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    Full Name
    Working Group on Krill
    Yalta, USSR
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 8 July 1991 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-x-a5.pdf (1.3 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      List of participants
      More Info
      List of documents
      More Info
      Anthropogenic evolution of Antarctica’s pelagic communities
      N.M. Voronina (USSR)
      More Info
      On the consequences of large-scale harvesting of mesopelagic fish and Antarctic krill
      N.I. Kashkin (USSR)
      More Info
      Resolution of the all-union symposium “Ecosystems of the Pelagic Waters of the Southern Ocean”
      More Info
      Characteristics of krill swarms from Prydz Bay
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) and I.R. Higginbottom (Australia)
      More Info
      Definition of the problem of estimating fish abundance over an area from acoustic line transect measurements of density
      K.G. Foote and G. Stefánsson (Norway)
      More Info
      Fine-scale catches of krill reported to CCAMLR 1988 1990
      WG-KRILL-91/1 Rev. 1
      More Info
      More Info
      On construction of multidisciplinary and stock assessment surveys as well as on collection of material on Euphausia superba and environmental conditions in the fishing areas and adjacent waters
      R.R. Makarov and V.V. Maslennikov (USSR)
      More Info
      Peculiarities of Euphausia superba size composition in Statistical Subarea 48.2 (South Orkney Islands)
      V.I. Latogursky and R.R. Makarov (USSR)
      More Info
      Report of the biologist-observer from the commercial trawler Grigory Kovtun, season 1989/90
      A.V. Vagin (USSR)
      More Info
      Target strength of Antarctic krill
      R.P. Hewitt and D.A. Demer (USA)
      More Info
      Oceanic condition and zooplankton distribution/ abundance in Bransfield Strait during austral summer 1989/1990
      S.M. Kim and M.S. Suk (Korea)
      More Info
      Estimation of krill (Euphausia superba) mortality and production rate in the Antarctic peninsula region
      Delegation of Germany
      More Info
      Estimation of distribution characteristics of the fishing objects from shoal linear cross sections (methodical directions)
      Y.V. Kadilnikov (USSR)
      More Info
      Automated data collection and processing system relevant to fishing object distribution
      Y.V. Kadilnikov, O.M. Khandros and Y.A. Starovoyt (USSR)
      More Info
      Brief program and methods of investigations on krill damage by midwater trawl sections
      Y.V. Zimarev (USSR)
      More Info
      Small scale krill surveys: simulations based on observed euphausiid distributions
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) and S. Nicol (Australia)
      More Info
      Note on estimating abundance from acoustic data on individual krill aggregations
      I. Hampton and D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
      More Info
      Some comments on the procedure for testing estimators of krill abundance which utilise survey data
      D.S. Butterworth, D.L. Borchers and D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
      More Info
      Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution in relation to water movement and phytoplankton distribution off the northern South Shetland Islands
      Delegation of Japan
      More Info
      Brief report of the sixth Antarctic survey cruise of JFA R/V Kaiyo Maru
      M. Naganobu, T. Ichii and H. Ishii (Japan)
      More Info
      A simple approach for calculating the potential yield of krill from biomass survey results
      D.S. Butterworth (South Africa) and M. Basson (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      By-catch of fish in the krill fishery
      I. Everson (United Kingdom), A. Neyelov and Y. Permitin (USSR)
      More Info
      When will the information required for rational management of the krill fishery become available and what should CCAMLR do in the meantime?
      S. Nicol and A. Constable (Australia)
      More Info
      Krill aggregation characteristics in South Orkney Island area in April 1990
      P.P. Fedulov, V.V. Devicin, E.N. Timohin and N.B. Shishin (USSR)
      More Info
      Possible approach to krill movement estimation by hydroacoustic observations
      P.P. Fedulov (USSR)
      More Info
      Target strengths of krill at 136 and 20 kHz
      S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
      More Info
      Analyses of acoustic line-transect data from the waters around South Georgia: estimation of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) biomass
      E. Murphy, I. Everson and A. Murray (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Krill aggregation characteristics: spatial distribution patterns from hydroacoustic observations
      D.G.M. Miller and I. Hampton (South Africa)
      More Info
      Midwater trawl catchability regarding quantitative estimation of krill biomass using the method of trawling surveys on abundance
      S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
      More Info
      Some statistical properties of krill acoustical data from SIBEX and ice edge zone surveys
      M. Godlewska (Poland)
      More Info
      Krill distributions and their diurnal changes
      M. Godlewska and Z. Klusek (Poland)
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Krill Subgroup on Survey Design
      (Yalta, USSR, 18 to 20 July 1991)

      More Info
      Preliminary results of the Polish commercial krill fishery in the Antarctic during 1990/91 season
      I. Wójcik and R. Zaporowski (Poland)
      More Info
      CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill within commercial hauls of polish trawler FV Lepus in the fishing ground off South Orkneys in January and February 1991
      I. Wójcik and R. Zaporowski (Poland)
      More Info
      Volumetric analyses of Antarctic marine ecosystem data
      Delegation of the USA
      More Info
      Chilean krill fishery: analysis of the 1991 season
      Victor H. Marín et. al.
      More Info
      Krill target strength estimated by underwater photography and acoustics
      J.L. Watkins (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Report on discussions on krill target strength
      K.G. Foote (Norway), D. Chu and T.K. Stanton (USA)
      More Info
      A proposal for stock biomass estimate of Euphausia superba Dana by the environmental index Q200 in comparison with Hampton’s method (extended abstract)
      M. Naganobu (Japan)
      More Info
      Hydrometeorological basis for forecasting biomass and some fishery indices of Antarctic krill in the Sodruzhestva Sea
      V.A. Bryantsev (USSR)


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      WG-KRILL-91/02 List of participants
      WG-KRILL-91/03 List of documents
      WG-KRILL-91/04 Anthropogenic evolution of Antarctica’s pelagic communities
      N.M. Voronina (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/05 On the consequences of large-scale harvesting of mesopelagic fish and Antarctic krill
      N.I. Kashkin (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/06 Resolution of the all-union symposium “Ecosystems of the Pelagic Waters of the Southern Ocean”
      WG-KRILL-91/07 Characteristics of krill swarms from Prydz Bay
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) and I.R. Higginbottom (Australia)
      WG-KRILL-91/08 Definition of the problem of estimating fish abundance over an area from acoustic line transect measurements of density
      K.G. Foote and G. Stefánsson (Norway)
      WG-KRILL-91/09 Fine-scale catches of krill reported to CCAMLR 1988 1990
      WG-KRILL-91/1 Rev. 1 Agenda
      WG-KRILL-91/10 On construction of multidisciplinary and stock assessment surveys as well as on collection of material on Euphausia superba and environmental conditions in the fishing areas and adjacent waters
      R.R. Makarov and V.V. Maslennikov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/11 Peculiarities of Euphausia superba size composition in Statistical Subarea 48.2 (South Orkney Islands)
      V.I. Latogursky and R.R. Makarov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/12 Report of the biologist-observer from the commercial trawler Grigory Kovtun, season 1989/90
      A.V. Vagin (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/13 Target strength of Antarctic krill
      R.P. Hewitt and D.A. Demer (USA)
      WG-KRILL-91/14 Oceanic condition and zooplankton distribution/ abundance in Bransfield Strait during austral summer 1989/1990
      S.M. Kim and M.S. Suk (Korea)
      WG-KRILL-91/15 Estimation of krill (Euphausia superba) mortality and production rate in the Antarctic peninsula region
      Delegation of Germany
      WG-KRILL-91/16 Estimation of distribution characteristics of the fishing objects from shoal linear cross sections (methodical directions)
      Y.V. Kadilnikov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/17 Automated data collection and processing system relevant to fishing object distribution
      Y.V. Kadilnikov, O.M. Khandros and Y.A. Starovoyt (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/18 Brief program and methods of investigations on krill damage by midwater trawl sections
      Y.V. Zimarev (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/19 Small scale krill surveys: simulations based on observed euphausiid distributions
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) and S. Nicol (Australia)
      WG-KRILL-91/20 Note on estimating abundance from acoustic data on individual krill aggregations
      I. Hampton and D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
      WG-KRILL-91/21 Some comments on the procedure for testing estimators of krill abundance which utilise survey data
      D.S. Butterworth, D.L. Borchers and D.G.M. Miller (South Africa)
      WG-KRILL-91/22 Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution in relation to water movement and phytoplankton distribution off the northern South Shetland Islands
      Delegation of Japan
      WG-KRILL-91/23 Brief report of the sixth Antarctic survey cruise of JFA R/V Kaiyo Maru
      M. Naganobu, T. Ichii and H. Ishii (Japan)
      WG-KRILL-91/24 A simple approach for calculating the potential yield of krill from biomass survey results
      D.S. Butterworth (South Africa) and M. Basson (United Kingdom)
      WG-KRILL-91/25 By-catch of fish in the krill fishery
      I. Everson (United Kingdom), A. Neyelov and Y. Permitin (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/26 When will the information required for rational management of the krill fishery become available and what should CCAMLR do in the meantime?
      S. Nicol and A. Constable (Australia)
      WG-KRILL-91/27 Krill aggregation characteristics in South Orkney Island area in April 1990
      P.P. Fedulov, V.V. Devicin, E.N. Timohin and N.B. Shishin (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/28 Possible approach to krill movement estimation by hydroacoustic observations
      P.P. Fedulov (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/29 Target strengths of krill at 136 and 20 kHz
      S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/30 Analyses of acoustic line-transect data from the waters around South Georgia: estimation of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) biomass
      E. Murphy, I. Everson and A. Murray (United Kingdom)
      WG-KRILL-91/31 Krill aggregation characteristics: spatial distribution patterns from hydroacoustic observations
      D.G.M. Miller and I. Hampton (South Africa)
      WG-KRILL-91/32 Midwater trawl catchability regarding quantitative estimation of krill biomass using the method of trawling surveys on abundance
      S.M. Kasatkina (USSR)
      WG-KRILL-91/33 Some statistical properties of krill acoustical data from SIBEX and ice edge zone surveys
      M. Godlewska (Poland)
      WG-KRILL-91/34 Krill distributions and their diurnal changes
      M. Godlewska and Z. Klusek (Poland)
      WG-KRILL-91/35 Report of the Working Group on Krill Subgroup on Survey Design
      (Yalta, USSR, 18 to 20 July 1991)
      WG-KRILL-91/36 Preliminary results of the Polish commercial krill fishery in the Antarctic during 1990/91 season
      I. Wójcik and R. Zaporowski (Poland)
      WG-KRILL-91/37 CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill within commercial hauls of polish trawler FV Lepus in the fishing ground off South Orkneys in January and February 1991
      I. Wójcik and R. Zaporowski (Poland)
      WG-KRILL-91/38 Volumetric analyses of Antarctic marine ecosystem data
      Delegation of the USA
      WG-KRILL-91/39 Chilean krill fishery: analysis of the 1991 season
      Victor H. Marín et. al.
      WG-KRILL-91/40 Krill target strength estimated by underwater photography and acoustics
      J.L. Watkins (United Kingdom)
      WG-KRILL-91/41 Report on discussions on krill target strength
      K.G. Foote (Norway), D. Chu and T.K. Stanton (USA)
      WG-KRILL-91/42 A proposal for stock biomass estimate of Euphausia superba Dana by the environmental index Q200 in comparison with Hampton’s method (extended abstract)
      M. Naganobu (Japan)
      WG-KRILL-91/43 Hydrometeorological basis for forecasting biomass and some fishery indices of Antarctic krill in the Sodruzhestva Sea
      V.A. Bryantsev (USSR)