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    Using models to improve our understanding of Antarctic krill and their ecological role: Report of the Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Southern Ocean (ICED) workshop, 2021

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Z. Sylvester, D. Veytia, A. Bahl, D. Bahlburg, E. Murphy, N. Johnston, S. Corney, C. Brooks, B. Meyer, E. Hofmann and S. Thorpe
    Submitted By:
    Dr Anton Van de Putte
    Approved By:
    Dr Anton Van de Putte

    This report summarizes the workshop sponsored by the Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean program (ICED). The workshop, held from 17-20 May 2021, was focussed on improving our modeling of Antarctic krill and strengthening connections between the krill modeling community, the SCAR Krill Action Group (SKAG) and the scientists involved in CCAMLR (particularly WG-EMM). Workshop attendees represented a broad cross-section of the international krill modeling community, in addition to researchers focussed on other species, comprising ~80 registered participants across all career stages. The workshop included a background session and three themed sessions focussing on key aspects of krill modeling. The workshop also aimed to provide Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with opportunities to network and highlight their work, as part of ICED’s wider goal of including ECRs in ICED activities to foster career development and shape the future of ICED research. This paper presents the initial findings for research priorities, data requirements, facilitation methods for integrating modeling approaches, and ideas on fostering research networks and involvement within the Antarctic krill modeling community and beyond.