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    Korean research plan in Subarea 88.3 in 2016/17

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegation of the Republic of Korea
    Submitted By:
    Dr Seok-Gwan Choi (Korea, Republic of)
    Approved By:
    Ms Jung-re Riley Kim

    The subarea 88.3 is a large area contained from 105° W to 70° W where has been closed to directed fishing following the results of a Chilean survey activities in 1998 (SC-CCAMLR-XVII/BG/7). Previous three research surveys conducted by the New Zealand and the Russian flagged vessels since 1998. It was noted that 8 D. Mawsoni were tagged by the New Zealand in the 2004/05 season and 123 D. Mawsoni were tagged by Russian flagged vessels in the 2010/11 and 2011/12 season (WG-FSA-05/53, WG-FSA-11/36 & WG-FSA-12/13). It was also noted that no tagged fishes were recaptured during the previous research activities. Considering this large region, the Republic of Korea notes that only 95 research hauls and 131 tagged fishes from three research activities (in total since 1998) were not enough likely to recapture. it was further noted that there was no research activities more than two consecutive years in the past despite the Scientific Committee has agreed that research fishing should be conducted such that it results in an assessment of a stock in 3-4 years time (SC-CAMLR XXVIII, paragraphs 4.165). During the 2015/16 season the Korean flagged vessel, Greenstar, conducted 1st year research in this area. Total of 566 D. Mawsoni were tagged and released. Although the Greenstar set 108 research hauls in the Subarea 88.3 she did not find any recaptures of previous surveys. In second research year, the Greenstar is planning to revisit to the areas where the tagged fishes were released to further understand toothfish movement and migration with recapture data.