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    Full Name
    Vigésima Reunión de la Comisión
    Hobart, Australia
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-cc-xx.pdf (718.96 KB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Mostrar menos información
      Examination of the audited financial statements for 2000
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Review of the 2001 budget, draft 2002 budget and forecast budget for 2003
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Australia’s intention to continue an exploratory trawl fishery in Division 58.4.2 for Chaenodraco wilsoni, Lepidonotothen kempi, Trematomus eulepidotus and Pleuragramma antarcticum
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Australia’s intention to continue an exploratory trawl fishery in Division 58.4.2 for Dissostichus spp.
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Australia’s intention to initiate a new trawl fishery in Division 58.4.2 for Macrourus spp.
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Chile’s intention to initiate an exploratory longline fishery in Subarea 58.6 for D. eleginoides
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of France’s intention to initiate an exploratory longline fishery in Subarea 58.6 and Divisions 58.4.3 and 58.4.4

      Mostrar menos información
      To be read in conjunction with Japan’s notification for exploratory fisheries in the 2001/02 season
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in the 2001/2002 season

      Mostrar menos información
      To be read in conjunction with New Zealand’s notifications for exploratory fisheries in the 2001/02 season
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification by New Zealand of its intention to continue an exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in CCAMLR
      Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 for the 2001/2002 season

      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of New Zealand’s intention to undertake exploratory fishing in Subareas 48.6 and 88.3 and Division 58.4.4
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Russia’s intention to conduct an exploratory longline fishery in 2001/2002 in Subarea 88.1
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification by Russia of its intention to initiate a new or exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.2
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp.
      in the 2001/2002 season

      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Uruguay’s intention to conduct an exploratory fishery in Subarea 48.6
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Uruguay’s intention to conduct an exploratory fishery in Division 58.4.4
      Mostrar menos información
      Application by ASOC for observer status at meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
      CCAMLR-XX/19 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Draft statement for the commemoration of 20 years of CCAMLR
      CCAMLR-XX/20 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      CCAMLR conservation measures: alternative approaches for fishery measures
      Mostrar menos información
      Cooperation with the Committee on Trade and the Environment
      of the World Trade Organization

      Mostrar menos información
      Venues for future meetings of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
      Mostrar menos información
      Revision of the formula for calculating CCAMLR Member contributions
      Mostrar menos información
      CCAMLR staff and higher education contribution scheme

      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Administration(SCAF)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/01 Rev. 2
      Mostrar menos información
      List of documents
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on attendance at the Fourth Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection Under the Madrid Protocol
      Chair of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee
      Mostrar menos información
      CCAMLR conservation measures: a review
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on inspection and implementation of sanctions – 2000/2001
      Delegation of South Africa
      Mostrar menos información
      Observer report to CCAMLR on meetings of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (November 2000 and April 2001)
      CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/07 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Implementation of conservation measures in 2000/2001
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of current conservation measures and resolutions 2000/2001
      Mostrar menos información
      Continued development of the Secretariat communications policy
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/10 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Commission in 2001/02
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer to ATCM-XXIV
      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Statement of the CCAMLR Observer at the Twenty-fourth session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries
      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the 24th session of the Committee on Fisheries of FAO
      (Rome, 26 February to 2 March 2001)

      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Reunión de ‘Pacon International’ – Identificación y contabilidad
      de desechos marinos
      (San Francisco, 8–12 de Julio 2001)

      Mostrar menos información
      Observer’s report from the 53rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission
      London, 23–27 July 2001

      CCAMLR Observer (United Kingdom)

      Mostrar menos información
      valuation de la pêche illicite dans les eaux françaises adjacentes aux îles Kerguelen et Crozet pour la saison 2000/2001 (1er juillet 2000–30 juin 2001). Informations générales sur la zone CCAMLR 58
      Délégation française
      Mostrar menos información
      valuation de la pêche illicite dans les eaux françaises adjacentes aux îles Kerguelen et Crozet pour la saison 2000/2001 (1er juillet 2000–30 juin 2001). Informations générales sur la zone CCAMLR 58
      Délégation française
      Mostrar menos información
      Problems and prospects for the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources twenty years on
      Submitted by ASOC
      Mostrar menos información
      Illegal, unregulated, unreported toothfish catch estimates for the Australian EEZ around Heard and McDonald Islands1 July 2000–30 June 2001
      Submitted by ASOC
      Mostrar menos información
      List of participants
      Mostrar menos información
      ASOC evaluation of the CDS
      Submitted by ASOC
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on training conducted by Australia in Mauritius and Namibia to assist their implementation of the CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme
      Delegation of Australia
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/22 Rev. 2
      Mostrar menos información
      Implementation and operation of the Catch Documentation Scheme in 2000/2001
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/23 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) to the XX Meeting of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Submitted by ASOC
      Mostrar menos información
      Implementation of the System of Inspection and other CCAMLR enforcement provisions, 2000/2001
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on court process in Chile for infraction of CCAMLR’s conservation measures in September 2001

      Mostrar menos información
      Patagonian toothfish – are conservation and trade measures working?
      Submitted by IUCN
      Mostrar menos información
      Patagonian toothfish – are conservation and trade measures working?
      Submitted by IUCN

      Mostrar menos información
      Antarctic toothfish – an analysis of management, catch and trade
      Submitted by IUCN
      Mostrar menos información
      Antarctic toothfish – an analysis of management, catch and trade
      Submitted by IUCN
      Mostrar menos información
      Secrérariat général de la Communauté du Pacifique
      Deuxième conférence des directeurs des pêches
      (Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, 23–27 juillet 2001)
      Recommandations – révision 1
      Version de travail

      Délégation française
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on the activities of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 2000/2001
      Mostrar menos información
      Measures taken by Brazil in preparation for longline fisheries
      in the Convention Area

      Delegation of Brazil

      Mostrar menos información
      Revised Table 1
      FAO Observer’s Report

      FAO Observer (R. Shotton)
      Mostrar menos información
      FAO Observer’s Report
      FAO Observer (R. Shotton)
      Mostrar menos información
      Observer’s report from the 53rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission
      CCAMLR Observer (B. Fernholm, Sweden)
      Mostrar menos información
      Revised draft guide to the completion of Dissostichus catch documents
      Mostrar menos información
      Information on proposed expert consultation of Regional Fisheries Bodies on the harmonisation of catch documentation
      FAO Observer (R. Shotton)
      Mostrar menos información
      Implementation of the objective of the Convention: institutional overview and issues
      Delegation of Chile
      Mostrar menos información
      Advice to CCAMLR on the International Network for Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
      Mostrar menos información
      International conference/workshop organised by the Government
      of Japan on conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources in the Antarctic

      Delegation of Japan


      Expandir Comentarios(/Resúmenes) | Expandir Documentos | Contraer

      CCAMLR-XX/01 Provisional Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      CCAMLR-XX/02 Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      CCAMLR-XX/03 Examination of the audited financial statements for 2000
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XX/04 Review of the 2001 budget, draft 2002 budget and forecast budget for 2003
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XX/05 Notification of Australia’s intention to continue an exploratory trawl fishery in Division 58.4.2 for Chaenodraco wilsoni, Lepidonotothen kempi, Trematomus eulepidotus and Pleuragramma antarcticum
      CCAMLR-XX/06 Notification of Australia’s intention to continue an exploratory trawl fishery in Division 58.4.2 for Dissostichus spp.
      CCAMLR-XX/07 Notification of Australia’s intention to initiate a new trawl fishery in Division 58.4.2 for Macrourus spp.
      CCAMLR-XX/08 Notification of Chile’s intention to initiate an exploratory longline fishery in Subarea 58.6 for D. eleginoides
      CCAMLR-XX/09 Notification of France’s intention to initiate an exploratory longline fishery in Subarea 58.6 and Divisions 58.4.3 and 58.4.4
      To be read in conjunction with Japan’s notification for exploratory fisheries in the 2001/02 season
      CCAMLR-XX/10 Notification of exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in the 2001/2002 season
      To be read in conjunction with New Zealand’s notifications for exploratory fisheries in the 2001/02 season
      CCAMLR-XX/11 Notification by New Zealand of its intention to continue an exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in CCAMLR
      Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 for the 2001/2002 season
      CCAMLR-XX/12 Notification of New Zealand’s intention to undertake exploratory fishing in Subareas 48.6 and 88.3 and Division 58.4.4
      CCAMLR-XX/13 Notification of Russia’s intention to conduct an exploratory longline fishery in 2001/2002 in Subarea 88.1
      CCAMLR-XX/14 Notification by Russia of its intention to initiate a new or exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.2
      CCAMLR-XX/15 Notification of exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp.
      in the 2001/2002 season
      CCAMLR-XX/16 Notification of Uruguay’s intention to conduct an exploratory fishery in Subarea 48.6
      CCAMLR-XX/17 Notification of Uruguay’s intention to conduct an exploratory fishery in Division 58.4.4
      CCAMLR-XX/18 Application by ASOC for observer status at meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
      CCAMLR-XX/19 Rev. 1 Draft statement for the commemoration of 20 years of CCAMLR
      CCAMLR-XX/20 Rev. 1 CCAMLR conservation measures: alternative approaches for fishery measures
      CCAMLR-XX/21 Cooperation with the Committee on Trade and the Environment
      of the World Trade Organization

      CCAMLR-XX/22 Venues for future meetings of the Commission and the Scientific Committee
      CCAMLR-XX/23 Revision of the formula for calculating CCAMLR Member contributions
      CCAMLR-XX/24 CCAMLR staff and higher education contribution scheme
      Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI)
      CCAMLR-XX/25 Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI)
      CCAMLR-XX/26 Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Administration(SCAF)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/01 Rev. 2 List of documents
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/03 Report on attendance at the Fourth Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection Under the Madrid Protocol
      Chair of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/04 CCAMLR conservation measures: a review
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/05 Report on inspection and implementation of sanctions – 2000/2001
      Delegation of South Africa
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/06 Observer report to CCAMLR on meetings of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (November 2000 and April 2001)
      CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/07 Rev. 1 Implementation of conservation measures in 2000/2001
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/08 Summary of current conservation measures and resolutions 2000/2001
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/09 Continued development of the Secretariat communications policy
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/10 Rev. 1 Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Commission in 2001/02
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/11 Report of the CCAMLR Observer to ATCM-XXIV
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/12 Statement of the CCAMLR Observer at the Twenty-fourth session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/13 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the 24th session of the Committee on Fisheries of FAO
      (Rome, 26 February to 2 March 2001)

      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/15 Reunión de ‘Pacon International’ – Identificación y contabilidad
      de desechos marinos
      (San Francisco, 8–12 de Julio 2001)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/16 Observer’s report from the 53rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission
      London, 23–27 July 2001

      CCAMLR Observer (United Kingdom)
      valuation de la pêche illicite dans les eaux françaises adjacentes aux îles Kerguelen et Crozet pour la saison 2000/2001 (1er juillet 2000–30 juin 2001). Informations générales sur la zone CCAMLR 58
      Délégation française
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/17 valuation de la pêche illicite dans les eaux françaises adjacentes aux îles Kerguelen et Crozet pour la saison 2000/2001 (1er juillet 2000–30 juin 2001). Informations générales sur la zone CCAMLR 58
      Délégation française
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/18 Problems and prospects for the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources twenty years on
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/19 Illegal, unregulated, unreported toothfish catch estimates for the Australian EEZ around Heard and McDonald Islands1 July 2000–30 June 2001
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/2 List of participants
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/20 ASOC evaluation of the CDS
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/21 Report on training conducted by Australia in Mauritius and Namibia to assist their implementation of the CCAMLR Catch Documentation Scheme
      Delegation of Australia
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/22 Rev. 2 Implementation and operation of the Catch Documentation Scheme in 2000/2001
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/23 Rev. 1 Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) to the XX Meeting of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Submitted by ASOC
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/24 Implementation of the System of Inspection and other CCAMLR enforcement provisions, 2000/2001
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/25 Report on court process in Chile for infraction of CCAMLR’s conservation measures in September 2001
      Patagonian toothfish – are conservation and trade measures working?
      Submitted by IUCN
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/28 Patagonian toothfish – are conservation and trade measures working?
      Submitted by IUCN
      Antarctic toothfish – an analysis of management, catch and trade
      Submitted by IUCN
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/29 Antarctic toothfish – an analysis of management, catch and trade
      Submitted by IUCN
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/30 Secrérariat général de la Communauté du Pacifique
      Deuxième conférence des directeurs des pêches
      (Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, 23–27 juillet 2001)
      Recommandations – révision 1
      Version de travail

      Délégation française
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/31 Report on the activities of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 2000/2001
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/32 Measures taken by Brazil in preparation for longline fisheries
      in the Convention Area

      Delegation of Brazil
      Revised Table 1
      FAO Observer’s Report

      FAO Observer (R. Shotton)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/33 FAO Observer’s Report
      FAO Observer (R. Shotton)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/34 Observer’s report from the 53rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission
      CCAMLR Observer (B. Fernholm, Sweden)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/35 Revised draft guide to the completion of Dissostichus catch documents
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/36 Information on proposed expert consultation of Regional Fisheries Bodies on the harmonisation of catch documentation
      FAO Observer (R. Shotton)
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/37 Implementation of the objective of the Convention: institutional overview and issues
      Delegation of Chile
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/38 Advice to CCAMLR on the International Network for Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
      CCAMLR-XX/BG/39 International conference/workshop organised by the Government
      of Japan on conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources in the Antarctic

      Delegation of Japan