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    Proposal for a New SCAR KRILL Action Group

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    WG-EMM-18/01 Rev. 1
    B. Meyer, A. Brierley, S. Kawaguchi, C. Reiss and S. Nicol
    Submitted By:
    Professor Bettina Meyer
    Approved By:
    Professor Thomas Brey (Germany)

    On behalf of the Scientific Committee Bettina Meyer (Germany) received the mandate to initiate a krill specialist group within SCAR’s Life Sciences Group with strong linkage to CCAMLR. In this regard a proposal was submitted on 18th February 2018 to SCAR (see attachment). The defence of the proposal is on the 18th June 2018 at the SCAR Open Science Conference in Davos. An update on the further steps will be given at the meeting.