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    Matlab code for calculating krill biomass in a survey area

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    A. Cossio, J. Renfree and C. Reiss
    Submitted By:
    Mr Anthony Cossio

    In 2010, CCAMLR tasked the Subgroup on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods (SG-ASAM) to recalculate the catch limit for Antarctic krill in the Scotia Sea based on updated acoustic algorithms developed since the first calculation in 2000. Subsequent to the 2010 SG-ASAM, code used to obtain biomass (B0; tonnes) estimates was compiled and provided to the Secretariat for reference and use by others to derive biomass estimates. Over the last several years, attempts by many nations to use this collection of code has revealed inconsistencies and omissions in the documentation, complicating attempts by interested parties in using this approach to estimate biomass in other areas. Here we present new, more efficient, thoroughly documented, and generically applicable code for calculating acoustic biomass estimates for any area based on the CCAMLR 2000 survey methods. Using data from the South Orkney Island stratum during the CCAMLR 2000 survey, results from the new code are compared to the original and shown to be comparable. In 2010, CCAMLR tasked the Subgroup on Acoustic Survey and Analysis Methods (SG-ASAM) to recalculate the catch limit for Antarctic krill in the Scotia Sea based on updated acoustic algorithms developed since the first calculation in 2000. Subsequent to the 2010 SG-ASAM, code used to obtain biomass (B0; tonnes) estimates was compiled and provided to the Secretariat for reference and use by others to derive biomass estimates. Over the last several years, attempts by many nations to use this collection of code has revealed inconsistencies and omissions in the documentation, complicating attempts by interested parties in using this approach to estimate biomass in other areas. Here we present new, more efficient, thoroughly documented, and generically applicable code for calculating acoustic biomass estimates for any area based on the CCAMLR 2000 survey methods. Using data from the South Orkney Island stratum during the CCAMLR 2000 survey, results from the new code are compared to the original and shown to be comparable.