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    Full Name
    Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 13 October 1997 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xvi-a5.pdf (3.74 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Preliminary agenda and annotation to the preliminary agenda for the 1997 meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      More Info
      List of participants
      More Info
      International observer program, Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Ashford, J., Duhamel, G.
      More Info
      Natural mortality rate in the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) around South Georgia
      Everson, I.
      More Info
      Report on evaluation of decreased side mortality of seabirds inside Division 58.5.1 (Kerguelen Islands) during the period of 1996/97 fishing campaign
      Vertunov, A.M., Petrenko, A.S.
      More Info
      Report on operation activities of Ukrainian longliners inside Division 58.5.1 (Kerguelen Islands) during 1996/97
      Vertunov, A.M., Petrenko, A.S.
      More Info
      Meteorological conditions during 1996/97 fishing campaign for toothfish inside the waters of Kerguelen Islands
      Petrenko, A.S.
      More Info
      An assessment of seabird interactions with longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides around South Georgia, March–May 1997
      Ashford, J.R., Croxall, J.P.
      More Info
      Fishery for the squid Martialia hyadesi at South Georgia conducted by the Korean registered vessel Ihn Sung 101 (June/July 1997): scientific observer’s report
      Harding, S.P.
      More Info
      Correspondence between Drs Everson, Vorobyov and Sushin related to the acoustic survey conducted by RV Atlantida in February 1996 (SC-CAMLR-XV, Annex 5, paragraph 4.131)
      Everson, I.
      More Info
      Comparative study of the size composition of catches of D. eleginoides taken during the 25th expedition of the RV Akademic Knipovich in January 1990 (Subarea 48.3)
      VNIRO (Russia)
      More Info
      Some observations on seabird by-catch from australian longline fishing vessels: 1994–1996
      Whitelaw, W.
      More Info
      Recent information related to seabird by-catch on the high seas
      Tuck, G., Betlehem, A., Polacheck, T.
      More Info
      Japanese longline seabird by-catch in the Australian fishing zone: April 1995 – March 1997
      Klaer, N., Polacheck, T.
      More Info
      The influence of environmental factors and mitigation measures on by-catch rates of seabirds by Japanese longline fishing vessels in the Australian region
      Klaer, N., Polacheck, T.
      More Info
      Trends in tuna longline fisheries in the southern oceans and implications for seabird by-catch: 1997 update
      Polacheck, T., Tuck, G.
      More Info
      Toothfishes of the genus Dissostichus – geographic range of distribution
      Yukhov, V.L.
      More Info
      Some data pertaining to the distribution of Antarctic toothfish juveniles (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Indian sector of the Antarctic
      Roshchin, E.A.
      More Info
      To the problem of distribution of different species of toothfishes Dissostichus
      Prutko, V.G.
      More Info
      Incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals during longline fishing around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands
      Cielniaszek, Z., Croxall, J.P.
      More Info
      Breeding distribution and population status of the northern giant petrel (Macronectes halli) and the southern giant petrel (M. giganteus)
      Submitted by SCAR
      More Info
      Bird communities – extract from a management plan for the Prince Edward Islands, 1995
      Delegation of South Africa
      More Info
      Underwater longline setting device and artificial bait (from Mustad Longlining News, Summer 1997, Norway)
      More Info
      Comments on the Scientific Observers Manual
      Ashford, J.
      More Info
      Tendencia de la mortalidad incidental de aves en buques de la flota chilena durante la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides, (Subárea 48.3)
      Gonzalo Benavides, A., Rubilar, P.S., Moreno, C.A.
      More Info
      Changes in the fish biomass around Elephant Island (Statistical Subarea 48.1) from 1976 to 1996
      Kock, K.-H.
      WG-FSA-97/27 Addendum
      More Info
      Changes in the fish biomass around Elephant Island (Statistical Subarea 48.1) from 1976 to 1996
      Kock, K.-H.
      More Info
      Albatross populations: status and threats
      Gales, R.
      More Info
      An assessment of the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) off Heard Island
      de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A., Williams, R.
      WG-FSA-97/3 Rev. 1
      More Info
      List of documents
      More Info
      Assessments of by-catch in trawl fisheries at Heard and MacDonald Islands
      de la Mare, W.K., Williams, R., Constable, A.
      WG-FSA-97/30 Addendum
      More Info
      Assessments of by-catch in trawl fisheries at Heard and MacDonald Islands
      Williams, R., de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.
      More Info
      A proposed research plan for an exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3
      Williams, R.
      More Info
      Dataset user guide: fisheries C2 longline (draft)
      More Info
      Resources available to WG-FSA-97
      More Info
      Scientific observations of trawl and squid jigging operations during 1997
      More Info
      Overview of biological reference points and their use in fisheries management
      WG-FSA-97/36 Rev. 3
      More Info
      IMALF data analysis in 1997
      More Info
      Catch and effort data for the longline fishery in Subarea 48.3 – comparison of data reported to CCAMLR and data acquired by the UK between 1994 and 1996
      Parkes, G.B., Pearce, J., Agnew, D.J.
      More Info
      Management of C. gunnari in Subarea 48.3
      Kirkwood, G.P., Parkes, G.B., Everson, I., Agnew, D.J.
      More Info
      Preliminary reports of UK fish survey: Subarea 48.3
      Everson, I.
      WG-FSA-97/4 Addendum
      More Info
      Addendum to international observer program, Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Ashford, J.R.
      More Info
      Determination of stock structure and movement-at-age in Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) through laser-based analysis of otoliths: report on progress 1996–97
      Ashford, J., Everson, I., Jones, C.
      More Info
      An assessment of longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides on board the Chilean-registered longliner BF Cisne Verde during March–May 1997 around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
      Ashford, J.R., Everson, I.
      More Info
      Ficha tecnica del bacalao de profundidad Dissostichus eleginoides, Smitt 1898
      Moreno, C.A., Zuleta, A., Rubilar, P.S.
      More Info
      Tendencias de la biomasa de Dissostichus eleginoides (Smitt, 1898) en la Subarea 48.3 (1992–1997)
      Moreno, C.A., Rubilar, P.S., Zuleta, A., Young, Z.
      More Info
      Variations in the stock of Champsocephalus gunnari observed in four recent surveys around South Georgia Islands
      Calcagno, J., Gonzalez, B., Marschoff, E.R.
      More Info
      Spatial distribution of Champsocephalus gunnari size and age are related with depth
      Marschoff, E.R., Serra, J.A., Gonzalez, B., Calcagno, J.
      WG-FSA-97/46 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Interim report of activities on the wg-fsa correspondence group on fish by-catch in the krill fisheries
      More Info
      Results of E.L. Holmberg 1997 fish survey in Subarea 48.3
      Prenski, B., Calcagno, J., Marschoff, E.R., Gonzalez, B.
      WG-FSA-97/47 Addendum
      More Info
      Results of E.L. Holmberg 1997 fish survey in Subarea 48.3
      Prenski, B., Calcagno, J., Gonzalez, B., Marschoff, E.R.
      More Info
      Analysis of the diet of Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3, in late summer of years 1994–97, Dr E. Holmberg surveys
      Barrera-Oro, E., Marschoff, E., Casaux, R.
      More Info
      Algunos aspectos biologicos relevantes a la explotacion de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898) en la zona economica exclusiva argentina y sector oceanico adyacente
      Almeyda, S.M., Prenski, L.B.
      More Info
      Redefining the boundary between ccamlr statistical Subareas 58.6 and 58.7
      Delegation of South Africa
      More Info
      Seabird mortality in the longline fishery for Patagonian toothfish at the Prince Edward Islands: 1996–1997
      Boix-Hinzen, C., Enticott, J.W., Ryan, P.G., Wanless, R., Purves, M., Nel, D.C.
      More Info
      Foraging movements of the shy albatross Diomedea cauta breeding in Australia; implications for interactions with longline fisheries
      Gales, R., Hedd, A., Brothers, N., Robertson, G.
      More Info
      An underwater setting method for surface longliners, to minimise the accidental/incidental capture of seabirds
      Walshe, K.A.R., Parnes, P.
      More Info
      Development of an underwater setting method for surface longliners, to minimise the accidental capture of seabirds
      Bentley, N., Smith, M.
      More Info
      The impact of the hake Merluccus spp. longline fishery off South Africa on Procellariiform seabirds
      Boix-Hinzen, C., Barnes, K.N., Ryan, P.G.
      More Info
      Research and conservation: a future for albatrosses?
      Croxall, J.P.
      More Info
      Intersessional work on the incidental mortality of seabirds in longline fisheries in the 1996/97 intersessional period
      More Info
      Report on marine debris and entanglement at Palmer Station, Antarctic Peninsula, 1992–1997
      Fraser, W.R.
      More Info
      An assessment of the conservation status of albatrosses
      Croxall, J.P., Gales, R.


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      WG-FSA-97/01 Preliminary agenda and annotation to the preliminary agenda for the 1997 meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      WG-FSA-97/02 List of participants
      WG-FSA-97/04 International observer program, Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Ashford, J., Duhamel, G.
      WG-FSA-97/05 Natural mortality rate in the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) around South Georgia
      Everson, I.
      WG-FSA-97/06 Report on evaluation of decreased side mortality of seabirds inside Division 58.5.1 (Kerguelen Islands) during the period of 1996/97 fishing campaign
      Vertunov, A.M., Petrenko, A.S.
      WG-FSA-97/07 Report on operation activities of Ukrainian longliners inside Division 58.5.1 (Kerguelen Islands) during 1996/97
      Vertunov, A.M., Petrenko, A.S.
      WG-FSA-97/08 Meteorological conditions during 1996/97 fishing campaign for toothfish inside the waters of Kerguelen Islands
      Petrenko, A.S.
      WG-FSA-97/09 An assessment of seabird interactions with longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides around South Georgia, March–May 1997
      Ashford, J.R., Croxall, J.P.
      WG-FSA-97/10 Fishery for the squid Martialia hyadesi at South Georgia conducted by the Korean registered vessel Ihn Sung 101 (June/July 1997): scientific observer’s report
      Harding, S.P.
      WG-FSA-97/11 Correspondence between Drs Everson, Vorobyov and Sushin related to the acoustic survey conducted by RV Atlantida in February 1996 (SC-CAMLR-XV, Annex 5, paragraph 4.131)
      Everson, I.
      WG-FSA-97/12 Comparative study of the size composition of catches of D. eleginoides taken during the 25th expedition of the RV Akademic Knipovich in January 1990 (Subarea 48.3)
      VNIRO (Russia)
      WG-FSA-97/13 Some observations on seabird by-catch from australian longline fishing vessels: 1994–1996
      Whitelaw, W.
      WG-FSA-97/14 Recent information related to seabird by-catch on the high seas
      Tuck, G., Betlehem, A., Polacheck, T.
      WG-FSA-97/15 Japanese longline seabird by-catch in the Australian fishing zone: April 1995 – March 1997
      Klaer, N., Polacheck, T.
      WG-FSA-97/16 The influence of environmental factors and mitigation measures on by-catch rates of seabirds by Japanese longline fishing vessels in the Australian region
      Klaer, N., Polacheck, T.
      WG-FSA-97/17 Trends in tuna longline fisheries in the southern oceans and implications for seabird by-catch: 1997 update
      Polacheck, T., Tuck, G.
      WG-FSA-97/18 Toothfishes of the genus Dissostichus – geographic range of distribution
      Yukhov, V.L.
      WG-FSA-97/19 Some data pertaining to the distribution of Antarctic toothfish juveniles (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Indian sector of the Antarctic
      Roshchin, E.A.
      WG-FSA-97/20 To the problem of distribution of different species of toothfishes Dissostichus
      Prutko, V.G.
      WG-FSA-97/21 Incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals during longline fishing around the Falkland/Malvinas Islands
      Cielniaszek, Z., Croxall, J.P.
      WG-FSA-97/22 Breeding distribution and population status of the northern giant petrel (Macronectes halli) and the southern giant petrel (M. giganteus)
      Submitted by SCAR
      WG-FSA-97/23 Bird communities – extract from a management plan for the Prince Edward Islands, 1995
      Delegation of South Africa
      WG-FSA-97/24 Underwater longline setting device and artificial bait (from Mustad Longlining News, Summer 1997, Norway)
      WG-FSA-97/25 Comments on the Scientific Observers Manual
      Ashford, J.
      WG-FSA-97/26 Tendencia de la mortalidad incidental de aves en buques de la flota chilena durante la pesca de Dissostichus eleginoides, (Subárea 48.3)
      Gonzalo Benavides, A., Rubilar, P.S., Moreno, C.A.
      WG-FSA-97/27 Changes in the fish biomass around Elephant Island (Statistical Subarea 48.1) from 1976 to 1996
      Kock, K.-H.
      WG-FSA-97/27 Addendum Changes in the fish biomass around Elephant Island (Statistical Subarea 48.1) from 1976 to 1996
      Kock, K.-H.
      WG-FSA-97/28 Albatross populations: status and threats
      Gales, R.
      WG-FSA-97/29 An assessment of the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) off Heard Island
      de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A., Williams, R.
      WG-FSA-97/3 Rev. 1 List of documents
      WG-FSA-97/30 Assessments of by-catch in trawl fisheries at Heard and MacDonald Islands
      de la Mare, W.K., Williams, R., Constable, A.
      WG-FSA-97/30 Addendum Assessments of by-catch in trawl fisheries at Heard and MacDonald Islands
      Williams, R., de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.
      WG-FSA-97/31 A proposed research plan for an exploratory fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3
      Williams, R.
      WG-FSA-97/32 Dataset user guide: fisheries C2 longline (draft)
      WG-FSA-97/33 Resources available to WG-FSA-97
      WG-FSA-97/34 Scientific observations of trawl and squid jigging operations during 1997
      WG-FSA-97/35 Overview of biological reference points and their use in fisheries management
      WG-FSA-97/36 Rev. 3 IMALF data analysis in 1997
      WG-FSA-97/37 Catch and effort data for the longline fishery in Subarea 48.3 – comparison of data reported to CCAMLR and data acquired by the UK between 1994 and 1996
      Parkes, G.B., Pearce, J., Agnew, D.J.
      WG-FSA-97/38 Management of C. gunnari in Subarea 48.3
      Kirkwood, G.P., Parkes, G.B., Everson, I., Agnew, D.J.
      WG-FSA-97/39 Preliminary reports of UK fish survey: Subarea 48.3
      Everson, I.
      WG-FSA-97/4 Addendum Addendum to international observer program, Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      Ashford, J.R.
      WG-FSA-97/40 Determination of stock structure and movement-at-age in Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) through laser-based analysis of otoliths: report on progress 1996–97
      Ashford, J., Everson, I., Jones, C.
      WG-FSA-97/41 An assessment of longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides on board the Chilean-registered longliner BF Cisne Verde during March–May 1997 around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
      Ashford, J.R., Everson, I.
      WG-FSA-97/42 Ficha tecnica del bacalao de profundidad Dissostichus eleginoides, Smitt 1898
      Moreno, C.A., Zuleta, A., Rubilar, P.S.
      WG-FSA-97/43 Tendencias de la biomasa de Dissostichus eleginoides (Smitt, 1898) en la Subarea 48.3 (1992–1997)
      Moreno, C.A., Rubilar, P.S., Zuleta, A., Young, Z.
      WG-FSA-97/44 Variations in the stock of Champsocephalus gunnari observed in four recent surveys around South Georgia Islands
      Calcagno, J., Gonzalez, B., Marschoff, E.R.
      WG-FSA-97/45 Spatial distribution of Champsocephalus gunnari size and age are related with depth
      Marschoff, E.R., Serra, J.A., Gonzalez, B., Calcagno, J.
      WG-FSA-97/46 Rev. 1 Interim report of activities on the wg-fsa correspondence group on fish by-catch in the krill fisheries
      WG-FSA-97/47 Results of E.L. Holmberg 1997 fish survey in Subarea 48.3
      Prenski, B., Calcagno, J., Marschoff, E.R., Gonzalez, B.
      WG-FSA-97/47 Addendum Results of E.L. Holmberg 1997 fish survey in Subarea 48.3
      Prenski, B., Calcagno, J., Gonzalez, B., Marschoff, E.R.
      WG-FSA-97/48 Analysis of the diet of Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3, in late summer of years 1994–97, Dr E. Holmberg surveys
      Barrera-Oro, E., Marschoff, E., Casaux, R.
      WG-FSA-97/49 Algunos aspectos biologicos relevantes a la explotacion de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898) en la zona economica exclusiva argentina y sector oceanico adyacente
      Almeyda, S.M., Prenski, L.B.
      WG-FSA-97/50 Redefining the boundary between ccamlr statistical Subareas 58.6 and 58.7
      Delegation of South Africa
      WG-FSA-97/51 Seabird mortality in the longline fishery for Patagonian toothfish at the Prince Edward Islands: 1996–1997
      Boix-Hinzen, C., Enticott, J.W., Ryan, P.G., Wanless, R., Purves, M., Nel, D.C.
      WG-FSA-97/52 Foraging movements of the shy albatross Diomedea cauta breeding in Australia; implications for interactions with longline fisheries
      Gales, R., Hedd, A., Brothers, N., Robertson, G.
      WG-FSA-97/53 An underwater setting method for surface longliners, to minimise the accidental/incidental capture of seabirds
      Walshe, K.A.R., Parnes, P.
      WG-FSA-97/54 Development of an underwater setting method for surface longliners, to minimise the accidental capture of seabirds
      Bentley, N., Smith, M.
      WG-FSA-97/55 The impact of the hake Merluccus spp. longline fishery off South Africa on Procellariiform seabirds
      Boix-Hinzen, C., Barnes, K.N., Ryan, P.G.
      WG-FSA-97/56 Research and conservation: a future for albatrosses?
      Croxall, J.P.
      WG-FSA-97/57 Intersessional work on the incidental mortality of seabirds in longline fisheries in the 1996/97 intersessional period
      WG-FSA-97/58 Report on marine debris and entanglement at Palmer Station, Antarctic Peninsula, 1992–1997
      Fraser, W.R.
      WG-FSA-97/59 An assessment of the conservation status of albatrosses
      Croxall, J.P., Gales, R.