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    Full Name
    CCAMLR Workshop on Marine Protected Areas
    Silver Spring, Md., USA
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 15 August 2005 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xxiv-a7.pdf (172.99 KB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      MPA Workshop terms of reference
      More Info
      List of participants
      More Info
      List of documents
      More Info
      Marine protected areas in the context of CCAMLR: a management tool for the Southern OceanIUCN information paper
      Submitted by IUCN
      More Info
      A compilation of abstracts relating to marine protected areas and fisheries managementIUCN information paper
      Submitted by IUCN
      More Info
      Guidelines for establishing the [Australian] national representative system of marine protected areas
      More Info
      The Heard and McDonald Islands marine reserve
      Delegation of Australia
      More Info
      RSPB - the economics of marine protected areas
      More Info
      Improving the process for the establishment of marine protected areas by CCAMLR and Antarctic Treaty Parties
      Delegation of Australia
      More Info
      Progress on an Antarctic specially managed area: southwest Anvers Island and vicinity
      Delegation of the USA
      More Info
      Scientific justification for a marine protected area designation around the Balleny Islands to protect ecosystem structure and function in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica: progress report
      Delegation of New Zealand
      More Info
      Legal considerations surrounding the establishment of marine protected areas in Antarctica
      Delegation of New Zealand
      More Info
      SCAR biology symposium (Curitiba, Brazil, 25 to 29 July 2005)Workshop on marine protected areas (27 July)
      Grant, S.
      More Info
      Issues to consider before jumping on the marine protected area bandwagon
      Uravitch, J.A., Brock, R.J.
      More Info
      Progress towards the declaration of a large marine protected area around South Africa's sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands
      Nel, D., Lombard, A., Cooper, J., Reyers, B., Akkers, T.


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      WS-MPA-05/01 MPA Workshop terms of reference
      WS-MPA-05/02 List of participants
      WS-MPA-05/03 List of documents
      WS-MPA-05/04 Marine protected areas in the context of CCAMLR: a management tool for the Southern OceanIUCN information paper
      Submitted by IUCN
      WS-MPA-05/05 A compilation of abstracts relating to marine protected areas and fisheries managementIUCN information paper
      Submitted by IUCN
      WS-MPA-05/06 Guidelines for establishing the [Australian] national representative system of marine protected areas
      WS-MPA-05/07 The Heard and McDonald Islands marine reserve
      Delegation of Australia
      WS-MPA-05/08 RSPB - the economics of marine protected areas
      WS-MPA-05/09 Improving the process for the establishment of marine protected areas by CCAMLR and Antarctic Treaty Parties
      Delegation of Australia
      WS-MPA-05/10 Progress on an Antarctic specially managed area: southwest Anvers Island and vicinity
      Delegation of the USA
      WS-MPA-05/11 Scientific justification for a marine protected area designation around the Balleny Islands to protect ecosystem structure and function in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica: progress report
      Delegation of New Zealand
      WS-MPA-05/12 Legal considerations surrounding the establishment of marine protected areas in Antarctica
      Delegation of New Zealand
      WS-MPA-05/13 SCAR biology symposium (Curitiba, Brazil, 25 to 29 July 2005)Workshop on marine protected areas (27 July)
      Grant, S.
      WS-MPA-05/14 Issues to consider before jumping on the marine protected area bandwagon
      Uravitch, J.A., Brock, R.J.
      WS-MPA-05/15 Progress towards the declaration of a large marine protected area around South Africa's sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands
      Nel, D., Lombard, A., Cooper, J., Reyers, B., Akkers, T.