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    Full Name
    Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management
    Busan, Republic of Korea
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 27 June 2011 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xxx-a05.pdf (967.62 KB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Report on the independent review of CCAMLR’s data management systems
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      The Secretariat review of the Strategic Plan, associated activities and outcomes
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      Some properties of diagnostics of GLMM model tuning for standardising CPUE indices in the Area 48 using the CCAMLR fishery statistics database
      P. Gasyukov and S. Kasatkina (Russia)
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      Draft Agenda for the 2011 Meeting of the Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling (WG-SAM)
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      Deployment of research hauls in the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Subareas 48.6 and 58.4 in 2010/11
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      Reports on abundance and biological information of toothfish in Division 58.4.3b by Shinsei Maru No.3 in the 2010/11 and proposal of the consecutive survey in the 2011/12
      K. Taki, T. Iwami and M. Kiyota (Japan)
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      Reports on abundance and biological information on toothfish in Division 58.4.4 a and b by Shinsei Maru No. 3 in 2010/11 season
      K.Taki, T. Iwami and M. Kiyota (Japan)
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      Research plan for toothfish in Divisions 58.4.4a and b by Shinsei Maru No. 3 in 2011/12
      Delegation of Japan
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      Principles for evaluating data collection plans in data-poor exploratory fisheries
      P.E. Ziegler, D.C. Welsford and A.J. Constable (Australia)
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      Brief results of research fishing in Subarea 88.3 in the 2010/11 season
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
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      Plan of research fishing in Subarea 88.3 in the 2011/12 season
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
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      Models of tag shedding for double tagging as a function of time at liberty and approximate solutions for the single tagging model in CASAL
      S.G. Candy (Australia)
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      Development of a generic operating model framework for data collection, assessment method and management strategy evaluations
      P.E. Ziegler (Australia)
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      Developments in the CCAMR tagging program relating to tag linking
      WG-SAM-11/15 Rev. 1
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      Research standards for exploratory fisheries
      D. Kinzey (USA)
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      Proposal for a CCAMLR sponsored research survey to monitor abundance of pre-recruit Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea
      S.M. Hanchet, S. Mormede, S.J. Parker and A. Dunn (New Zealand)
      2, 5
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      Investigation of the sensitivity of the Ross Sea toothfish assessment to withholding subsets of the available data
      S. Mormede (New Zealand)
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      Estimates of the tag loss rates for single and double tagged toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) fishery in the Ross Sea
      A. Dunn, M.H. Smith (New Zealand), D.J. Agnew (UK) and S. Mormede (New Zealand)
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      Report on the results of exploratory research fishing for crabs in Subarea 48.2 on board FV Tamango in the 2009/10 season
      V.A. Bizikov and S.E. Anosov (Russia)
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      A preliminary population status model for the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, on the Kerguelen Plateau (Divisions 58.5.1 and 58.5.2) using CASAL
      S.G. Candy (Australia), A. Relot, G. Duhamel (France), D.C. Welsford, A.J. Constable, T.D. Lamb (Australia), P. Pruvost and N. Gasco (France)
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      Estimates of sustainable yield for 50 data-poor stocks in the Pacific coast groundfish fishery management plan
      E.J. Dick and A.D. McCall
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      Depletion-based stock reduction analysis: a catch-based method for determining sustainable yields for data-poor fish stocks
      E.J. Dick and A.D. McCall
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      Depletion-corrected average catch: a simple formula for estimating sustainable yields in data-poor situations
      A.D. McCall


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      1     Introduction

      The Scientific Committee established WG-SAM during CCAMLR-XXV (SC-CAMLR-XXV, paragraph 13.12), with a directed emphasis on developing, refining, and evaluating quantitative approaches for all Antarctic marine living resources managed by CCAMLR. WG-SAM serves as a flexible technical group to address quantitative issues relevant to WGFSA, WG-EMM, and ad hoc WG-IMAF (SC-CAMLR-XXV, paragraphs 13.4 to 13.8). WGSAM is to provide advice necessary for the work of these working groups and the Scientific Committee.

      Working papers submitted to WG-SAM, along with presentations and analyses conducted during the meeting, will form the basis for discussion and advice.

      The terms of reference for the Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling (WG-SAM) are:

      To provide advice to the Scientific Committee and its working groups on:

      1. quantitative assessment methods, statistical procedures, and modelling approaches for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources; and
      2. the implementation and data requirements of such methods, procedures and approaches.

      Background information to the organisation of WG-SAM is available in the report of SCCAMLR-XXVI on the following topics:

      1. the process for determining what is within the remit of WG-SAM (SC-CAMLR-XXVI, paragraph 2.16 (ii, iii)), and
      2. the approach for structuring the future work program of WG-SAM (SC-CAMLR-XXVI, paragraph 2.16(iv)).
      1.1     Opening of the meeting
      1.2     Adoption of the agenda and organisation of the meeting

      Amendments to and adoption of the meeting agenda, assignment of working papers to agenda items, appointment of rapporteurs and procedures for the production of the report and establishment of ad hoc subgroups if necessary.

      The usual agenda has been structured generally to account for the areas of work most likely to engage WG-SAM:

      1. estimation of parameters,
      2. development of stock and other assessment methods,
      3. review of statistical and analytical methods used by SC-CAMLR and its Working Groups,
      4. development of tools for modelling populations, foodwebs and ecosystems, and
      5. evaluation of management procedures and strategies (data collection, assessments and decision rules) for their ability to achieve objectives.

      In 2011, WG-SAM has been tasked to focus its discussion primarily on research and assessment of toothfish stocks and will not be meeting for its usual length of time.

      2     Focus topic: work plan for implementing research proposals for data-poor exploratory fisheries

      In its discussions last year on new and exploratory toothfish fisheries, the Scientific Committee considered further the development of a research framework for data-poor fisheries. It recommended that some specific elements of the work plan be considered as a high priority focus topic for WG-SAM in the coming intersessional period with the following terms of reference (SC-CAMLR-XXIX, paragraph 3.133):

      WG-SAM focus topic: work plan for implementing research proposals for data-poor exploratory fisheries. To consider:

      1. methods for evaluating capability of vessels and gear types to contribute to research outcomes and for calibrating vessels and gears, including specific case studies relevant to current exploratory fisheries such as in tag-recapture programs;
      2. proposed research designs and data collection protocols for estimating stock status in data-poor exploratory fisheries;
      3. methods for assessing stock status in data-poor exploratory fisheries.

      Members are invited to submit papers relevant to these terms of reference for consideration of this focus topic. Discussion will begin on the first day and contribute to advice provided to WG-FSA and the Scientific Committee under Agenda Items 4 and 5.

      4     Strategies for acquiring data and setting catch limits in data poor exploratory fisheries
      7     Advice to the Scientific Committee
      7.1     WG-FSA
      7.2     General
      8     Adoption of report and close of meeting