6
      P. Koubbi (France), P.A. Hulley (South Africa), B. Raymond (Australia), F. Penot, S. Gasparini, J.P. Labat, P. Pruvost (France), S. Mormède (New Zealand), J.O. Irisson, G. Duhamel and P. Mayzaud (France)
      2, 3, 4, 6
      Mostrar menos información
      Systematic Biodiversity Planning to identify a potential offshore Marine Protected Area network for South Africa
      K. Sink, M. Lombard (South Africa), H. Grantham (Australia), C. Attwood, R. Leslie, T. Samaai, S. Kerwath, T. Fairweather, C. van der Lingen, L. Atkinson, T. Wolf and P. Majiedt (South Africa)
      2, 5
      Mostrar menos información
      Focal areas for marine biodiversity protection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Marine Systematic Conservation Plan Analyses (SeaPLAN): Summary of Results 2011
      T. Livingstone, J. Harris, M. Lombard and E. Lagabrielle (South Africa)
      2, 5
      Mostrar menos información
      On marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean
      G.P. Milinevsky and S.B. Kovalonok (Ukraine)
      Mostrar menos información
      Terra Nova Bay: hot spot in marine and terrestrial biodiversity, knowledge and functioning of the ecosystem
      S. Torcini, M. Vacchi, S. Aliani, G. Bavestrello, A. Bergamasco, G. Budillon, B. Calcinai, G. Catalano, R. Cattaneo-Vietti, C. Cerrano, M. Chiantore, S. Corsolini, R. Bargagli, A. Dell’Anno, G. di Prisco, G. Fusco, S. Focardi, L. Gugliemo, G. Lauriano, P. Luporini, O. Mangoni, S. Olmastroni, F. Pezzo, E. Pisano, L. Ghigliotti, P. Povero, S. Puce, A. Pusceddu, E. Rusciano, M. Saggiomo, V. Saggiomo, M.C. Gambi, S. Schiaparelli, G. Spezie, C. Verde, P. Del Negro (Italy)
      Mostrar menos información
      The ‘CAML/SCAR-MarBIN Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean’
      C. De Broyer (Belgium) and P. Koubbi (France)
      Mostrar menos información
      An identification of areas within the high seas of the Southern Ocean that would contribute to a representative system of marine protected areas
      L.L. Douglass, D. Beaver, J. Turner and R. Nicoll (WWF–ASOC)
      2, 4, 5
      Mostrar menos información
      Climate change and precautionary spatial protection: ice shelves
      P.N. Trathan and S.M. Grant (UK)
      3, 5
      Mostrar menos información
      Climate change and precautionary spatial protection: seasonal sea ice
      P.N. Trathan and S.M. Grant (UK)
      3, 5
      Mostrar menos información
      Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean: update on current status of designated areas
      S.M. Grant and P.N. Trathan (UK)
      2, 8
      Mostrar menos información
      CCAMLR spatial management GIS: potential applications for informing the development of a representative system of MPAs
      S.M. Grant, S.L. Hill and P.T. Fretwell (UK)
      Mostrar menos información
      A toolbox of Marine Protected Area management techniques for the area covered by the Antarctic Treaty and by CCAMLR
      WWF and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
      Mostrar menos información
      Designing Marine Protected Area networks: insights from the CHARM3 project
      R.J. Smith and K. Metcalfe (UK)
      Mostrar menos información
      A hierarchical classification of benthic biodiversity and assessment of protected areas in the Southern Ocean
      L.L. Douglass, J. Turner, H.S. Grantham, S. Kaiser, R. Nicoll, A. Post, A. Brandt and D. Beaver (WWF–ASOC)
      Mostrar menos información
      Conservation of Antarctic pack-ice seals with increasing krill fishing and environmental change
      J. Forcada, P.N. Trathan (UK), P.L. Boveng (USA), I.L. Boyd (UK), D.P. Costa (USA), M. Fedak (UK), T.L. Rogers and C.J. Southwell (Australia)
      3, 5
      Mostrar menos información
      Marine Protected Area planning by New Zealand and the United States in the Ross Sea region
      B.R. Sharp (New Zealand) and G.M. Watters (USA)
      2, 3
      Mostrar menos información
      CEAMARC, the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census for the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (IPY # 53): An overview
      G. Hosie, P. Koubbi, M. Riddle, C. Ozouf-Costaz, M. Moteki, M. Fukuchi, N. Ameziane, T. Ishimaru, A. Goffart
      Mostrar menos información
      PECHEKER-SIMPA – A tool for fisheries management and ecosystem modeling
      P. Pruvost, A. Martin, G. Denys and R. Causse
      4, 6
      Mostrar menos información
      Biodiversity of the benthos off Kerguelen Islands: overview and perspectives
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, L.G. Hemery, F. Monniot, A. Hemery, M. Hautecoeur and A. Dettaï
      Mostrar menos información
      Major fishery events in Kerguelen Islands: Notothenia rossii, Champsocephalus gunnari, Dissostichus eleginoides – current distribution and status of stocks
      G. Duhamel, P, Pruvost, M. Bertignac, N. Gasco and M. Hautecoeur
      3, 4


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      1     Introduction and Opening of the Meeting

      1.1.    Opening of the meeting: Welcome to participants, overview of facilities, Secretariat’s offices, computer support and Internet access, scheduled breaks, and extracurricular activities

      1.2. Review the Terms of Reference, amendments to and adoption of the workshop agenda, appointment of rapporteurs and procedures for producing the report

      1.3. Welcome and introductory remarks by Local Hosts

      2     Bioregionalisation and Systematic Conservation Planning

      2.1. Discuss progress in bioregionalization and other approaches to identify areas of conservation importance in the Convention Area, including characterizations of priority regions in terms of biodiversity patterns and ecosystem processes, physical environmental features and human activities, and representation of particular biological distributions and ecosystem processes as separate overlays

      2.2. Identify additional types of scientific information and additional decision-support tools that could be used for the identification of areas of conservation importance


      WS-MPA-11/06 A circumpolar pelagic regionalisation of the Southern Ocean
      B. Raymond (Australia)
      WS-MPA-11/07 Estimating the biodiversity of the shelf and oceanic zone of the d’Urville Sea (East Antarctica) for ecoregionalisation using the CEAMARC (Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census) CAML surveys
      P. Koubbi (France), G. Hosie, A. Constable, B. Raymond (Australia), M. Moteki (Japan), N. Améziane, R. Causse (France), V. Fuentes (Spain), K. Heerah, F. Penot, D. Vincent, A. Ancel, C.A. Bost, M. Eléaume (France), D. Lindsay (Japan), M. Lindsay (Australi
      WS-MPA-11/08 Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for the ecoregionalisation of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6: Part II. foraging habitats of top predators from French Antarctic Territories – areas of ecological significance in the Southern Ocean
      K. Delord, C. Bost, C. Guinet and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WS-MPA-11/09 Estimating the biodiversity and distribution of the northern part of the Kerguelen Islands slope, shelf and shelf-break for ecoregionalisation: benthos and demersal fish
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, P. Pruvost, G. Duhamel and Kerguelen group (France)
      WS-MPA-11/10 Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for ecoregionalisation: Part I. Pelagic realm of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6
      P. Koubbi (France), P.A. Hulley (South Africa), B. Raymond (Australia), F. Penot, S. Gasparini, J.P. Labat, P. Pruvost (France), S. Mormède (New Zealand), J.O. Irisson, G. Duhamel and P. Mayzaud (France)
      WS-MPA-11/11 Systematic Biodiversity Planning to identify a potential offshore Marine Protected Area network for South Africa
      K. Sink, M. Lombard (South Africa), H. Grantham (Australia), C. Attwood, R. Leslie, T. Samaai, S. Kerwath, T. Fairweather, C. van der Lingen, L. Atkinson, T. Wolf and P. Majiedt (South Africa)
      WS-MPA-11/12 Focal areas for marine biodiversity protection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Marine Systematic Conservation Plan Analyses (SeaPLAN): Summary of Results 2011
      T. Livingstone, J. Harris, M. Lombard and E. Lagabrielle (South Africa)
      WS-MPA-11/14 Terra Nova Bay: hot spot in marine and terrestrial biodiversity, knowledge and functioning of the ecosystem
      S. Torcini, M. Vacchi, S. Aliani, G. Bavestrello, A. Bergamasco, G. Budillon, B. Calcinai, G. Catalano, R. Cattaneo-Vietti, C. Cerrano, M. Chiantore, S. Corsolini, R. Bargagli, A. Dell’Anno, G. di Prisco, G. Fusco, S. Focardi, L. Gugliemo, G. Lauriano, P. Luporini, O. Mangoni, S. Olmastroni, F. Pezzo, E. Pisano, L. Ghigliotti, P. Povero, S. Puce, A. Pusceddu, E. Rusciano, M. Saggiomo, V. Saggiomo, M.C. Gambi, S. Schiaparelli, G. Spezie, C. Verde, P. Del Negro (Italy)
      WS-MPA-11/15 The ‘CAML/SCAR-MarBIN Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean’
      C. De Broyer (Belgium) and P. Koubbi (France)
      WS-MPA-11/16 An identification of areas within the high seas of the Southern Ocean that would contribute to a representative system of marine protected areas
      L.L. Douglass, D. Beaver, J. Turner and R. Nicoll (WWF–ASOC)
      WS-MPA-11/19 Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean: update on current status of designated areas
      S.M. Grant and P.N. Trathan (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/20 CCAMLR spatial management GIS: potential applications for informing the development of a representative system of MPAs
      S.M. Grant, S.L. Hill and P.T. Fretwell (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/22 Designing Marine Protected Area networks: insights from the CHARM3 project
      R.J. Smith and K. Metcalfe (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/23 A hierarchical classification of benthic biodiversity and assessment of protected areas in the Southern Ocean
      L.L. Douglass, J. Turner, H.S. Grantham, S. Kaiser, R. Nicoll, A. Post, A. Brandt and D. Beaver (WWF–ASOC)
      WS-MPA-11/25 Marine Protected Area planning by New Zealand and the United States in the Ross Sea region
      B.R. Sharp (New Zealand) and G.M. Watters (USA)
      WS-MPA-11/P01 CEAMARC, the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census for the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (IPY # 53): An overview
      G. Hosie, P. Koubbi, M. Riddle, C. Ozouf-Costaz, M. Moteki, M. Fukuchi, N. Ameziane, T. Ishimaru, A. Goffart
      3     Review of Draft Proposals for MPAs or a RSMPA in the CAMLR Convention Area

      3.1. Discuss and provide advice so that Members developing proposals can incorporate feedback from the workshop and revise proposals accordingly for future consideration by the Scientific Committee and the Commission

      WS-MPA-11/05 Identifying marine protected areas (MPAs) in data-poor regions to conserve biodiversity and to monitor ecosystem change: an Antarctic case study
      A.J. Constable, B. Raymond, S. Doust, D. Welsford (Australia), P. Koubbi (France) and A.L. Post (Australia)
      WS-MPA-11/06 A circumpolar pelagic regionalisation of the Southern Ocean
      B. Raymond (Australia)
      WS-MPA-11/07 Estimating the biodiversity of the shelf and oceanic zone of the d’Urville Sea (East Antarctica) for ecoregionalisation using the CEAMARC (Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census) CAML surveys
      P. Koubbi (France), G. Hosie, A. Constable, B. Raymond (Australia), M. Moteki (Japan), N. Améziane, R. Causse (France), V. Fuentes (Spain), K. Heerah, F. Penot, D. Vincent, A. Ancel, C.A. Bost, M. Eléaume (France), D. Lindsay (Japan), M. Lindsay (Australi
      WS-MPA-11/09 Estimating the biodiversity and distribution of the northern part of the Kerguelen Islands slope, shelf and shelf-break for ecoregionalisation: benthos and demersal fish
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, P. Pruvost, G. Duhamel and Kerguelen group (France)
      WS-MPA-11/10 Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for ecoregionalisation: Part I. Pelagic realm of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6
      P. Koubbi (France), P.A. Hulley (South Africa), B. Raymond (Australia), F. Penot, S. Gasparini, J.P. Labat, P. Pruvost (France), S. Mormède (New Zealand), J.O. Irisson, G. Duhamel and P. Mayzaud (France)
      WS-MPA-11/17 Climate change and precautionary spatial protection: ice shelves
      P.N. Trathan and S.M. Grant (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/18 Climate change and precautionary spatial protection: seasonal sea ice
      P.N. Trathan and S.M. Grant (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/24 Conservation of Antarctic pack-ice seals with increasing krill fishing and environmental change
      J. Forcada, P.N. Trathan (UK), P.L. Boveng (USA), I.L. Boyd (UK), D.P. Costa (USA), M. Fedak (UK), T.L. Rogers and C.J. Southwell (Australia)
      WS-MPA-11/25 Marine Protected Area planning by New Zealand and the United States in the Ross Sea region
      B.R. Sharp (New Zealand) and G.M. Watters (USA)
      WS-MPA-11/P03 Biodiversity of the benthos off Kerguelen Islands: overview and perspectives
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, L.G. Hemery, F. Monniot, A. Hemery, M. Hautecoeur and A. Dettaï
      WS-MPA-11/P04 Major fishery events in Kerguelen Islands: Notothenia rossii, Champsocephalus gunnari, Dissostichus eleginoides – current distribution and status of stocks
      G. Duhamel, P, Pruvost, M. Bertignac, N. Gasco and M. Hautecoeur
      4     Progress in Developing MPAs in Priority Regions

      4.1. Discuss reports of new work in priority regions and provide advice to aid in further development of MPAs or RSMPA in these regions

      WS-MPA-11/06 A circumpolar pelagic regionalisation of the Southern Ocean
      B. Raymond (Australia)
      WS-MPA-11/07 Estimating the biodiversity of the shelf and oceanic zone of the d’Urville Sea (East Antarctica) for ecoregionalisation using the CEAMARC (Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census) CAML surveys
      P. Koubbi (France), G. Hosie, A. Constable, B. Raymond (Australia), M. Moteki (Japan), N. Améziane, R. Causse (France), V. Fuentes (Spain), K. Heerah, F. Penot, D. Vincent, A. Ancel, C.A. Bost, M. Eléaume (France), D. Lindsay (Japan), M. Lindsay (Australi
      WS-MPA-11/09 Estimating the biodiversity and distribution of the northern part of the Kerguelen Islands slope, shelf and shelf-break for ecoregionalisation: benthos and demersal fish
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, P. Pruvost, G. Duhamel and Kerguelen group (France)
      WS-MPA-11/10 Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for ecoregionalisation: Part I. Pelagic realm of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6
      P. Koubbi (France), P.A. Hulley (South Africa), B. Raymond (Australia), F. Penot, S. Gasparini, J.P. Labat, P. Pruvost (France), S. Mormède (New Zealand), J.O. Irisson, G. Duhamel and P. Mayzaud (France)
      WS-MPA-11/13 On marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean
      G.P. Milinevsky and S.B. Kovalonok (Ukraine)
      WS-MPA-11/16 An identification of areas within the high seas of the Southern Ocean that would contribute to a representative system of marine protected areas
      L.L. Douglass, D. Beaver, J. Turner and R. Nicoll (WWF–ASOC)
      WS-MPA-11/P02 PECHEKER-SIMPA – A tool for fisheries management and ecosystem modeling
      P. Pruvost, A. Martin, G. Denys and R. Causse
      WS-MPA-11/P04 Major fishery events in Kerguelen Islands: Notothenia rossii, Champsocephalus gunnari, Dissostichus eleginoides – current distribution and status of stocks
      G. Duhamel, P, Pruvost, M. Bertignac, N. Gasco and M. Hautecoeur
      5     Identification of Conservation Objectives in Priority Regions

      5.1. Identify conservation objectives appropriate to different regions; with reference to particular data layers and metrics against which achievement of objectives might be assessed

      5.2. Identify the value of particular areas for rational use

      5.3. Discuss methods for identifying and prioritising candidate sites for protection, including the means by which conservation and rational use objectives might be addressed


      WS-MPA-11/11 Systematic Biodiversity Planning to identify a potential offshore Marine Protected Area network for South Africa
      K. Sink, M. Lombard (South Africa), H. Grantham (Australia), C. Attwood, R. Leslie, T. Samaai, S. Kerwath, T. Fairweather, C. van der Lingen, L. Atkinson, T. Wolf and P. Majiedt (South Africa)
      WS-MPA-11/12 Focal areas for marine biodiversity protection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Marine Systematic Conservation Plan Analyses (SeaPLAN): Summary of Results 2011
      T. Livingstone, J. Harris, M. Lombard and E. Lagabrielle (South Africa)
      WS-MPA-11/16 An identification of areas within the high seas of the Southern Ocean that would contribute to a representative system of marine protected areas
      L.L. Douglass, D. Beaver, J. Turner and R. Nicoll (WWF–ASOC)
      WS-MPA-11/17 Climate change and precautionary spatial protection: ice shelves
      P.N. Trathan and S.M. Grant (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/18 Climate change and precautionary spatial protection: seasonal sea ice
      P.N. Trathan and S.M. Grant (UK)
      WS-MPA-11/24 Conservation of Antarctic pack-ice seals with increasing krill fishing and environmental change
      J. Forcada, P.N. Trathan (UK), P.L. Boveng (USA), I.L. Boyd (UK), D.P. Costa (USA), M. Fedak (UK), T.L. Rogers and C.J. Southwell (Australia)
      6     Development of Workplan for Priority Regions

      6.1. Consider and recommend regions in which further work to identify MPAs which would advance Commission goals, based on current progress and considering the 11 priority regions and other regions as appropriate

      6.2. Discuss collaboration with the Committee on Environmental Protection towards a harmonized approach to the development of RSMPAs south of 60°S

      WS-MPA-11/04 Summary of the work of the CEP on Marine Protected Areas
      Antarctic Treaty Secretariat, c/o Dr P. Penhale, CEP Representative to the CCAMLR MPA Workshop
      WS-MPA-11/07 Estimating the biodiversity of the shelf and oceanic zone of the d’Urville Sea (East Antarctica) for ecoregionalisation using the CEAMARC (Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census) CAML surveys
      P. Koubbi (France), G. Hosie, A. Constable, B. Raymond (Australia), M. Moteki (Japan), N. Améziane, R. Causse (France), V. Fuentes (Spain), K. Heerah, F. Penot, D. Vincent, A. Ancel, C.A. Bost, M. Eléaume (France), D. Lindsay (Japan), M. Lindsay (Australi
      WS-MPA-11/09 Estimating the biodiversity and distribution of the northern part of the Kerguelen Islands slope, shelf and shelf-break for ecoregionalisation: benthos and demersal fish
      N. Améziane, M. Eléaume, P. Pruvost, G. Duhamel and Kerguelen group (France)
      WS-MPA-11/10 Estimating the biodiversity of the sub-Antarctic Indian part for ecoregionalisation: Part I. Pelagic realm of CCAMLR areas 58.5.1 and 58.6
      P. Koubbi (France), P.A. Hulley (South Africa), B. Raymond (Australia), F. Penot, S. Gasparini, J.P. Labat, P. Pruvost (France), S. Mormède (New Zealand), J.O. Irisson, G. Duhamel and P. Mayzaud (France)
      WS-MPA-11/P02 PECHEKER-SIMPA – A tool for fisheries management and ecosystem modeling
      P. Pruvost, A. Martin, G. Denys and R. Causse
      7     Approaches to the Development of MPA Management Plans

      7.1The Commission (CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraph 7.8) endorsed the recommendation that the process for designation of an MPA include the development of a research and monitoring program to be conducted within a specified timetable (e.g. 3 to 5 years), and that the development of a designation process and a monitoring plan may proceed in a stepwise fashion or both processes may occur simultaneously (SC-CAMLR-XXIX, paragraphs 5.36 and 5.37). Consider elements and approaches involved in the development of management plans for MPAs

      8     Advice to the Scientific Committee, its Working Groups and the Commission

      8.1. Collate, summarize, and organize advice and other items of interest or concern, including a summary of the current status of existing and proposed MPAs in the Convention Area, updated consideration of priority regions in which further work to identify MPAs could be focused, and recommendations of draft MPA proposals

      8.2. Recommend a work program for finalizing recommendations on an RSMPA for the Commission meeting in 2012


      9     Preparation and Adoption of the Report