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    Mesoscale abundance of fish in a ‘box’ west of Elephant Island

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    K.-H. Kock (Germany), C.D. Jones (USA), J. Appel (Germany), G. von Bertouch (CCAMLR Secretariat), D.F. Doolittle (USA), M. la Mesa (Italy), L. Psenichnov (Ukraine), R. Riehl (Germany), T. Romeo (Italy), S. Schöling (Germany) and L. Zane (Italy)
    Agenda Item(s)

    Germany, in close collaboration with the United States Antarctic Marine Living (U.S. AMLR) Program, conducted an investigation of an 7 x 10 nm ‘box’ between 100 and 300 m depth to the west of Elephant Island (Subarea 48.1) in order to study the meso – scale abundance of demersal finfish species. Diversity in the box was relatively low. The most abundant species were Gobionotothen gibberifrons and Champsocephalus gunnari. Their distribution was very patchy even on a meso-scale. Concentrations of both species were found in a comparatively small band primarily along the 200 m isobath (160–240 m). Length distribution changed with fishing depth in C. gunnari, where larger fish were found predominantly in the stratum 200– 300 m.