WG-FSA-04/1 Mostrar menos información |
Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2004 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG FSA) |
WG-FSA-04/10 Mostrar menos información |
Antarctic icefishes (Channichthyidae) – a unique family of fishes – a review K.-H. Kock (Germany)
Icefish are a family of species unique among vertebrates in that they possess no haemoglobin. With the exception of one species, icefish live only in the cold – stable and oxygen – rich environment of the Southern Ocean. It is still questionable how old icefish are in evolutionary terms: they may not be older than 6 MA, i.e. they evolved well after the Southern Ocean started to cool down or Read More
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WG-FSA-04/11+ Eng summary Mostrar menos información |
Etude de la mortalité accidentelle des oiseaux dans la pêcherie à la palangre dans les secteurs de Crozet et Kerguelen en 2001–2003 K. Delord, N. Gasco, H. Weimerskirch and T. Micol (France)
The legal Patagonian toothfish longline fishery operating in the French ZEE of Crozet (58.6) and Kerguelen (58.5.1) killed 26 668 seabirds, accidentally drowned, during 24 months of fishing between September 2001 and August 2003. Overall, white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis were by far the most frequently killed species then grey petrels Procellaria cinerea were incidentally Read More
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WG-FSA-04/12 Mostrar menos información |
Diet of grey-headed albatrosses at the Diego Ramírez Islands, Chile: ecological implications J. Arata (Chile), G. Robertson (Australia), J. Valencia (Chile), J.C. Xavier (UK) and C.A. Moreno (Chile)
The diet of grey-headed albatrosses at Diego Ramírez, Chile, was analyzed and compared to that of the sympatric black-browed albatross. Diet composition was inferred from an analysis of prey hard parts present in 103 chick regurgitates obtained during breeding seasons 2000, 2001 and 2002. The squid Martialia hyadesi predominated in the diet samples in 2001 and 2002 (89% and 81% of Read More
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WG-FSA-04/13 Mostrar menos información |
Seabird by-catch update on industrial Patagonian toothfish fishery in southern Chile J. Arata, C.A. Moreno and R. Hucke-Gaete (Chile)
Implementation of NPOAs requires in first place an assessment of all longline fisheries with presumption of occurring seabird incidental mortality. Chile took this responsibility in 2001 and started the NPOA-S process by estimating the seabird bycatch at the Patagonian toothfish fishery in southern Chile, a fishery and zone with high probabilities of having significant levels of incidental Read More
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WG-FSA-04/14 Mostrar menos información |
Chilean NPOA-Seabirds: first steps C.A. Moreno and J. Arata (Chile)
The progresses in the developing of the Chilean NPOA-S are described. At the moment, an Executive and a Technical Group have been constituted. First steps taken had been the selection of mitigation measures to be applied; the design of experiments to test specific combinations of mitigation measures, and the discussion of the Objectives and Goals of the NPOA-S. The final draft of the NPOA-S Read More
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WG-FSA-04/15 Mostrar menos información |
Note from the FAO Secretariat for the 25th COFI-Meeting; status report on the implementation of IPOA-Seabirds FAO Secretariat |
WG-FSA-04/16 Mostrar menos información |
CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation: review of the Scientific Observers Manual Secretariat
The rationale for the proposed main review of the Scientific Observer Manual and a report on intersessional work undertaken in 2004 are presented.
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WG-FSA-04/17 Mostrar menos información |
Mitigation measures of fur seal entanglement by Japanese krill vessels Delegation of Japan
Mitigation measures for incidental fur seal entanglements employed by Japanese krill trawl vessels are illustrated.
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WG-FSA-04/18 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for extension of fishing season on the exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea 48.6 in the 2004/05 season Delegation of Japan
Based on the last year's record of the operation and the advice by WG-IMAF/WG-FSA, the extension of the fishing season for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea 48.6 north of 60°S is proposed.
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WG-FSA-04/19 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary analyses of data collected during experimental fishing for Patagonian toothfish in international waters of the southwest Indian Ocean (Area 51) L.J. López Abellán (Spain)
Experimental fishing for Patagonian toothfish took place during the period from 28 June to 27 July, 2003. This experience was carried out by a Spanish longliner, following commercial procedures, in a restricted area south of Madagascar and north of the Prince Edward and Marion Islands and the Crozet Islands, and outside EEZ and CCAMLR waters. A total of 57 sets were taken at between 360 and Read More
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WG-FSA-04/2 Mostrar menos información |
List of participants |
WG-FSA-04/20 Mostrar menos información |
A characterisation of the toothfish fishery in Subareas 88.1
and 88.2 from 1997/98 to 2003/04 S.M. Hanchet, M.L. Stevenson, N.L. Phillips and P.L. Horn (New Zealand)
An exploratory fishery for Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) has been in operation for seven seasons in Subarea 88.1 and for three seasons in Subarea 88.2. A large amount of data on toothfish and the associated bycatch from the fishing operations has been collected. This report is somewhat different to earlier reviews of the exploratory fishery. In the first instance, it reports catches by the Read More
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WG-FSA-04/21 Mostrar menos información |
Genetic structuring of Patagonian toothfish populations in the southwest Atlantic Ocean: the effect of the Antarctic Polar Front and deep-water troughs as barriers to genetic exchange P.W. Shaw, A.I. Arkhipkin and H. Al-Khairulla (United Kingdom)
The environmental and/or life history factors affecting genetic exchange in marine species with potential for high dispersal are of great interest, not only from an evolutionary standpoint but also with regard to effective management. Previous genetic studies have demonstrated substantial differentiation among populations of the Patagonian toothfish around the Southern Ocean, indicating Read More
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WG-FSA-04/22 Mostrar menos información |
United States research under way on seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interactions Delegation of the USA |
WG-FSA-04/23 Mostrar menos información |
Electronic monitoring of seabird interactions with trawl third-wire cables on trawl vessels – a pilot study H. McElderry, J. Schrader, D. McCullough, J. Illingworth, S. Fitzgerald and S. Davis (USA)
Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. Was selected by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center to test electronic monitoring (EM) equipment for possible use to examine seabird interactions with trawl third-wire cables on trawl vessels. This pilot study involved field testing of EM systems on shoreside delivery and head and gut bottom trawl vessels conducting operations in the Bering Sea, U.S. Exclusive Read More
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WG-FSA-04/23text Mostrar menos información |
Electronic monitoring of seabird interactions with trawl third-wire cables on trawl vessels – a pilot study H. McElderry, J. Schrader, D. McCullough, J. Illingworth, S. Fitzgerald and S. Davis (USA)
Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. Was selected by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center to test electronic monitoring (EM) equipment for possible use to examine seabird interactions with trawl third-wire cables on trawl vessels. This pilot study involved field testing of EM systems on shoreside delivery and head and gut bottom trawl vessels conducting operations in the Bering Sea, U.S. Exclusive Read More
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WG-FSA-04/24 Mostrar menos información |
Using digital video monitoring systems in fisheries: applications for monitoring compliance of seabird avoidance devices and seabird mortality in Pacific halibut longline fisheries R.T. Ames, G.H. Williams and S.M. Fitzgerald (USA)
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) contracted with the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) for a project examining the feasibility of electronic monitoring systems (EMS) in the Pacific halibut longline fleet operating off the state of Alaska. The project was conducted on two of the IPHC stock assessment survey vessels fishing in Alaska during 2002. The objectives of the Read More
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WG-FSA-04/25 Mostrar menos información |
Standardised CPUE analysis of the Antarctic toothfish fishery
in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 from 1988/89 to 2003/04 N.L. Phillips, R.G. Blackwell and S.M. Hanchet (New Zealand)
A toothfish fishery has operated during the Antarctic summer (December - May) from 1997 to 2004, in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. A preliminary standardised analysis of toothfish CPUE (catch (kg) per baited hook per set) carried out in 2003 compared two alternative toothfish CPUE analyses for the 1998 to 2003 seasons for Subarea 88.1.
This report revises and updates the previous analysis with Read More
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WG-FSA-04/26 Mostrar menos información |
Nesting behaviour of the icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus at Bouvetøya Island, Southern Ocean (CCAMLR Subarea 48.6) H.W. Detrich III, C.D. Jones, S. Kim (USA), A.W. North (United Kingdom), A. Thurber (USA) and M. Vacchi (Italy)
In this paper we describe in situ observations on nesting by the Scotia Sea (or blackfin) icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus that constitute the first substantive evidence of egg brooding and parental care by species of the family Channichthyidae. These novel observations are enriched by descriptions of the seafloor community that is impacted by fish nesting. Given the vulnerability of spawning Read More
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WG-FSA-04/27 Mostrar menos información |
An exploratory analysis of skate speciation using DNA identification techniques P.J. Smith and S.M. McVeagh (New Zealand)
Two regions of the mitochondrial DNA, part of the cytochrome b gene and the control region, were sequenced in specimens of Antarctic skates from the Ross Sea (Pacific Ocean sector), the Australian Antarctic Territory (Indian Ocean sector), and around Elephant Island and the South Shetland Islands (Atlantic Ocean sector). Based on the DNA results, the species of Bathyraja referred to as B. Read More
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WG-FSA-04/28 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Geographical differences in the condition, reproductive development, sex ratio and length distribution in Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica (CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 88.1) J.M. Fenaughty (New Zealand)
A number of morphological and reproductive measurements made on Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni over the four summer seasons from 2000-01 to 2003-04 aboard the autoliner San Aotea II have been analysed. Summer seasons are defined here as the period from mid December to the beginning of April. Results of this study indicate measurable differences in a number of indices from toothfish Read More
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WG-FSA-04/29 Mostrar menos información |
Age and growth of the Antarctic skate (Amblyraja georgiana)
in the Ross Sea M.P. Francis and C. Ó Maolagáin (New Zealand)
X-rays of vertebral half-centra, and X-rays and transmitted white light examination of caudal thorns, were used to estimate the ages of Amblyraja georgiana from the Ross Sea. Caudal thorns viewed with transmitted white light provided the clearest growth bands, but reading precision was low, producing uncertain age estimates. Furthermore, annual deposition of thorn bands has not been validated Read More
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WG-FSA-04/3 Mostrar menos información |
List of documents |
WG-FSA-04/30 Mostrar menos información |
Report on the identification of fish eggs and larvae taken
in the Ross Sea, Subarea 88.1, autumn/winter 2003 M. van der Poest Clement and M. Lamare (New Zealand)
Icthyoplankton sampling was carried out by the New Zealand bottom longliner Avro Chieftain in the Ross Sea Sub Area 88.1 in the 2002-03 fishing year. Four direct haul samples were taken with a UNESCO WP2 net to a maximum depth of 1620 m in areas where mature D. mawsoni had been observed. No Dissostichus eggs or larvae were observed. Larvae of Kreffichthys anderssoni and Electrona antarctica, Read More
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WG-FSA-04/31 Mostrar menos información |
Stomach contents of the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica D.W. Stevens (New Zealand)
The stomach contents of 496 Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) captured by bottom longline in the western Ross Sea during the 2003 summer fishing (from Dec 2002 to Jun 2003) season were analysed. Fish sampled were caught in 770-1890 m depths and ranged between 72–212 cm in total length. D. mawsoni feeds on a wide range of prey but is primarily piscivorous. The most important prey Read More
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WG-FSA-04/32 Mostrar menos información |
Genetic analysis of Antarctic toothfish samples from the Southern Ocean to explore potential stock boundaries P.J. Smith, S.M. McVeagh (New Zealand) and P.M. Gaffney (USA)
Two molecular methods, mitochondrial DNA and introns, were used to determine genetic relationships among Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, samples from three CCAMLR areas 48.1, 88.1, and 58.4.2. D. mawsoni appeared to be characterized by low diversity; no genetic variation was detected with restriction enzyme digests of nine sub regions of the mitochondrial genome. Polymorphisms were Read More
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WG-FSA-04/33 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of the Ecologically Related Species Working Group meeting J. Molloy (New Zealand)
The CCSBT Ecologically Related Species Working Group held its 5th meeting in Wellington in February 2004. This report provides a summary of the discussion and outcomes of that meeting from the IMAF nominated observer at the meeting.
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WG-FSA-04/34 Mostrar menos información |
Information on the spawning of Dissostichus mawsoni from Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 in the 2003/04 season G.J. Patchell (New Zealand)
Data on maturity, gonadosomatic index (GSI) and length weight of Antarctic Toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni were collected from Sub areas 88.1 and 88.2 in the 2002-2003 season by the New Zealand bottom longline vessels Janas, Avro Chieftain and San Aotea II operating in the Exploratory Fishery. The first fully mature female fish were found in December, three months earlier than in the previous Read More
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WG-FSA-04/35 Mostrar menos información |
Southern Seabird Solutions – an update J. Molloy (New Zealand)
This note describes the activities of an alliance of New Zealand government, fishing industry and environmental groups that has formed to promote fishing practices that avoid seabird capture by fishing fleets in the southern hemisphere.
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WG-FSA-04/36 Mostrar menos información |
Development of an Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) stock model for CCAMLR Subarea 88.1 for the years 1997/98
to 2003/04 A. Dunn, D.J. Gilbert, S.M. Hanchet and B. Bull (New Zealand) |
WG-FSA-04/37 Mostrar menos información |
Updated ASPM assessment of the toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) resource in the Prince Edward Islands vicinity A. Brandão and D.S. Butterworth (South Africa)
The ASPM assessment of the Prince Edward Islands toothfish resource by Brandão and Butterworth (2004) that permitted annual fluctuations about a deterministic stock-recruitment relationship is updated to take account of further catch, GLM standardised CPUE and catch- at-length information that have become available for the year 2004. Twenty year biomass projections under the assumption of Read More
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WG-FSA-04/38 Mostrar menos información |
Mortalidad incidental de aves en la pesquería de cherna con palangre semipelágico |
WG-FSA-04/39 Mostrar menos información |
Aves marinas registradas en el océano Atlántico sur y sudoccidental durante el período 1994¬–2003 |
WG-FSA-04/4 Mostrar menos información |
Report of the Subgroup on Assessment Methods
(Siena, Italy, 5 to 9 July 2004) |
WG-FSA-04/40 Mostrar menos información |
Population structure of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari)
in the South Georgia area (Antarctic) Zh.A. Frolkina and I.A. Trunov (Russia)
The living conditions of Champsocephalus gunnari in the eastern, western shelf areas of South Georgia and at Shag Rocks are different. The length-age structure of C.gunnari groupings inhabiting the areas at Shag Rocks and South Georgia is characterized with the lack of fish below 11 cm in length and older than 6-7 years (10-11 years in the South Georgia area) and considerably lower number of Read More
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WG-FSA-04/41 Mostrar menos información |
On the problem of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) (Channichthyidae) and krill (Euphausia superba) interaction
in the South Georgia area S.M. Kasatkina and Zh.A. Frolkina (Russia)
The interaction of icefish and krill in the South Georgia area has been analysed on the basis of the trawling, acoustic and juvenile fish surveys carried out by AtlantNIRO during 1986-2002 and the data of the national fishery. It is demonstrated that ?.gunnari both at the early development stages and as adults utilize the pelagic forage resource, the bulk of which is constituted by krill. At Read More
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WG-FSA-04/42 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of the seabird and marine mammal observations during observed toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) longline fishing operations in CCAMLR Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 S.J. Baird (New Zealand)
Twenty-eight species of seabird were reported from observations during longline setting operations that targeted toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) in 2001–03 in Sub-areas 88.1 and 88.2. The distribution of fishing effort was dictated by the presence of sea ice and there are differences in the seabird composition reported each year because of variation in the spatial distribution of the seabirds. Read More
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WG-FSA-04/43 Mostrar menos información |
The diet of juvenile toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) on the South Georgia and Shag Rocks shelf (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3) M.A. Collins, K.A. Ross and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
The diet of juvenile (< 800 mm TL) Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) was investigated using stomach contents analysis of fish caught in research trawls on the South Georgia and Shag Rocks shelves in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean. Juvenile toothfish are predominantly piscivorous, principally feeding on demersal or benthopelagic fish. The diet differed between South Read More
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WG-FSA-04/44 Mostrar menos información |
Patterns in the diet of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus
gunnari) on the South Georgia and Shag Rocks shelf
(CCAMLR Subarea 48.3) M.A. Collins, R. Mitchell, G. Tarling and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
The diet of the mackerel icefish was investigated from stomach contents analysis of fish caught in research trawls at South Georgia and Shag Rocks in January 2004. The results are consistent with previous studies, with the dominant species consumed being Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), the pelagic amphipod (Themisto gaudichaudi) and mysids. The diet differed between the age classes of Read More
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WG-FSA-04/45 Mostrar menos información |
An interlaboratory comparison of ages estimated for Dissostichus eleginoides from the Argentine Sea, southwest Atlantic Ocean M.C. Cassia (Argentina), P.L. Horn (New Zealand) and J.R. Ashford (USA)
To examine consistency among laboratories in age estimation of Patagonian toothfish and the effects on readings of different otolith processing methods, scales and otoliths were taken from 124 fishes caughts in Argentine Sea ( South West Atlantic)
Ages were estimated by readers from National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) Argentine, National Institute of Water Read More
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WG-FSA-04/46 Mostrar menos información |
The distribution of seabirds on the Alaskan longline fishing grounds: 2002 data report E. Melvin, K. Dietrich, K. Van Wormer and T. Geernaert (USA)
Beginning in 2004, improved seabird avoidance measures are required in the Alaska (USA) demersal longline fisheries for groundfish and Pacific halibut based on the results of extensive collaborative research. Due to the lack of data on the distribution of seabirds, especially albatrosses and petrels, seabird mitigation requirements apply to all fishing areas. Many small (<17 m) fishing Read More
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WG-FSA-04/47 Mostrar menos información |
Annotated bibliography: seabird interactions with trawl fishing operations and cooperative research K. Dietrich and E. Melvin (USA)
We briefly summarize the available literature (17 documents) on the nature of seabird interactions with trawl gear, efforts to date on the development of technologies to prevent these interactions, and management imperatives affecting the Alaska trawl fleet. We also summarize available literature on cooperative research with the fishing industry (2 documents). The purpose of this review was to Read More
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WG-FSA-04/48 Mostrar menos información |
Trends in breeding numbers and survival of black-browed (Thalassarche melanophrys) and grey-headed albatrosses (T. chrysostoma) breeding on Macquarie Island A. Terauds, R. Gales and R. Alderman (Australia)
Black-browed (Thalassarche melanophrys) and grey-headed (T. chrysostoma) albatrosses are globally threatened seabirds that breed on remote subantarctic islands. Population trends of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses breeding on Macquarie Island were described using historical data in conjunction with data from a more intensive ten year monitoring program. Survival estimates were also Read More
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WG-FSA-04/49 Mostrar menos información |
Foraging areas of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses breeding on Macquarie Island in relation to marine protected areas A. Terauds, R. Gales, G.B. Baker and R. Alderman (Australia)
1. While Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are often established to protect threatened top-order predators, there is a paucity of data that can be used to evaluate their efficacy in achieving this purpose.
2. We assessed the effectiveness of a network of MPAs around Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean by examining the foraging areas of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses that were Read More
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WG-FSA-04/5 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Fishery-related information for WG-FSA-04 Secretariat
Information on CCAMLR fisheries of relevance to the work of WG-FSA is summarised. Additional fishery-related information can be found in WG-FSA-04/6, 04/7, 04/8 and 04/9 (summaries of observer data), WG-FSA-SAM-04/4 (Development of Fishery Plans), SC-CAMLR-XXIII/BG/1 (catches in the Convention Area) SC-CAMLR-XXIII/BG/3 (summary of notification for new and exploratory fisheries), SCIC-04/3 ( Read More
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WG-FSA-04/50 Mostrar menos información |
Population and survival trends of wandering albatrosses
(Diomedea exulans) breeding on Macquarie Island A. Terauds, R. Gales, R. Alderman and G.B. Baker (Australia)
Wandering Albatrosses Diomedea exulans are globally threatened due to population declines and the Macquarie Island breeding populations is particularly vulnerable as it comprises fewer than 20 breeding pairs. Most breeding birds in this small population are banded and monitoring over the last 40 years has increasingly focused on their conservation status. Demographic trends of the Macquarie Read More
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WG-FSA-04/51 Mostrar menos información |
Update on the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses
and Petrels (ACAP) B. Baker and T. Hewitt (Australia)
The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) entered into force on Sunday 1 February 2004. Six countries (Australia, New Zealand, Ecuador, Spain, the Republic of South Africa, and the United Kingdom ) have ratified the Agreement, and another five have signed it (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France and Peru). ACAP is expected to provide a major boost for the conservation of Read More
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WG-FSA-04/52 Mostrar menos información |
IMAF report – Southern Seabirds Solution visit to Reunion Island M. McNeill (New Zealand) |
WG-FSA-04/53 Mostrar menos información |
Review of national research on seabirds in New Zealand S.M. Waugh and A. Connell (New Zealand)
Research undertaken in New Zealand on seabird interactions with fisheries, and research into the population status and distribution at sea of New Zealand seabirds is documented.
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WG-FSA-04/54 Mostrar menos información |
Seabird mortality in the artisanal austral hake and Patagonian toothfish longline fisheries in southern Chile C.A. Moreno, P. Rubilar, J. Arata, R. Hucke-Gaete (Chile) and G. Robertson (Australia)
Industrial longline fisheries are considered worldwide as the main threat to albatross and petrel populations, particularly at open oceans. However, inside countries’ EEZ artisanal fleets account for a significant fishing effort and eventually, could represent a major threat to albatrosses and petrels than industrial fishing. Here we described the fishing technique and provide the first Read More
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WG-FSA-04/55 Mostrar menos información |
Estimation of the incidental capture of seabird species in commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters, 2000/01 S.J. Baird (New Zealand)
Ministry of Fisheries observers reported 1236 seabird captures from fishing operations in 2000–01: 701 from observed trawl fishing operations (87% landed dead); 53 from tuna (Thunnus spp.) longlining operations (87% landed dead); 452 from ling (Genypterus blacodes) longline operations (99% dead); 26 seabirds from snapper (Pagrus auratus) longlines (100% dead); and 4 from bluenose (Hyperoglyphe Read More
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WG-FSA-04/56 Mostrar menos información |
Estimation of the incidental capture of seabird species in commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters, 2001/02 S.J. Baird (New Zealand)
Ministry of Fisheries observers reported 851 seabird captures from observed fishing operations in 2001–02: 324 from observed trawl fishing operations (87% landed dead); 167 from tuna (Thunnus spp.) longlining operations (87% landed dead); and 330 from ling (Genypterus blacodes) longline operations (93% dead). Observers recorded another 104 seabirds from unobserved parts of ling longline hauls Read More
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WG-FSA-04/57 Mostrar menos información |
Estimation of the incidental capture of seabird species in commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters, 2002/03 S.J. Baird (New Zealand)
Ministry of Fisheries observers reported 595 seabird captures from observed fishing operations in 2002–03: 265 from observed trawl fishing operations (67% landed dead); 113 from tuna (Thunnus spp.) longlining operations (83% landed dead); and 217 from ling (Genypterus blacodes) longline operations (95% dead). The trawl-caught seabirds were from at least eight target fisheries, four of which Read More
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WG-FSA-04/58 Mostrar menos información |
Population dynamics of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses Diomedea melanophrys and D. chrysostoma at Campbell Island, New Zealand, 1942–96 S.M. Waugh (New Zealand), H. Weimerskirch (France), P.J. Moore and P.M. Sagar (New Zealand)
The numbers of Black-browed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophrys and Grey-headed Albatrosses D. chrysostoma at Campbell Island, New Zealand, have declined dramatically since the 1940s. Black-browed Albatross numbers went into a steep decline in the 1970s and, since at least 1984, have been increasing slightly at average rates of 1.1% and 2.1% per annum at two colonies. The long-term downward trend Read More
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WG-FSA-04/59 Mostrar menos información |
Exploitation of the marine environment by two sypatric albatrosses in the Pacific Southern Ocean S.M. Waugh (New Zealand), H. Weimerskirch, Y. Cherel (France), U. Shankar (New Zealand), P.A. Prince (United Kingdom) and P.M. Sagar (New Zealand)
The marine habitat exploited by black-browed Diomedea melanophyrs and grey-headed albatrosses D. chrysostoma breeding at Campbell Island, New Zealand, was studied using satellite telemetry. Data were analysed in relation to the bathymetry and sea-surface temperature of the foraging zones. Black-browed albatrosses spent 55% of their time on the Campbell Plateau but also carried out long Read More
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WG-FSA-04/6 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
A summary of observations on board longline vessels
operating within the CCAMLR Convention Area Secretariat |
WG-FSA-04/60 Mostrar menos información |
BioRoss – New Zealand funded marine biodiversity research
in the Ross Sea region J. Burgess (New Zealand)
This paper summarised progress made in the BioRoss marine biodiversity research programme administered by the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries since 2000. The objective of the BioRoss programme is to develop a more complete understanding of the biodiversity present in selected marine communities in the Ross Sea, allowing better management, and to facilitate better state of the environment Read More
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WG-FSA-04/61 Mostrar menos información |
Observations of demersal fish, benthic communities and seafloor composition of the Southern Ocean Atlantic sector from the ICEFISH 2004 cruise C.D. Jones, S.J. Lockhart and D.F. Doolittle (USA)
A multi-disciplinary research cruise in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean was conducted during the 2004 austral winter as part of the International Collaborative Expedition to collect and study Fish Indigenous to Sub-antarctic Habitats (ICEFISH). Sampling during the ICEFISH cruise included demersal finfish, benthic invertebrates, and information of seafloor composition. The objectives Read More
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WG-FSA-04/63 Mostrar menos información |
An alternative method for estimating the level of illegal fishing using simulated scaling methods on detected effort I. Ball (Australia)
A new method for estimating illegal fishing effort is put forward. The results from this new method are similar to the Agnew and Kirkwood method and this suggests that the current method is adequate under circumstances of low evasion and for when good knowledge exists that zero observations reflects zero illegal fishing. The new method performs better in the case of zero detections and can Read More
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WG-FSA-04/64 Mostrar menos información |
Scientific observations in CCAMLR fisheries – past, present
and future Secretariat
The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) has the primary competency for managing fishing south of the Antarctic Polar Front. Despite a relatively long history of scientific research and fisheries, CCAMLR’s fisheries management strategy has often had to address incomplete and uncertain information on affected resources. Fishery-independent studies are Read More
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WG-FSA-04/65 Mostrar menos información |
Testing the performance of a recompiled version of CMIX to decompose length-density distributions of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) T.D. Lamb, W.K. de la Mare, A.J. Constable and C.R. Davies (Australia)
A version of the mixture fitting program CMIX was recompiled to enable it to be run within the DOS emulator of recent versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. The performance of the recompiled version was compared with that of the original version.
The recompiled version of CMIX produced very similar, though not identical, results to the original version. We attribute this to Read More
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WG-FSA-04/66 Mostrar menos información |
The Australian exploratory toothfish fishery in CCAMLR Division 58.4.2 and Subdivision 58.4.3b in season 2003/04 D. Erceg and E. van Wijk (Australia)
The Australian longliner Eldfisk was authorised to conduct an exploratory fishery for Dissostichus sp. in CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.3b (BANZARE Bank) and Division 58.4.2 in the 2003/04 season. The results of the fisheries in Division 58.4.2 and Division 58.4.3b are summarised. Between 12 December 2003 and 23 December 2003, the Australian vessel, Eldfisk undertook exploratory longline fishing in Read More
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WG-FSA-04/67 Mostrar menos información |
Progress towards validation of ageing of Dissostichus eleginoides using otoliths K. Krusic-Goluband R. Williams (Australia)
During tagging programmes for Dissostichus eleginoides at Heard and Macquarie Islands, fish have been treated with strontium to mark their otoliths for validation of subsequent age estimation. Otoliths from 69 fish that were at liberty for at least 350 days were eventually examined. Results indicate that current methods for ageing D. eleginoides are appropriate: the number of observed annuli Read More
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WG-FSA-04/68 Mostrar menos información |
By-catch in Australian fisheries in Divisions 58.5.2, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3 during the 2002/03 and 2003/04 fishing seasons E. van Wijk and R. Williams (Australia)
This paper presents bycatch information for the Australian fisheries in Divisions 58.5.2, 58.4.2 and 58.4.3, with estimates of total removals by fishing ground for the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 seasons. Bycatch in the trawl fisheries was low, approximately 1 to 2% of the total catch (target plus bycatch). Bycatch in the longline fisheries was higher, ranging from 8% to 14% of the total catch. Read More
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WG-FSA-04/69 Mostrar menos información |
Alternative method of parameters accuracy calculation in CMIX procedure applied to toothfish recruitment estimation P.S. Gasyukov (Russia)
The paper presents the application of the bootstrap method to estimate accuracy of mixture distributions parameters. The method allows to estimate statistical characteristics not only component densities but another parameters: mean length of components, their standard deviations or equation parameters to determine these standard deviations. It is possible to estimate parameters correlation Read More
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WG-FSA-04/7 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Summary of observations on board trawlers operating in the Convention Area during the 2003/04 season Secretariat |
WG-FSA-04/70 Mostrar menos información |
A comparison of two different methods to age mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at South Georgia P. Gasyukov (Russia), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and Zh.A. Frolkina (Russia)
Age determinations estimated by means of otoliths and age classes derived from CMIX analysis have been compared in Champsocephalus gunnari using material collected around South Georgia during four Russian surveys in 1988, 1990, 2000 and 2002. Considerable differences in age estimates between the two methods were revealed. A number of suggestions including an Age Determination Worksop to be Read More
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WG-FSA-04/71 Mostrar menos información |
Report on the status of wandering, black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses at South Georgia S. Poncet (United Kingdom),G. Robertson (Australia), R. Phillips (United Kingdom), K. Lawton (Australia), B. Phalan, J. Croxall and P. Trathan (United Kingdom)
Surveys of all known breeding sites of wandering, black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses were carried out at South Georgia in the 2003/04 breeding season. Wandering albatrosses were censused by ground counts, and black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses mainly by yacht-based digital photography and subsequent counting on computer screen using Adobe Photoshop software. In total, an estimated Read More
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WG-FSA-04/72 Mostrar menos información |
Report on the effectiveness of integrated weight (fast sinking) longlines in reducing the mortality of white-chinned petrels
and sooty shearwaters in autoline longline fisheries G. Robertson (Australia), N. Smith (New Zealand), B. Wienecke and S. Candy (Australia)
The difference in the number of white-chinned petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) and sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus) killed by unweighted longlines (UW; mean sink rate to 20 m depth: 0.11 m/s) and longlines containing 50 g lead/m integrated weight (IW; mean sink rate: 0.24 m/s) was examined in the New Zealand ling (Genypterus blacodes) autoline longline fishery. The experiments were Read More
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WG-FSA-04/73 Mostrar menos información |
Proposal for the removal of night setting requirement for autoline vessels fishing in Division 58.5.2 G. Robertson and B. Baker (Australia)
This document seeks support to allow line setting operations by autoline vessels fishing in Division 58.5.2 to occur at any time of the day/night cycle. The proposal forms part of an adaptive approach to management, which considers the risk status of the fishery, knowledge on the effectiveness of mitigation measures, mitigation performance record of the vessel, seabird mortality levels and Read More
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WG-FSA-04/74 Mostrar menos información |
A simulation approach to the evaluation of recruitment surveys for D. eleginoides for the Heard Island Plateau region (Division 58.5.2) S.G. Candy, C.R. Davies and A.J. Constable (Australia)
Assessments of long-term sustainable yield using the Generalised Yield Model (GYM) and the setting of total allowable catches (TAC) for Patagonian Toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, for the Heard Island Plateau region (Division 58.5.2) are based on data obtained from annual random stratified trawl surveys (RSTS) and from targeted commercial fishing operations via an observer program. Read More
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WG-FSA-04/75 Mostrar menos información |
Description of an AD Model Builder implementation of the exact time of release and recapture stock assessment model of Tuck et al. (2003) S.G. Candy, A.J. Constable and D. Erceg (Australia)
Tuck et al. (2003) describe an exact time of release and recapture stock assessment model and applied it to the stock of Patagonian Toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides,at Macquarie Island that have been fished by Australian trawlers from November 1994. This work was previously presented to the Working Group on Fish Stock assessment in 2000 (Tuck et al. 2000; CAMLR-XIX, 2000 paragraphs 3.126, 3 Read More
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WG-FSA-04/76 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary assessment of long-term yield of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) for the Heard Island Plateau region (CCAMLR Division 58.5.2) based on a random stratified trawl survey in May 2004 C.R. Davies, T. Lamb, A.J. Constable and R. Williams (Australia)
A survey of Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides,was undertaken in Division 58.5.2 in the vicinity of Heard Island in May 2004 to provide the information for an assessment of short-term annual yield in the 2004/2005 CCAMLR season. This paper provides a preliminary assessment of yield for the area of Division 58.5.2 to the west of 79 o 20’ E using standard CCAMLR methods. It presents Read More
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WG-FSA-04/77 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) for the Heard Island Plateau region (Division 58.5.2) based on a survey in May 2004 C.R. Davies, T. Lamb, A.J. Constable and R. Williams (Australia)
A survey of Mackerel Icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari,was undertaken in Division 58.5.2 in the vicinity of Heard Island in May 2004 to provide the information for an assessment of short-term annual yield in the 2004/2005 CCAMLR season. This paper provides a preliminary assessment of yield using the assessment methods of CCAMLR for SAFAG 21.
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WG-FSA-04/78 Mostrar menos información |
Preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Subarea 48.3 based on a UK survey in January 2004 R.C. Wakeford, D.J. Agnew, M.B. Collins and G.B. Parkes(United Kingdom)
A preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, was undertaken for South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) using the standard CCAMLR methodology. This was based on the results of a UK bottom trawl survey during January 2004. Using CCAMLR decision rules, an estimate of the one-sided 95% confidence bound for the total biomass for 2003/04 was obtained using the bootstrap method for Read More
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WG-FSA-04/79 Mostrar menos información |
Trials to test mitigate devices to reduce seabird mortality caused
by warp cable strike on factory trawlers B.J. Sullivan, P. Brickle, T.A. Reid, D.G. Bone and D.A.J. Middleton (United Kingdom) |
WG-FSA-04/8 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
A summary of scientific observations related to Conservation Measures 25-01 (1996), 25-02 (2003) and 25-03 (2003) Secretariat |
WG-FSA-04/80 Mostrar menos información |
Mitigation trials to reduce seabird mortality in pelagic trawl fisheries (Subarea 48.3) B.J. Sullivan, G.M. Liddle and G.M. Munro (United Kingdom) |
WG-FSA-04/81 Mostrar menos información |
Research under way in Australia on seabirds vulnerable to fisheries interaction R. Gales, G. Robertson, B. Baker, A. Terauds, R. Alderman and K. Lawton (Australia) |
WG-FSA-04/82 Mostrar menos información |
Assessment of the status of the toothfish stock in Subarea 48.3 D.J. Agnew and G.P. Kirkwood (United Kingdom)
We conducted several different assessments of toothfish in Subarea 48.3 using four different methods, one fishery dependent and three fishery-independent. Survey-generated recruitment is apparently not sufficient to generate realistic estimates of current biomass using GYM. ASPM runs coded in AD Modelbuilder failed to fit satisfactorily to CPUE trends and catch length composition. The most Read More
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WG-FSA-04/83 Mostrar menos información |
Seal mitigation measures on trawl vessels fishing for krill
in CCAMLR Subarea 48.3 J. Hooper, J.M. Clark, C. Charman and D. Agnew (United Kingdom)
At WG-EMM in Siena, 2004, the UK reported on the bycatch of fur seals in the krill fishery around South Georgia, and on mitigation methods that were being developed and deployed to avoid fur seal deaths in the fishery. WG-EMM requested the UK to provide further details of the methods employed for consideration of IMAF. Observers recorded mitigation measures for fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella Read More
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WG-FSA-04/84 Rev. 1 Mostrar menos información |
Comparison of the catches and biological characteristics of Dissostichus mawsoni in Subarea 88.1 in seasons of 2002/03
and 2003/04 K.V. Shust, N.V. Kokorin and A.F. Petrov (Russia)
This report presents results of an exploratory fishery for Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) conducted by the Russian vessels “Yantar” and “Volna” for two seasons of 2002/03 and 2003/04.
The analysis of data collected relates to catch composition, effort , CPUE, and biological characteristics in different SSRU, month and depth of sets longlines. The comparison of these resultants showed Read More
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WG-FSA-04/85 Mostrar menos información |
Fish stock assessment survey in Subarea 48.3, 2004 M. Belchier, M. Purves, M. Collins, S. Hawkins, T. Marlow, R. Mitchell, J. Szlakowski and J. Xavier (United Kingdom)
This report describes the activities and preliminary results of the 9th UK fish stock assessment survey within CCAMLR Statistical subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) which was carried our by MRAG and British Antarctic Survey scientists during January and February 2004. In addition to the random stratified bottom trawl survey the research was extended by a week in order that further investigations Read More
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WG-FSA-04/86 Mostrar menos información |
The age structure and growth rate of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at South Georgia M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
New length-at – age data for South Georgia toothfish are presented from a range of sources. Data from the commercial fishery, research trawl surveys and pelagic plankton tows are combined to generate new von Bertalanffy parameters. The new parameters (L(inf) 150cm, K= 0.073 and t0 = -0.792 are similar to values obtained in previous studies at South Georgia and other sub-Antarctic islands. Read More
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WG-FSA-04/87 Mostrar menos información |
Etat des mesures mises en œuvre par les armements à la pêche français impliqués dans la pêcherie palangrière de légine des TAAF, pour maîtriser la mortalité accidentelle d’oiseaux
Ce document complète et actualise les informations fournies par les armements français lors de la XIIème CCAMLR.
A la fin des années quatre-vingt dix, les professionnels français qui participent à la pêcherie de légine des TAAF ont abandonné la pêche au chalut au profit de la pêche palangrière en vue de protéger les juvéniles de légine et de minimiser les captures accessoires de poisson. Read More
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WG-FSA-04/88 Mostrar menos información |
Mesures adoptées par la France dans les zones 58.6 (Crozet) et 58.5.1 (Kerguelen) afin de réduire la mortalité aviaire – 2003/04
La pêcherie à la légine menée par la France dans les Zones Economiques de Crozet (zone CCAMLR 58.6) et de Kerguelen (zone CCAMLR 58.5.1) est l’une des plus importantes mais provoque également des dommages sur les oiseaux qui sont attirés par les appâts et périssent noyés. Cette réalité est nouvelle puisque ce type de pêcherie est récent (arrêt des chalutiers en 2001 pour être remplacés par des Read More
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WG-FSA-04/89 Mostrar menos información |
Observer notes (Subarea 88.1) V.G. Prutko (Ukraine)
Results of biological data analysis of Antarctic fish species from catches of 117 bottom long-line sets in Subarea 88.1 from 15.12.03 till 10.03.04 are presented. For the first time Antarctic toothfish was found in long-line catches above seamounts of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge to the North up to 56°S. Presence of Patagonian toothfish in spawning aggregations of Antarctic toothfish cannot Read More
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WG-FSA-04/90 Mostrar menos información |
Some peculiarities of Chionobathyschus dewitti biology
in the Ross Sea L.K. Pshenichnov (Ukraine)
Brief results of Chionobathyschus dewitti researches which based on data collected from by-catch of bottom longlines at Dissostichus mawsoni fisheries are presented. It is noted that the depths where Dissostichus mawsoni fishery is carried out are inhabited by adult specimens of Chionobathyschus dewitti, aged from 5 to 13. The characteristic feature of Chionobathyschus dewitti reproductive Read More
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WG-FSA-04/91 Mostrar menos información |
Modifications to the Generalised Yield Model in 2004, version GYM501E.EXE A.J. Constable (Australia)
The Generalised Yield Model is used by the WG-FSA in the assessments of Champsocephalus gunnari, Dissostichus eliginoides and Euphausia superba. Its current version is GYM501D.EXE. In the course of reviewing the methods for estimating the time series of recruitments of D. elegionoides for WG-FSA in 2004 an error in the calculation of the recruitment series from survey data was detected. This Read More
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WG-FSA-04/92 Mostrar menos información |
Theoretical considerations for estimating the density of cohorts
and mean recruitment of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) based on research trawl survey data C.R. Davies, E.M. van Wijk and A.J. Constable (Australia)
The current method used by the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA) for assessing the long-term yield for toothfish fisheries in CCAMLR uses estimates of density of juvenile toothfish derived from research trawl surveys as an estimate of absolute abundance of recruitment to the fishery. At the 2003 meeting of WG-FSA a number of inconsistencies were identified in the estimation of Read More
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