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    Full Name
    Decimoquinta Reunión del Comité Científico
    Hobart, Australia
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    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-sc-xv.pdf (1.96 MB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Mostrar menos información
      Annotated provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management
      (Bergen, Norway, 12 to 22 August 1996)

      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
      (Hobart, Australia, 7 to 16 October 1996)

      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/01 Rev. 2
      Mostrar menos información
      Catches in the Convention Area 1995/96
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/02 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      CEMP tables 1 to 3
      Mostrar menos información
      Trends in entanglement of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) in man-made debris at South Georgia
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      Oil, marine debris and fishing gear associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia 1995/96
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 1995 winter and 1995/96 pup-rearing season
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on a workshop entitled ‘Harvesting krill: ecological impact, assessment, products, markets’
      Observer (D.J. Agnew, Secretariat)
      Mostrar menos información
      Population changes in albatrosses at South Georgia
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      SCAR-COMNAP Workshops on the Environmental Monitoring of Impacts from Research and Operations in the Antarctic - Workshop 2: Practical Design and Implementation of Environmental Programs
      CCAMLR Observer (D.J. Agnew, Secretariat)
      Mostrar menos información
      Advice from the IWC on the status of Southern Ocean whale stocks
      Submitted by the IWC
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/10 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Excerpts from the draft report of the meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      (Cambridge, UK, 1-2 August 1996)

      Mostrar menos información
      Need for procedures to govern the resumption of fisheries targeting species not presently harvested but for which a fishery previously existed
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/12 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of a CCAMLR Observer to SCAR
      Observer (J.P. Croxall, United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Resolution on environmental change and cetaceans
      Submitted by the IWC
      Mostrar menos información
      Trends of the Dissostichus eleginoides stock using the sequential population analysis (SPA) model in Subarea 48.3: 1992-1996
      Mostrar menos información
      India’s plan for krill survey 1995/96 season
      Mostrar menos información
      Observer’s report from the 1996 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
      Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)
      Mostrar menos información
      Observer’s report from the First Meeting of the IOC Southern Ocean Forum and the Sixth Session of the IOC Regional Committee of the Southern Ocean
      Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer to SCOR
      Observer (Dr J. Priddle, United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Informe del simposio ICCAT sobre tunidos (Ponta Delegada, Azores, 10-28 Junio 1996)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on the Workshop on the Incidental Mortality of Albatrosses Associated with Longline Fishing
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/20 Addendum
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on the Workshop on the Incidental Mortality of Albatrosses Associated with Longline Fishing
      Delegation of Australia
      Mostrar menos información
      Albatross populations: status and threats
      Submitted by SCAR
      Mostrar menos información
      Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee - 1996/97
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of observations conducted in the 1995/96 season in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of information received from the IWC on the current status and trends in population of whales in the southern hemisphere (SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/9)
      Mostrar menos información
      Research proposal for ‘temporal changes in marine environments in the Antarctic Peninsula area during 1996/97 austral summer’
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      Mostrar menos información
      Scientific observer logbooks for longline and trawl fisheries (data reporting forms)
      Mostrar menos información
      Liberacion de lobos finos, Arctocephalus gazella enmallados, en Cabo Shirreff e Islotes San Telmo, Isla Livingston, Antartica
      Delegación de Chile
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on activities of SCAR’s Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation (GOSEAC) to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR
      GOSEAC Liaison Officer (E. Fanta, Brazil)
      Mostrar menos información
      The status and trends of Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds
      Submitted by the SCAR Subcommittee on Bird Biology
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on the 32nd Executive Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)
      (Cape Town, 14 - 16 November, 1995)



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      SC-CAMLR-XV/01 Provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XV/02 Annotated provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XV/03 Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management
      (Bergen, Norway, 12 to 22 August 1996)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/04 Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
      (Hobart, Australia, 7 to 16 October 1996)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/01 Rev. 2 Catches in the Convention Area 1995/96
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/02 Rev. 1 CEMP tables 1 to 3
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/03 Trends in entanglement of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) in man-made debris at South Georgia
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/04 Oil, marine debris and fishing gear associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia 1995/96
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/05 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 1995 winter and 1995/96 pup-rearing season
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/06 Report on a workshop entitled ‘Harvesting krill: ecological impact, assessment, products, markets’
      Observer (D.J. Agnew, Secretariat)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/07 Population changes in albatrosses at South Georgia
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/08 SCAR-COMNAP Workshops on the Environmental Monitoring of Impacts from Research and Operations in the Antarctic - Workshop 2: Practical Design and Implementation of Environmental Programs
      CCAMLR Observer (D.J. Agnew, Secretariat)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/09 Advice from the IWC on the status of Southern Ocean whale stocks
      Submitted by the IWC
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/10 Rev. 1 Excerpts from the draft report of the meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      (Cambridge, UK, 1-2 August 1996)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/11 Need for procedures to govern the resumption of fisheries targeting species not presently harvested but for which a fishery previously existed
      Delegation of the USA
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/12 Rev. 1 Report of a CCAMLR Observer to SCAR
      Observer (J.P. Croxall, United Kingdom)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/13 Resolution on environmental change and cetaceans
      Submitted by the IWC
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/14 Trends of the Dissostichus eleginoides stock using the sequential population analysis (SPA) model in Subarea 48.3: 1992-1996
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/15 India’s plan for krill survey 1995/96 season
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/16 Observer’s report from the 1996 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
      Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/17 Observer’s report from the First Meeting of the IOC Southern Ocean Forum and the Sixth Session of the IOC Regional Committee of the Southern Ocean
      Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/18 Report of the CCAMLR Observer to SCOR
      Observer (Dr J. Priddle, United Kingdom)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/19 Informe del simposio ICCAT sobre tunidos (Ponta Delegada, Azores, 10-28 Junio 1996)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/20 Report on the Workshop on the Incidental Mortality of Albatrosses Associated with Longline Fishing
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/20 Addendum Report on the Workshop on the Incidental Mortality of Albatrosses Associated with Longline Fishing
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/21 Albatross populations: status and threats
      Submitted by SCAR
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/22 Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee - 1996/97
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/23 Summary of observations conducted in the 1995/96 season in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/24 Summary of information received from the IWC on the current status and trends in population of whales in the southern hemisphere (SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/9)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/25 Research proposal for ‘temporal changes in marine environments in the Antarctic Peninsula area during 1996/97 austral summer’
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/26 Scientific observer logbooks for longline and trawl fisheries (data reporting forms)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/27 Liberacion de lobos finos, Arctocephalus gazella enmallados, en Cabo Shirreff e Islotes San Telmo, Isla Livingston, Antartica
      Delegación de Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/28 Report on activities of SCAR’s Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation (GOSEAC) to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR
      GOSEAC Liaison Officer (E. Fanta, Brazil)
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/29 The status and trends of Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds
      Submitted by the SCAR Subcommittee on Bird Biology
      SC-CAMLR-XV/BG/30 Report on the 32nd Executive Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)
      (Cape Town, 14 - 16 November, 1995)