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    Full Name
    Twentieth Meeting of the Scientific Committee
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xx.pdf (1.7 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      More Info
      Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management(Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, 2 to 11 July 2001)
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment(Hobart, Australia, 8 to 19 October 2001)
      More Info
      A proposal to modify the boundaries of Statistical Division 58.4.3 and neighbouring divisions to define Elan and BANZARE Banks
      Delegation of Australia
      More Info
      Catches in the Convention Area in the 2000/2001 split-year
      More Info
      Beach debris survey – Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1999/2000
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 2000 winter and the 2000/01 breeding season
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 2000/01
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Beach debris survey, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 2000/2001
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      United Kingdom report on the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 2000/01
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      Anthropogenic feather soiling, marine debris and fishing gear associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia, 2000/01
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      More Info
      CCAMLR Report to the Nineteenth Session of the Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics (CWP)
      More Info
      Data Management Report to the Fourth Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP)
      More Info
      Summary of Notifications for New and Exploratory Fisheries
      in 2001/02

      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/11 Rev. 2
      More Info
      IMALF assessment of new and exploratory fisheries by
      statistical area

      More Info
      Report on the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality – 2000/01
      Delegation of South Africa
      More Info
      Report on beach debris surveys – 2000/01
      Delegation of South Africa
      More Info
      Data Management report on activities during 2000/01
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/15 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee in 2001/02
      More Info
      Monitoring marine debris and its impact on marine living resources in Antarctic waters
      More Info
      Report to the Scientific Committee on the final drafting meeting for the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
      (Cape Town, 27 January to 2 February 2001)

      Delegation of South Africa
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/18 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Importancia de los estudios patológicos en depredadores tope del ecosistema marino Antártico
      Delegación de Chile
      More Info
      Summary report of the International Fishers’ Forum – Solving the Incidental Capture of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
      CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand)
      More Info
      Progress toward an Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
      Delegation of Australia
      More Info
      Relevamiento de desechos marinos en la costa de la base científica Antártica Artigas (BCAA) en la Isla Rey Jorge / 25 de Mayo – temporada 2000/01
      Delegación de Uruguay
      More Info
      Review of data submitted by Members on marine debris and its impact on marine living resources
      More Info
      Summary of observations conducted in the 2000/01 season by designated CCAMLR Scientific Observers
      More Info
      Subdivision of large CCAMLR Statistical Areas for the management of the krill fishery
      Delegation of Australia
      More Info
      Marine debris collected at Cape Shirreff during the Antarctic season 2000/01
      Delegation of Chile
      More Info
      Conservative management of the Antarctic krill fishery
      Submitted by ASOC
      More Info
      South American strategy for the conservation of albatrosses and petrels ‘ESCAPE’
      Delegation of Brazil
      More Info
      Measures taken by Brazil to minimise the incidental mortality of seabirds outside the Convention Area
      Delegation of Brazil
      More Info
      Preliminary report on IWC-SO GLOBEC collaborative research in the western Antarctic Peninsula study area, March–June 2001
      Observer (IWC)
      More Info
      Modelling whale distribution: a preliminary analysis of data collected on the CCAMLR-IWC Krill Synoptic Survey, 2000
      Observer (IWC)
      More Info
      The ICES Annual Science Conference
      CCAMLR Observer (Belgium)
      More Info
      Observer’s report from the 53rd Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
      (London, 4 to 16 July 2001)

      CCAMLR Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      SC-CAMLR-XX/01 Provisional Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XX/02 Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XX/03 Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management(Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, 2 to 11 July 2001)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/04 Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment(Hobart, Australia, 8 to 19 October 2001)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/05 A proposal to modify the boundaries of Statistical Division 58.4.3 and neighbouring divisions to define Elan and BANZARE Banks
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/01 Catches in the Convention Area in the 2000/2001 split-year
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/02 Beach debris survey – Main Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia 1999/2000
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/03 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 2000 winter and the 2000/01 breeding season
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/04 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man-made debris at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 2000/01
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/05 Beach debris survey, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 2000/2001
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/06 United Kingdom report on the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 2000/01
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/07 Anthropogenic feather soiling, marine debris and fishing gear associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia, 2000/01
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/08 CCAMLR Report to the Nineteenth Session of the Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics (CWP)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/09 Data Management Report to the Fourth Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/10 Summary of Notifications for New and Exploratory Fisheries
      in 2001/02

      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/11 Rev. 2 IMALF assessment of new and exploratory fisheries by
      statistical area

      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/12 Report on the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality – 2000/01
      Delegation of South Africa
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/13 Report on beach debris surveys – 2000/01
      Delegation of South Africa
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/14 Data Management report on activities during 2000/01
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/15 Rev. 1 Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee in 2001/02
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/16 Monitoring marine debris and its impact on marine living resources in Antarctic waters
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/17 Report to the Scientific Committee on the final drafting meeting for the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
      (Cape Town, 27 January to 2 February 2001)

      Delegation of South Africa
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/18 Rev. 1 Importancia de los estudios patológicos en depredadores tope del ecosistema marino Antártico
      Delegación de Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/19 Summary report of the International Fishers’ Forum – Solving the Incidental Capture of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
      CCAMLR Observer (New Zealand)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/20 Progress toward an Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/21 Relevamiento de desechos marinos en la costa de la base científica Antártica Artigas (BCAA) en la Isla Rey Jorge / 25 de Mayo – temporada 2000/01
      Delegación de Uruguay
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/22 Review of data submitted by Members on marine debris and its impact on marine living resources
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/23 Summary of observations conducted in the 2000/01 season by designated CCAMLR Scientific Observers
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/24 Subdivision of large CCAMLR Statistical Areas for the management of the krill fishery
      Delegation of Australia
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/25 Marine debris collected at Cape Shirreff during the Antarctic season 2000/01
      Delegation of Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/26 Conservative management of the Antarctic krill fishery
      Submitted by ASOC
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/27 South American strategy for the conservation of albatrosses and petrels ‘ESCAPE’
      Delegation of Brazil
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/28 Measures taken by Brazil to minimise the incidental mortality of seabirds outside the Convention Area
      Delegation of Brazil
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/29 Preliminary report on IWC-SO GLOBEC collaborative research in the western Antarctic Peninsula study area, March–June 2001
      Observer (IWC)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/30 Modelling whale distribution: a preliminary analysis of data collected on the CCAMLR-IWC Krill Synoptic Survey, 2000
      Observer (IWC)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/31 The ICES Annual Science Conference
      CCAMLR Observer (Belgium)
      SC-CAMLR-XX/BG/32 Observer’s report from the 53rd Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
      (London, 4 to 16 July 2001)

      CCAMLR Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)