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    Full Name
    Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Tuesday, 29 September 1992 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xi-a5.pdf (833.01 KB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda for the 1992 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      More Info
      List of participants
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      List of documents
      More Info
      Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg distribution on South Georgia shelf from inventory survey data collected by AtlantNIRO
      I.A. Trunov (Russia)
      More Info
      Collected data and stock assessment results for Notothenia squamifrons from Ob and Lena Banks, Division 58.4.4
      A.K. Zaitsev and S.M. Pronenko (Ukraine)
      More Info
      By-catch of juvenile Champsocephalus gunnari in krill fishery on the shelf of South Georgia Island
      G.A. Frolkina, V.I. Latogursky, V.A. Sushin (Russian Federation)
      More Info
      A fish stock assessment survey design for Subarea 48.1
      G. Watters (USA)
      More Info
      Length-age composition of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, from the Kerguelen Island area
      V.G. Prutko and V.N. Chikov (Ukraine)
      More Info
      Stock size and tac estimation for the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, from the Kerguelen Islands area
      S.M. Pronenko, P.B. Tankevich, V.V. Gerasimchuk and V.N. Chikov (Ukraine)
      More Info
      On the problem of by-catch of juvenile fish in krill fishery
      C.A. Pankratov and E.A. Pakhomov (Ukraine)
      WG-FSA-92/11 Rev. 1
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      A brief outline of the biology of the Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger, 1902 (Nototheniidae) from the Antarctic Indian Ocean
      V.V. Gerasimchuk (Ukraine)
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      Species composition of by-catch in catches of Electrona carlsbergi taken during commercial/research fishing north of South Georgia Island in 1987-89
      VNIRO (Russia)
      More Info
      Pre-spawning and spawning biology of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
      I.N. Konforkin and A.N. Kozlov (VNIRO, Moscow, Russia)
      More Info
      Brief report of research carried out by the vessel Mirgorod in the Shag Rocks and South Georgia areas during the period May-June 1992
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      Brief report of research carried out by the vessel Maksheevo in the Shag Rocks and South Georgia areas during the period June-July 1992
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      CCAMLR workshop on design of bottom trawl surveys
      (Hamburg, Germany, 16 to 19 September 1992)

      More Info
      Fish stock assessment survey in Subarea 48.3
      I. Everson, G. Parkes, S. Campbell (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany), J. Szlakowski, D. Cielniaszek (Poland), C. Goss (United Kingdom) and S. Wilhelms (Germany)
      More Info
      Condition factor study of Champsocephalus gunnari
      I. Everson, G. Parkes, S. Campbell (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany), J. Szlakowski, D. Cielniaszek (Poland), C. Goss (United Kingdom) and S. Wilhelms (Germany)
      More Info
      Secretariat stock assessment software
      More Info
      Reports of juvenile fish as by-catch in the krill fishery
      WG-FSA-92/21 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Remarks on natural mortality of Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3
      C.A. Moreno and P.S. Rubilar (Chile)
      More Info
      Catch-at-age analysis applied to new fisheries: the case of Dissostichus eleginoides
      A.V. Zuleta and C.A. Moreno (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/23 Rev. 1
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      An iterative model to construct an age-length key to assess the age composition of a new fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides in Chilean waters
      H. Robotham V. and Z. Young U. (Chile)
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      Fishing of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) by the Chilean fleet (1991/92) in the Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia Island) and proposed TAC for the 1991/1993 season
      P.A. Espina, M.A. Araya and V.V. Meniconi (Chile)
      More Info
      Database information on Antarctic fishes: call for cooperation
      A. Jarre-Teichmann (Germany)
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      Variations in food composition and feeding intensity of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at South Georgia
      K.-H. Kock (Germany), I. Everson (United Kingdom), S. Wilhelms (Germany), S. Campbell (United Kingdom), J. Szlakowski (Poland), G. Parkes (United Kingdom), Z. Cielniaszek (Poland) and C. Goss (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Notes on the use of virtual population analysis for stock assessment of the mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari (Lönnberg, 1906) in Subarea 48.3 for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 seasons
      G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      The 1992 Dissostichus fishery in Subarea 48.3
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) and C.A. Moreno (Chile)
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      A preliminary report on research conducted during experimental crab fishing in the Antarctic during 1992 (CCAMLR Area 48)
      R.S. Otto and R.A. MacIntosh (USA)
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      Preliminary analysis of the growth of Dissostichus eleginoides from the austral zone of Chile and South Georgia
      M. Aguayo H. (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/31 Rev. 1
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      Exploratory longline fishing around the Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1). Description of the fishing effort; catchability and target size of Dissostichus eleginoides
      G. Duhamel (France)
      More Info
      CCAMLR glossary of terms


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      WG-FSA-92/01 Provisional Agenda for the 1992 Meeting of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment (WG-FSA)
      WG-FSA-92/02 List of participants
      WG-FSA-92/03 List of documents
      WG-FSA-92/04 Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg distribution on South Georgia shelf from inventory survey data collected by AtlantNIRO
      I.A. Trunov (Russia)
      WG-FSA-92/05 Collected data and stock assessment results for Notothenia squamifrons from Ob and Lena Banks, Division 58.4.4
      A.K. Zaitsev and S.M. Pronenko (Ukraine)
      WG-FSA-92/06 By-catch of juvenile Champsocephalus gunnari in krill fishery on the shelf of South Georgia Island
      G.A. Frolkina, V.I. Latogursky, V.A. Sushin (Russian Federation)
      WG-FSA-92/07 A fish stock assessment survey design for Subarea 48.1
      G. Watters (USA)
      WG-FSA-92/08 Length-age composition of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, from the Kerguelen Island area
      V.G. Prutko and V.N. Chikov (Ukraine)
      WG-FSA-92/09 Stock size and tac estimation for the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, from the Kerguelen Islands area
      S.M. Pronenko, P.B. Tankevich, V.V. Gerasimchuk and V.N. Chikov (Ukraine)
      WG-FSA-92/10 On the problem of by-catch of juvenile fish in krill fishery
      C.A. Pankratov and E.A. Pakhomov (Ukraine)
      WG-FSA-92/11 Rev. 1 A brief outline of the biology of the Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger, 1902 (Nototheniidae) from the Antarctic Indian Ocean
      V.V. Gerasimchuk (Ukraine)
      WG-FSA-92/12 Species composition of by-catch in catches of Electrona carlsbergi taken during commercial/research fishing north of South Georgia Island in 1987-89
      VNIRO (Russia)
      WG-FSA-92/13 Pre-spawning and spawning biology of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, around South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
      I.N. Konforkin and A.N. Kozlov (VNIRO, Moscow, Russia)
      WG-FSA-92/14 Brief report of research carried out by the vessel Mirgorod in the Shag Rocks and South Georgia areas during the period May-June 1992
      WG-FSA-92/15 Brief report of research carried out by the vessel Maksheevo in the Shag Rocks and South Georgia areas during the period June-July 1992
      WG-FSA-92/16 CCAMLR workshop on design of bottom trawl surveys
      (Hamburg, Germany, 16 to 19 September 1992)
      WG-FSA-92/17 Fish stock assessment survey in Subarea 48.3
      I. Everson, G. Parkes, S. Campbell (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany), J. Szlakowski, D. Cielniaszek (Poland), C. Goss (United Kingdom) and S. Wilhelms (Germany)
      WG-FSA-92/18 Condition factor study of Champsocephalus gunnari
      I. Everson, G. Parkes, S. Campbell (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany), J. Szlakowski, D. Cielniaszek (Poland), C. Goss (United Kingdom) and S. Wilhelms (Germany)
      WG-FSA-92/19 Secretariat stock assessment software
      WG-FSA-92/20 Reports of juvenile fish as by-catch in the krill fishery
      WG-FSA-92/21 Rev. 1 Remarks on natural mortality of Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3
      C.A. Moreno and P.S. Rubilar (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/22 Catch-at-age analysis applied to new fisheries: the case of Dissostichus eleginoides
      A.V. Zuleta and C.A. Moreno (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/23 Rev. 1 An iterative model to construct an age-length key to assess the age composition of a new fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides in Chilean waters
      H. Robotham V. and Z. Young U. (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/24 Fishing of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) by the Chilean fleet (1991/92) in the Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia Island) and proposed TAC for the 1991/1993 season
      P.A. Espina, M.A. Araya and V.V. Meniconi (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/25 Database information on Antarctic fishes: call for cooperation
      A. Jarre-Teichmann (Germany)
      WG-FSA-92/26 Variations in food composition and feeding intensity of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at South Georgia
      K.-H. Kock (Germany), I. Everson (United Kingdom), S. Wilhelms (Germany), S. Campbell (United Kingdom), J. Szlakowski (Poland), G. Parkes (United Kingdom), Z. Cielniaszek (Poland) and C. Goss (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-92/27 Notes on the use of virtual population analysis for stock assessment of the mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari (Lönnberg, 1906) in Subarea 48.3 for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 seasons
      G. Parkes (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-92/28 The 1992 Dissostichus fishery in Subarea 48.3
      D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) and C.A. Moreno (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/29 A preliminary report on research conducted during experimental crab fishing in the Antarctic during 1992 (CCAMLR Area 48)
      R.S. Otto and R.A. MacIntosh (USA)
      WG-FSA-92/30 Preliminary analysis of the growth of Dissostichus eleginoides from the austral zone of Chile and South Georgia
      M. Aguayo H. (Chile)
      WG-FSA-92/31 Rev. 1 Exploratory longline fishing around the Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1). Description of the fishing effort; catchability and target size of Dissostichus eleginoides
      G. Duhamel (France)
      WG-FSA-92/32 CCAMLR glossary of terms