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    Full Name
    Decimocuarta Reunión de la Comisión
    Hobart, Australia
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-cc-xiv.pdf (654.22 KB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Examination of the audited financial statements for 1994
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Review of the 1995 budget, draft 1996 budget and forecast 1997 budget
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Proposals to improve the CCAMLR System of Inspection
      Mostrar menos información
      Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
      Mostrar menos información
      Future role of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of Australia’s intention to initiate new fisheries
      Mostrar menos información
      Secretariat staffing
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/1 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Provisional agenda for the Fourteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Mostrar menos información
      Social security contributions
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Marine debris placards
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Fishing in CCAMLR waters by non-Member states
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Vessel notification
      Mostrar menos información
      A proposal for a CCAMLR vessel monitoring system
      Mostrar menos información
      Summary of inspections
      Mostrar menos información
      Formula for calculating Members’ contributions
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      Publications distribution policy
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      Mostrar menos información
      A record of vessels infringing CCAMLR conservation measures plus other fishing vessels seen within Subarea 48.3 during the 1994/95 fishing season
      Mostrar menos información
      Notification of South Africa’s intention to initiate new fisheries
      CCAMLR-XIV/2 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Annotated provisional agenda for the Fourteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the XIXth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Review of the publication CCAMLR Science
      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Meetings calendar 1995/96
      Mostrar menos información
      Informe de la Novena Reunion Extraordinaria de la Comision Internacional para la Conservacion del Atun Atlantico
      Observador de la CCRVMA (España)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the Twenty-first Session of the Committee on Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Implementation of conservation measures in 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      South Africa
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/1 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      List of documents
      Mostrar menos información
      Beach debris survey - Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1993/94
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      Statement by the CCAMLR Observer at the XIXth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
      Executive Secretary
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Rapport sur l’evaluation et la prevention de la mortalite accidentelle dans la zone de la convention 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Beach debris surveys - Prince Edward Islands, 1993 to 1995
      Delegation of South Africa
      Mostrar menos información
      Beach litter survey, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 1994/95
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      United Kingdom
      Mostrar menos información
      Sistema de observacion cientifica internacional de la CCRVMA en naves chilenas
      Delegación de Chile
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the IOC Observer to CCAMLR
      Observer (P. Quilty, Australia)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/2 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      List of participants
      Mostrar menos información
      Informe del observador de la republica argentina designado por la CCRVMA ante la conferencia de las naciones unidas sobre especies transzonales y altamente migratorias
      Observador (Argentina)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/21 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the 47th Annual Meeting of the IWC
      CCAMLR Observer (United Kingdom)
      Mostrar menos información
      Exchange of information with international organisations on the problem of incidental mortality of seabirds in longline fisheries - summary of intersessional activities
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on marine debris collected at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, during the 1994/95 Antarctic season
      Delegation of Chile
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/27 Rev. 1
      Mostrar menos información
      A proposal by Brazil and Poland that Admiralty Bay, King George Island (South Shetland Islands) be designated as an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA)
      Delegations of Brazil and Poland
      Mostrar menos información
      Communication to the Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) pursuant to Article XXII of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Delegation of the USA
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the 2nd Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Bluefin Tuna
      CCAMLR Observer (Australia)
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      ASOC Observer
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      Mostrar menos información
      Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95


      Expandir Comentarios(/Resúmenes) | Expandir Documentos | Contraer

      CCAMLR-XIV/03 Examination of the audited financial statements for 1994
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/04 Review of the 1995 budget, draft 1996 budget and forecast 1997 budget
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/05 Proposals to improve the CCAMLR System of Inspection
      CCAMLR-XIV/06 Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
      CCAMLR-XIV/07 Future role of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/08 Notification of Australia’s intention to initiate new fisheries
      CCAMLR-XIV/09 Secretariat staffing
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/1 Rev. 1 Provisional agenda for the Fourteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      CCAMLR-XIV/10 Social security contributions
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/11 Marine debris placards
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/12 Fishing in CCAMLR waters by non-Member states
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/13 Vessel notification
      CCAMLR-XIV/14 A proposal for a CCAMLR vessel monitoring system
      CCAMLR-XIV/15 Summary of inspections
      CCAMLR-XIV/16 Formula for calculating Members’ contributions
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/17 Publications distribution policy
      Secretario Ejecutivo
      CCAMLR-XIV/18 A record of vessels infringing CCAMLR conservation measures plus other fishing vessels seen within Subarea 48.3 during the 1994/95 fishing season
      CCAMLR-XIV/19 Notification of South Africa’s intention to initiate new fisheries
      CCAMLR-XIV/2 Rev. 1 Annotated provisional agenda for the Fourteenth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      CCAMLR-XIV/20 Report of the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection (SCOI)
      CCAMLR-XIV/21 Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/03 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the XIXth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/04 Review of the publication CCAMLR Science
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/05 Meetings calendar 1995/96
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/06 Informe de la Novena Reunion Extraordinaria de la Comision Internacional para la Conservacion del Atun Atlantico
      Observador de la CCRVMA (España)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/07 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the Twenty-first Session of the Committee on Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/08 Implementation of conservation measures in 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/09 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      South Africa
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/1 Rev. 1 List of documents
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/10 Beach debris survey - Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1993/94
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/11 Statement by the CCAMLR Observer at the XIXth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/12 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/13 Rapport sur l’evaluation et la prevention de la mortalite accidentelle dans la zone de la convention 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/14 Beach debris surveys - Prince Edward Islands, 1993 to 1995
      Delegation of South Africa
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/15 Beach litter survey, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 1994/95
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/16 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      United Kingdom
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/17 Sistema de observacion cientifica internacional de la CCRVMA en naves chilenas
      Delegación de Chile
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/18 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/19 Report of the IOC Observer to CCAMLR
      Observer (P. Quilty, Australia)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/2 Rev. 1 List of participants
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/20 Informe del observador de la republica argentina designado por la CCRVMA ante la conferencia de las naciones unidas sobre especies transzonales y altamente migratorias
      Observador (Argentina)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/21 Rev. 1 Report of the 47th Annual Meeting of the IWC
      CCAMLR Observer (United Kingdom)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/22 Exchange of information with international organisations on the problem of incidental mortality of seabirds in longline fisheries - summary of intersessional activities
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/24 Report on marine debris collected at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, during the 1994/95 Antarctic season
      Delegation of Chile
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/25 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/26 Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/27 Rev. 1 A proposal by Brazil and Poland that Admiralty Bay, King George Island (South Shetland Islands) be designated as an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA)
      Delegations of Brazil and Poland
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/28 Communication to the Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) pursuant to Article XXII of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Delegation of the USA
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/29 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the 2nd Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Bluefin Tuna
      CCAMLR Observer (Australia)
      CCAMLR-XIV/BG/30 Report of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      ASOC Observer
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/01 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/02 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/03 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/04 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/05 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/06 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/07 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/08 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/09 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/10 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/11 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/12 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/13 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/14 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/15 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/16 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/17 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95
      CCAMLR-XIV/MA/18 Report of Member’s activities in the Convention Area 1994/95