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    Full Name
    Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Monday, 22 September 2014 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Group Paper)
    Meeting Report:


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Implementation of conservation measures in 2013/14: Fishing and related activities
      4, 5, 6
      More Info
      Fishery notifications 2014/15 summary
      CCAMLR-XXXIII/BG/14 Rev. 2
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      The Price of Fish: A global trade analysis of Patagonian (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni)
      CCAMLR-XXXIII/BG/28 Rev. 1
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      Mapping trends in activity of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the CAMLR Convention Area
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Statistics, Assessments and Modelling (Punta Arenas, Chile, 30 June to 4 July 2014)
      4, 5
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      Catches in the Convention Area 2012/13 and 2013/14
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      On development of centralised preparation and accreditation scheme for scientific observers and CCAMLR Member countries
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
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      Development of a spatially-explicit minimum realistic model for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) and its main prey (Macrouridae and Channichthyidae) in the Ross Sea
      S. Mormede, M. Pinkerton, A. Dunn, S. Hanchet and S. Parker (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-14/01 Rev. 2
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      Summary of scientific observer data collected in the CAMLR Convention Area during 2014
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      Analytical data on determination of reproductive potential of Antarctic toothfish D. mawsoni in the Pacific (SSRUs 88.1, 88.2, 88.3), Indian Ocean (SSRUs 58.4.1 и 58.4.2) and Atlantic (SSRU 48.6, 48.5) Antarctic areas
      S.V. Piyanova and A.F. Petrov (Russia)
      WG-FSA-14/03 Rev. 2
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      Progress report on the Weddell Sea Research Program Stage II
      A.F. Petrov, I.I. Gordeev, S.V. Pianova and E. F. Uryupova (Russia)
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      Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2014/15 in Division 58.4.4
      Delegation of France
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      Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2014/15 in Division 58.4.3a
      Delegation of France
      More Info
      Revised stock assessment of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, in research block C of Division 58.4.4 (Ob & Lena Banks) using CASAL
      A. Rélot-Stirnemann (France)
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      2006–2013 fish distribution and biomass in the Kerguelen EEZ (CCAMLR DIVISION 58-5-1) for the bathymetric range 100–1 000 m
      G. Duhamel, M. Hautecœur and R. Sinegre (France)
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      Revised plan of research program of the Ukraine in Subarea 48.2 in 2015
      Delegation of Ukraine
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      Plan of research program of the Russian Federation in Subarea 48.5 (Weddell Sea) in season 2014/2015
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
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      Comparison of two methods to assess fish losses due to depredation by killer whales and sperm whales on demersal longline
      N. Gasco, P. Tixier, G. Duhamel and C. Guinet (France)
      4, 9
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      Stock assessment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in the vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1) after the 2013 POKER Biomass survey
      R. Sinegre and G. Duhamel (France)
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      Review of skate (Rajiformes) by-catch in CCAMLR toothfish fisheries
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      Research program on resource potential and life cycle of Dissostichus species from the Subarea 88.2 A in 2014–2017
      Delegation of the Russian Federation
      WG-FSA-14/14 Rev. 1
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      Stock assessment and proposed TAC for Antarctic toothfish (TOA) in the Subarea 88.2 H in the season 2014–2015
      S.M. Goncharov and A.F. Petrov (Russia)
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      Comparative data on size–age composition and growth of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni in Ross Sea, Amundsen Sea and Weddell Sea
      A.F. Petrov, E.N. Kyznetsova, S.V. Piyanova and I.I. Gordeev (Russia)
      More Info
      A review of by-catch in CCAMLR exploratory toothfish fisheries
      E. McClure, K. Reid (Secretariat)
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      Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
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      Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.1 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      More Info
      Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      More Info
      Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3a in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      More Info
      Revised research plan for toothfish in Division 58.4.4 b by Shinsei maru No. 3 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
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      Assessment models for Patagonian toothfish in research block 5843a_1 of Division 58.4.3a, Elan Bank
      K. Taki (Japan)
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      Revised assessment models for Patagonian toothfish in research block C of Division 58.4.4, Ob and Lena Banks
      K. Taki (Japan)
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      Reviewing the need for bottle test for specified longline gear configurations
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      Macrourus ID guide for observers for CCAMLR Subareas 48.3 and 48.4
      J. McKenna, K.A. Ross and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
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      The demersal fish communities of the shelf and slope of South Georgia and Shag Rocks (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3)
      S. Gregory, M.A. Collins and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
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      The use of electronic monitoring camera system for the toothfish fishery in CCAMLR Subarea 48.3: a study case to help CCAMLR
      R.A. Benedet (United Kingdom)
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      White-chinned petrel incidental mortality event in the Subarea 48.3 Patagonian toothfish fishery during the season extension period in the 2013/14 season
      M.A Collins, M. Soffker, C. Darby, K. Ross and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/29 Rev. 1
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      A preliminary CASAL population assessment of Patagonian toothfish in CCAMLR Subarea 48.4 based on data for the 2009–2014 fishing seasons
      V. Laptikhovsky, R. Scott, M. Söffker and C. Darby (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/30 Rev. 1
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      A Petersen tag-recapture preliminary population assessment of Antarctic toothfish in CCAMLR Subarea 48.4 based on data for the 2009–2014 fishing seasons
      V. Laptikhovsky, R. Scott, M. Söffker, T. Earl and C. Darby (United Kingdom)
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      A false positive in the CCAMLR tag overlap statistic arising from low catch volume and consequent limited sample size
      C. Darby (United Kingdom)
      4.2, 7
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      Steepness for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) based on life history
      M. Mangel, J. Brodziak and G.M. Watters (USA)
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      Maturity stages for skates (Rajiformes)
      J.R. Ellis, S.R. McCully Phillips and V. Laptivovsky (United Kingdom)
      7, 8.1
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      An integrated stock assessment for the Heard Island and the McDonald Islands Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery (Division 58.5.2)
      P. Ziegler, D. Welsford, W. de la Mare and P. Burch (Australia)
      More Info
      Results of the Spanish exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in the two previous seasons
      R. Sarralde, L.J. López-Abellán and S. Barreiro (Spain)
      WG-FSA-14/36 Rev. 1
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      Updated and revised stock assessments of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1) and Crozet Islands (Subarea 58.6)
      S. Romain and G. Duhamel (France)
      More Info
      Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 in 2014/15
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      More Info
      Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 58.4.1 in 2014/15
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      More Info
      Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 in 2014/15
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      More Info
      Report on season extension trials in the Patagonian toothfish longline fishery in CCAMLR Statistical Division 58.5.2
      T. Lamb (Australia)
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      The 2014 annual random stratified trawl survey in the waters of Heard Island (Division 58.5.2) to estimate the abundance of Dissostichus eleginoides and Champsocephalus gunnari
      G.B. Nowara, T.D. Lamb and D.C. Welsford (Australia)
      More Info
      Updated models of the habitat use of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) on the Kerguelen Plateau around Heard Island and the McDonald Islands (Division 58.5.2)
      C. Péron and D.C. Welsford (Australia)
      More Info
      Development of the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) tagging program in Division 58.5.2, 1997–2014
      D.C. Welsford, C. Péron, P.E. Ziegler and T.D. Lamb (Australia)
      More Info
      A preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Division 58.5.2, based on results from the 2014 random stratified trawl survey
      D.C. Welsford (Australia)
      More Info
      An update of the ageing program for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) at the Australian Antarctic Division, including a summary of new data available for the Integrated Stock Assessment for the Heard Island and the McDonald Islands fishery (Division 58.5.2)
      B.M. Farmer, E.J. Woodcock and D.C. Welsford (Australia)
      More Info
      Investigating the uncertainty of age determinations for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and the implications for stock assessment
      P. Burch, P. Ziegler, W. de la Mare and D. Welsford (Australia)
      WG-FSA-14/47 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Bycatch of skates (Rajiformes) and grenadiers (Macrouridae) in longline fisheries in Subarea 48.3
      V. Laptikhovsky, M. Soeffker, M. Belchier, J. Roberts, C. Darby, J. Ellis and R. Scott (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Preliminary stock assessment of Rajiformes in statistical Subarea 48.3
      M. Soeffker, V. Laptikhovsky, J. Ellis and C. Darby (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Nine years of tag-recapture in CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.3 – Part II: Spatial movement and analysis
      M. Soeffker, C. Darby and R.D. Scott (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Brief analysis of tag-recapture data in Statistical Subarea 48.4
      M. Soeffker, C. Darby, M. Belchier and R. Scott (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Results of the third CCAMLR sponsored research survey to monitor abundance of subadult Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea, February 2014 and development of the time series
      S. Mormede, S.J. Parker, S.M. Hanchet, A. Dunn (New Zealand) and S. Gregory (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      A characterisation of the toothfish fishery in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 from 1997–98 to 2013–14
      M. Stevenson, S. Hanchet, S. Mormede and A. Dunn (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Comparison of age readings by two otolith preparation techniques and readers
      S.J. Parker (New Zealand), A.F. Petrov (Russia), C.P. Sutton (New Zealand) and E.N. Kuznetsova (Russia)
      More Info
      Methodology for automated spatial sea ice summaries in the Southern Ocean
      S.J. Parker, S.D. Hoyle, J.M. Fenaughty and A. Kohout (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-14/55 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Quantifying the impacts of ice on demersal longlining; a case study in CCAMLR Subarea 88.1
      J.M. Fenaughty and S.J. Parker (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Investigating emigration in stock assessment models of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 88.2C–H
      S. Mormede, A. Dunn and S.M. Hanchet (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Preliminary investigations into a two-area stock assessment model for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Amundsen Sea Region
      S. Mormede, A. Dunn and S.M. Hanchet (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Seamount-specific biomass estimates from SSRU 88.2H in the Amundsen Sea derived from mark-recapture data
      S.J. Parker and S. Mormede (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Towards the development of an assessment of stock abundance for Subarea 88.2 SSRUs 88.2C–G
      S.M. Hanchet and S.J. Parker (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Medium-term research plan for the Ross Sea toothfish fishery
      Delegations of New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom
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      Proposal for a longline survey of toothfish in the northern Ross Sea region (SSRUs 88.2 A and B)
      Delegations of New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Using acoustic echo counting to estimate grenadier abundance in the Ross Sea (SSRU88.1I)
      Y. Ladroit, R.L. O’Driscoll and S. Mormede (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Discrimination of two species of grenadier (Gadiformes, Macrouridae), Macrourus whitsoni and M. caml, in the Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean (CCAMLR Subareas 88.1 and 88.2) on the basis of otolith morphometrics
      M.H. Pinkerton, C. Ó Maolagáin, J. Forman and P. Marriott (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Deployment and recovery of an archival tag on an Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea
      S.J. Parker, D.N. Webber and R. Arnold (New Zealand)
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      Modelling the circumpolar distribution of Antarctic toothfish using correlative species distribution modelling methods
      L.M. Robinson, K. Reid (Secretariat)
      More Info
      Has krill fishing the potential to adversely affect recruitment in Antarctic notothenioid fishes?
      K.-H. Kock (Germany) and C.D. Jones (USA)
      7, 8.1
      More Info
      Updated progress report on the research fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 being jointly undertaken by Japan and South Africa: 2012/13 and 2013/14
      R. Leslie (South Africa), K. Taki, T. Ichii (Japan) and S. Somhlaba (South Africa)
      More Info
      Report on the CCAMLR marine debris monitoring program
      More Info
      Composition of leucocytes in peripheral blood of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni (Nototheniidae)
      I.I. Gordeev, D.V. Mikryakov, L.V. Balabanova and V.R. Miktyakov
      More Info
      New data on trematodes (Plathelminthes, Trematoda) of fishes in the Ross Sea (Antarctic)
      S.G. Sokolov and I.I. Gordeev
      More Info
      Mitigating killer whale depredation on demersal longline fisheries by changing fishing practices
      P. Tixier, J. Vacquie Garcia, N. Gasco, G. Duhamel and C. Guinet
      More Info
      Habituation to an acoustic harassment device (AHD) by killer whales depredating demersal longlines
      P. Tixier, N. Gasco, G. Duhamel and C. Guinet
      More Info
      A perspective on steepness, reference points, and stock assessment
      M. Mangel, A.D. MacCall, J. Brodziak, E.J. Dick, R.E. Forrest, R. Pourzand and S. Ralston
      More Info
      Demersal fishing interactions with marine benthos in the Australian EEZ of the Southern Ocean: An assessment of the vulnerability of benthic habitats to impact by demersal gears
      D.C. Welsford, G.P. Ewing, A.J. Constable, T. Hibberd and R. Kilpatrick (Eds)
      More Info
      Continuation in the 2014/15 season of the research plan initiated in 2012/13 for stocks of Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2
      Delegation of Spain
      More Info
      The ICES Benchmark Protocol
      C. Darby (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Proposal to continue the time series of CCAMLR-sponsored research surveys to monitor abundance of subadult Antarctic toothfish in the southern Ross Sea in 2015
      S.M. Hanchet, S.J. Parker and S. Mormede (New Zealand)


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      1     Opening of the meeting
      2     Organisation of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

      The 2014 meeting of WG-FSA will be convened by Dr M. Belchier (UK). The agenda of the meeting will be discussed and adopted, and the provisional agenda herein covers items to be considered by WG-FSA in plenary sessions. The Secretariat will outline local arrangements for the meeting.

      2.1     Organisation of the meeting

      WG-FSA will undertake assessments for specific stocks and areas (Table 1) as required to provide the Scientific Committee with advice on precautionary catch limits and other issues relevant to the management of CCAMLR’s fishery resources.

      Review and advice is provided annually in most fisheries, and biennially in the fisheries for Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.3 and Division 58.5.2 and Dissostichus spp. in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 (SC-CAMLR-XXVI, paragraph 14.6).

      2.2     Subgroup organisation and coordination

      The Working Group will undertake the majority of the work identified in the adopted agenda in subgroups. Progress reports will be given from each subgroup to plenary sessions, with the opportunity for additional discussion and consideration. The prioritisation and scheduling of subgroups will be directed by the Convener.

      Subgroup conveners will be responsible for reporting the subgroup discussions to the plenary and providing draft text for the WG-FSA report.

      Subgroups and subgroup activities will provisionally consist of the following:

      • Subgroup on assessments – review preliminary assessments and further develop stock assessments and estimation of precautionary catch limits of target species, noting the need to consider an assessment for D. eleginoides in Division 58.5.2 and options for the assessment of Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 88.2 need to be reviewed (Agenda Item 4).
      • Subgroup on research to inform current or future assessments – review information from exploratory fisheries from the past season, and review and evaluate plans for research fishing for toothfish to inform current or future assessments in data-poor exploratory fisheries, closed fisheries and fisheries with zero catch limits (Agenda Item 5.3)
      • Subgroup on the scientific observer program – review and further develop the observer sampling protocols, the CCAMLR Scientific Observers Manual and priorities for scientific observers including recommendations relating to tagging arising from discussion at WG-SAM (Agenda Item 7)
      • Subgroup on non-target catch in CCAMLR Fisheries – review catches of fish and non-VME invertebrates taken as by-catch, as well as incidental catches of seabirds and marine mammals in longline and trawl fisheries (Agenda Item 8)
      • Subgroup on biology, ecology and fish-based ecosystems – review ecological and ecosystem considerations relevant to the management of CCAMLR fisheries (Agenda Item 9).

      Table 1: CCAMLR fisheries and schedule of advice for consideration by WG-FSA.

      Fishery Schedule of advice

      (year of the current advice)
      New fisheries  
      no fishery in operation and no notification for 2014/15  
      Exploratory fisheries  
      Dissostichus spp. Subarea 48.6 annual (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.1 annual (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.2 annual (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.3a annual (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.3b annual (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Subarea 88.1 biennial (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Subarea 88.2 biennial (2013)*
      Established fisheries  
      D. eleginoides Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) biennial (2013)
      Dissostichus spp. Subarea 48.4 (South Sandwich Islands) annual (2013)
      D. eleginoides Division 58.5.1 French EEZ (Kerguelen Islands) annual (2013)
      D. eleginoides Division 58.5.2 (Heard Island) biennial (2013)*
      D. eleginoides Subarea 58.6 French EEZ (Crozet Islands) annual (2013)
      D. eleginoides Subareas 58.6 and 58.7 South African EEZ

         (Prince Edward and Marion Islands)
      annual (2013)
      Champsocephalus gunnari Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) annual (2013)
      C. gunnari Division 58.5.2 (Heard Island) annual (2013)

      * require additional consideration in 2014 

      3     Review of available data

      WG-FSA will review data submitted to the CCAMLR Secretariat from commercial fisheries and fishery-based research in 2013/14, including information relevant to stock assessments, including inter alia:

      • catch and effort data
      • estimates of IUU fishing
      • catches of D. eleginoides in waters adjacent to the Convention Area
      • scientific observer information
      • incidental mortality arising from fishing.
      4.1     Review of preliminary assessments

      WG-FSA will review inputs to stock assessments, particularly those that have changed since the last assessments, and submitted papers that summarise preliminary stock assessments. Authors of preliminary stock assessments should prepare brief presentations (5–10 minutes) which summarise the methodologies, model assumptions, fits and diagnostics, projections and estimates of precautionary yield.

      WG-FSA will evaluate the information available and the preliminary assessments and determine which stocks will be assessed.

      4.1.3     Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni Subarea 48.4
      4.2     Assessments and management advice

      Assessments and management advice will be developed for those fisheries identified in Agenda Item 4.1. Guidelines for the review process were set out in WG-FSA-06/6 (paragraphs 6.1 to 6.3). In cases where no new assessments will be undertaken, Fishery Reports will be updated with current information. Subject to Working Group discussions, management advice may be updated, revised or carried forward.

      4.3     Update Fishery Reports for established fisheries

      For each established fishery (Table 1), the Fishery Report will be updated with current information, and may include the assessment method used, the input data, results of the assessments and WG-FSA’s advice to the Scientific Committee. Copies of last year’s Fishery Reports, with initial updates and edits, will be available from the Secretariat prior to the meeting.

      4.3.1     Champsocephalus gunnari Subarea 48.3
      4.3.2     Champsocephalus gunnari Division 58.5.2
      4.3.3     Dissostichus eleginoides Subarea 48.3
      4.3.4     Dissostichus eleginoides Division 58.5.2
      4.3.5     Dissostichus eleginoides Division 58.5.1
      4.3.6     Dissostichus eleginoides Subarea 58.6 (French EEZ)
      4.3.7     Dissostichus eleginoides Subarea 58.6 and 58.7 (South African EEZ)
      5.1.1     Exploratory fisheries in 2013/14

      WG-FSA will review available information on the operation of exploratory fisheries carried out in 2013/14.

      5.1.2     Exploratory fisheries notified for 2014/15

      The Secretariat will summarise information contained in Members’ notifications for proposed exploratory fisheries in 2014/15 (no new fishery has been notified for next season). WG-FSA will review these notifications and formulate management advice for consideration by the Scientific Committee. The research plans in these notifications will be considered in Agenda Item 5.3.

      5.2     Research to inform current or future assessments

      WG-FSA will review research plans designed to inform current or future assessments for Dissostichus spp. in data-poor exploratory fisheries, closed fisheries and other areas in respect of research on toothfish conducted under Conservation Measure (CM) 24-01. This review will include consideration of advice provided by WG-SAM-14. WG-FSA will also review research in exploratory fisheries with assessments, including consideration of advice provided by WG-SAM-14.

      5.2.2     Subarea 58.4
      WG-FSA-14/04 Research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2014/15 in Division 58.4.4
      Delegation of France
      WG-FSA-14/05 Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2014/15 in Division 58.4.3a
      Delegation of France
      WG-FSA-14/06 Revised stock assessment of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, in research block C of Division 58.4.4 (Ob & Lena Banks) using CASAL
      A. Rélot-Stirnemann (France)
      WG-FSA-14/18 Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.1 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      WG-FSA-14/19 Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      WG-FSA-14/20 Revised research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.3a in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      WG-FSA-14/21 Revised research plan for toothfish in Division 58.4.4 b by Shinsei maru No. 3 in 2014/15
      Delegation of Japan
      WG-FSA-14/22 Assessment models for Patagonian toothfish in research block 5843a_1 of Division 58.4.3a, Elan Bank
      K. Taki (Japan)
      WG-FSA-14/23 Revised assessment models for Patagonian toothfish in research block C of Division 58.4.4, Ob and Lena Banks
      K. Taki (Japan)
      WG-FSA-14/35 Results of the Spanish exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 in the two previous seasons
      R. Sarralde, L.J. López-Abellán and S. Barreiro (Spain)
      WG-FSA-14/38 Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 58.4.1 in 2014/15
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      WG-FSA-14/39 Revised research plan for the exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 in 2014/15
      Delegation of the Republic of Korea
      WG-SAM-14/09 Continuation in the 2014/15 season of the research plan initiated in 2012/13 for stocks of Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2
      Delegation of Spain
      5.2.4     Management advice
      5.3     Update Fishery Reports for exploratory fisheries

      For each exploratory fishery (Table 1), the Fishery Report will be updated with current information, including additional management advice, such as precautionary catch limits and management of those catch limits.

      5.3.1     Dissostichus spp. Subareas 88.1 and 88.2
      5.3.2     Dissostichus spp. Subarea 48.4
      5.3.3     Dissostichus spp. Subarea 48.6
      5.3.4     Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.1
      5.3.5     Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.2
      5.3.6     Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.3a
      5.3.7     Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.3b
      5.3.8     Dissostichus spp. Division 58.4.4
      6     Bottom fishing activities and vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)

      WG-FSA will consider any new information on direct and indirect interactions between bottom fisheries and VMEs including, inter alia, the following sub-items.

      6.1     Review of VMEs notified in 2013/14

      WG-FSA will review potential encounters with VMEs notified under Conservation Measure (CM) 22-07 and VME risk areas declared in 2013/14. The Working Group will also consider information on additional mitigation measures to reduce risk of significant adverse impacts on VMEs and advice that resulted from the deliberations of WG-EMM-14.

      6.2     Report on Bottom Fisheries and VMEs

      WG-FSA will review the Report on Bottom Fisheries and VMEs.

      7     Scheme of International Scientific Observation

      WG-FSA will review scientific observer information, consider observer requirements and refine sampling protocols (if needed) for scientific observation on board fishing vessels (including during research fishing) in the Convention Area. WG-FSA will also consider the implementation plan for the recommendations of the 2013 SISO review.

      8     Non-target catch in CCAMLR fisheries
      8.1     Fish by-catch

      WG-FSA will review available information on catches and potential mitigation measures related to fish and non-VME invertebrates taken as by-catch in longline and trawl fisheries (including fish by-catch in the krill fishery).

      WG-FSA-14/12 Review of skate (Rajiformes) by-catch in CCAMLR toothfish fisheries
      WG-FSA-14/16 A review of by-catch in CCAMLR exploratory toothfish fisheries
      E. McClure, K. Reid (Secretariat)
      WG-FSA-14/25 Macrourus ID guide for observers for CCAMLR Subareas 48.3 and 48.4
      J. McKenna, K.A. Ross and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/33 Maturity stages for skates (Rajiformes)
      J.R. Ellis, S.R. McCully Phillips and V. Laptivovsky (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/47 Rev. 1 Bycatch of skates (Rajiformes) and grenadiers (Macrouridae) in longline fisheries in Subarea 48.3
      V. Laptikhovsky, M. Soeffker, M. Belchier, J. Roberts, C. Darby, J. Ellis and R. Scott (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/48 Preliminary stock assessment of Rajiformes in statistical Subarea 48.3
      M. Soeffker, V. Laptikhovsky, J. Ellis and C. Darby (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/66 Has krill fishing the potential to adversely affect recruitment in Antarctic notothenioid fishes?
      K.-H. Kock (Germany) and C.D. Jones (USA)
      8.2     Marine mammal and seabird by-catch

      WG-FSA will review incidental catches and associated mortality of marine mammals and seabirds in trawl and longline fisheries.

      9     Biology, ecology and interactions in fish-based ecosystems

      WG-FSA will review fish-based ecological and ecosystem information relevant to the management of CCAMLR fisheries. WG-FSA may also review WG-EMM’s consideration of fish-based ecosystem interactions (WG-EMM-14, paragraph 2.109).

      WG-EMM-14/51 Development of a spatially-explicit minimum realistic model for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) and its main prey (Macrouridae and Channichthyidae) in the Ross Sea
      S. Mormede, M. Pinkerton, A. Dunn, S. Hanchet and S. Parker (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-14/02 Analytical data on determination of reproductive potential of Antarctic toothfish D. mawsoni in the Pacific (SSRUs 88.1, 88.2, 88.3), Indian Ocean (SSRUs 58.4.1 и 58.4.2) and Atlantic (SSRU 48.6, 48.5) Antarctic areas
      S.V. Piyanova and A.F. Petrov (Russia)
      WG-FSA-14/10 Comparison of two methods to assess fish losses due to depredation by killer whales and sperm whales on demersal longline
      N. Gasco, P. Tixier, G. Duhamel and C. Guinet (France)
      WG-FSA-14/15 Comparative data on size–age composition and growth of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni in Ross Sea, Amundsen Sea and Weddell Sea
      A.F. Petrov, E.N. Kyznetsova, S.V. Piyanova and I.I. Gordeev (Russia)
      WG-FSA-14/26 The demersal fish communities of the shelf and slope of South Georgia and Shag Rocks (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3)
      S. Gregory, M.A. Collins and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/49 Nine years of tag-recapture in CCAMLR Statistical Subarea 48.3 – Part II: Spatial movement and analysis
      M. Soeffker, C. Darby and R.D. Scott (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/50 Brief analysis of tag-recapture data in Statistical Subarea 48.4
      M. Soeffker, C. Darby, M. Belchier and R. Scott (United Kingdom)
      WG-FSA-14/53 Comparison of age readings by two otolith preparation techniques and readers
      S.J. Parker (New Zealand), A.F. Petrov (Russia), C.P. Sutton (New Zealand) and E.N. Kuznetsova (Russia)
      WG-FSA-14/62 Using acoustic echo counting to estimate grenadier abundance in the Ross Sea (SSRU88.1I)
      Y. Ladroit, R.L. O’Driscoll and S. Mormede (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-14/63 Discrimination of two species of grenadier (Gadiformes, Macrouridae), Macrourus whitsoni and M. caml, in the Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean (CCAMLR Subareas 88.1 and 88.2) on the basis of otolith morphometrics
      M.H. Pinkerton, C. Ó Maolagáin, J. Forman and P. Marriott (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-14/64 Deployment and recovery of an archival tag on an Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea
      S.J. Parker, D.N. Webber and R. Arnold (New Zealand)
      WG-FSA-14/P01 Composition of leucocytes in peripheral blood of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni (Nototheniidae)
      I.I. Gordeev, D.V. Mikryakov, L.V. Balabanova and V.R. Miktyakov
      WG-FSA-14/P02 New data on trematodes (Plathelminthes, Trematoda) of fishes in the Ross Sea (Antarctic)
      S.G. Sokolov and I.I. Gordeev
      10     Future work
      10.1     Organisation of intersessional activities

      WG-FSA will review its multi-year work plan (SC-CCAMLR-XXX, Table 6) and develop further advice as needed. The Working Group may also consider the format of future meetings.

      10.2     Notification of Scientific Research

      The Working Group will consider reports form Members of upcoming research in the CCAMLR Convention Area (including research under Conservation Measure (CM) 24-01 not considered in Agenda Item 5), particularly where there may be potential for collaboration between Members in that research, and advise the Scientific Committee as required.

      11     Other business

      WG-FSA may wish to consider and provide advice on matters which are not included elsewhere in the agenda, including reports from other meetings and research activities.

      12     Advice to the Scientific Committee

      WG-FSA will collate, summarise and organise advice, items of interest and concern, and requests for information and guidance that were agreed at the meeting.

      13     Adoption of the report

      The process of the production of the report will be outlined by the Convener at the start of the meeting. The report will be adopted in plenary on the final day of the meeting.

      14     Close of the meeting
      5.1     Exploratory fisheries