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    Full Name
    Reunión conjunta de los Grupos de Trabajo del Kril y del Programa de Seguimiento del Ecosistema de la CCRVMA
    Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Plazo de presentación
    Miércoles, 13 julio, 1994 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de grupo de trabajo)
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-sc-xiii-a7.pdf (173.48 KB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional Agenda for the Second Joint Meeting of WG-KRILL and WG-CEMP
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      List of participants
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      List of documents
      Mostrar menos información
      Further development of a krill fishery simulation model
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat)
      Mostrar menos información
      Modelling functional relationships between predators and prey
      J.P. Croxall, I.L. Boyd and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Modelling functional relationships between predators and prey
      W.Z. Trivelpiece and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA)
      Mostrar menos información
      Diagnostic model of functioning of Antarctic krill population in the Cooperation Sea
      V. Belyaev and M. Khudoshina (Ukraine)
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      Development of a fine-scale model of land-based predator foraging demands in the Antarctic
      D.J. Agnew and G. Phegan (Secretariat)
      Mostrar menos información
      Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1994 austral summer
      R.P. Hewitt and D.A. Demer (USA)
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      Antarctic neritic krill Euphausia chrystallorophias: spatio-temporal distribution, growth and grazing rates
      E.A. Pakhomov (Ukraine) and R. Perissinotto (South Africa)
      Mostrar menos información
      Gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua diet as an indicator of planktonic availability in the Kerguelen Islands
      C.A. Bost, P. Koubbi, F. Genevois, L. Ruchon and V. Ridoux (France)
      Mostrar menos información
      Acoustic visualization of the three-dimensional prey field of foraging chinstrap penguins
      J.E. Zamon, C.H. Greene, E. Meir, D.A. Demer, R.P. Hewitt and S. Sexton (USA)
      Mostrar menos información
      Birds as indicators of change in marine prey stocks
      W.A. Montevecchi (Canada)
      Mostrar menos información
      Draft Report of the Study Group on Seabird/Fish Interactions
      Copenhagen, 6-10 September 1993

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      Estimated food consumption by penguins at the Prince Edward Islands
      N.J. Adams, C. Moloney and R. Navarro (South Africa)
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      An Environmental Information and Modelling System (EIMS) for sustainable development: from the arid subtropical to Antarctica
      V.H. Marín (Chile)
      Mostrar menos información
      A revised assessment of the impact of the krill fishery on penguins in the South Shetlands
      T. Ichii, M. Naganobu and T. Ogishima (Japan)


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      WG-Joint-94/01 Provisional Agenda for the Second Joint Meeting of WG-KRILL and WG-CEMP
      WG-Joint-94/02 List of participants
      WG-Joint-94/03 List of documents
      WG-Joint-94/04 Further development of a krill fishery simulation model
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat)
      WG-Joint-94/05 Modelling functional relationships between predators and prey
      J.P. Croxall, I.L. Boyd and P.A. Prince (United Kingdom)
      WG-Joint-94/06 Modelling functional relationships between predators and prey
      W.Z. Trivelpiece and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA)
      WG-Joint-94/07 Diagnostic model of functioning of Antarctic krill population in the Cooperation Sea
      V. Belyaev and M. Khudoshina (Ukraine)
      WG-Joint-94/08 Development of a fine-scale model of land-based predator foraging demands in the Antarctic
      D.J. Agnew and G. Phegan (Secretariat)
      WG-Joint-94/09 Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1994 austral summer
      R.P. Hewitt and D.A. Demer (USA)
      WG-Joint-94/10 Antarctic neritic krill Euphausia chrystallorophias: spatio-temporal distribution, growth and grazing rates
      E.A. Pakhomov (Ukraine) and R. Perissinotto (South Africa)
      WG-Joint-94/11 Gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua diet as an indicator of planktonic availability in the Kerguelen Islands
      C.A. Bost, P. Koubbi, F. Genevois, L. Ruchon and V. Ridoux (France)
      WG-Joint-94/12 Acoustic visualization of the three-dimensional prey field of foraging chinstrap penguins
      J.E. Zamon, C.H. Greene, E. Meir, D.A. Demer, R.P. Hewitt and S. Sexton (USA)
      WG-Joint-94/13 Birds as indicators of change in marine prey stocks
      W.A. Montevecchi (Canada)
      WG-Joint-94/14 Draft Report of the Study Group on Seabird/Fish Interactions
      Copenhagen, 6-10 September 1993
      WG-Joint-94/15 Estimated food consumption by penguins at the Prince Edward Islands
      N.J. Adams, C. Moloney and R. Navarro (South Africa)
      WG-Joint-94/16 An Environmental Information and Modelling System (EIMS) for sustainable development: from the arid subtropical to Antarctica
      V.H. Marín (Chile)
      WG-Joint-94/17 A revised assessment of the impact of the krill fishery on penguins in the South Shetlands
      T. Ichii, M. Naganobu and T. Ogishima (Japan)