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    Full Name
    Seventeenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xvii.pdf (2.74 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda for the Seventeenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
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      Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Seventeenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
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      Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management(Kochi, India, 10 to 20 August 1998)
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      Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment(Hobart, Australia, 12 to 22 October 1998)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/01 Rev. 2
      More Info
      Catches in the Convention Area 1997/98
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/02 Rev. 1
      More Info
      CEMP tables 1 to 3
      More Info
      Towards a closer cooperation between CCAMLR and the IWC
      CCAMLR Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)
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      Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Third Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna’s Ecologically Related Species Working Group
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      International plan of action for reducing incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries
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      Data management: report on activities during 1998
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/07 Rev. 1
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      Results of the Dissostichus spp. new fisheries projects in the Antarctic region (CCAMLR Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 88.3)
      Delegation of Chile
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      Survey and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1997
      Delegation of New Zealand
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      Light-mantled sooty albatross on Campbell Island, 1995–96: a pilot investigation
      Delegation of New Zealand
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      Oil, paint, marine debris and fishing gear associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia, 1997/98
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
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      Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 1997 winter and 1997/98 pup-rearing season
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
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      Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man made debris at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 1997/98
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
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      Southern royal albatross Diomedea epomophora census on Campbell Island, 4 January–6 February 1996, and a review of population figures
      Delegation of New Zealand

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      Correspondence with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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      Correspondence with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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      Informe del observador de la CCRVMA a la Reunión del Grupo de Especialistas en Pinípedos del SCAR
      Delegación de Chile
      More Info
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the Third GLOBEC SSC Meeting and the First GLOBEC Open Science Meeting
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      Report of the ICES Annual Science Conference
      (16–19 September 1998)

      More Info
      Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee – 1998/99
      More Info
      Letter from the founding editor of the journal ‘Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries’ (RFBF)
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      Observer’s report on the 1998 meeting of the SCAR Working Group on Biology
      CCAMLR Observer (Sweden)
      More Info
      Report on activities of SCAR’s Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation
      E. Fanta (Brazil), GOSEAC Liaison Officer
      More Info
      Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the SCAR Sub-Committee on Evolutionary Biology of Antarctic Organisms
      CCAMLR Observer (E. Fanta, Brazil)
      More Info
      Report of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research: VII International Biology Symposium
      More Info
      Report of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Bird Biology Subcommittee
      More Info
      Secretariat tasks, allocated priorities and deadlines for 1997/98: prepared by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee and Conveners of Working Groups


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      SC-CAMLR-XVII/01 Provisional Agenda for the Seventeenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/02 Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Seventeenth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/03 Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management(Kochi, India, 10 to 20 August 1998)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/04 Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment(Hobart, Australia, 12 to 22 October 1998)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/01 Rev. 2 Catches in the Convention Area 1997/98
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/02 Rev. 1 CEMP tables 1 to 3
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/03 Towards a closer cooperation between CCAMLR and the IWC
      CCAMLR Observer (K.-H. Kock, Germany)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/04 Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Third Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna’s Ecologically Related Species Working Group
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/05 International plan of action for reducing incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/06 Data management: report on activities during 1998
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/07 Rev. 1 Results of the Dissostichus spp. new fisheries projects in the Antarctic region (CCAMLR Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 88.3)
      Delegation of Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/08 Survey and monitoring of black petrels on Great Barrier Island 1997
      Delegation of New Zealand
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/09 Light-mantled sooty albatross on Campbell Island, 1995–96: a pilot investigation
      Delegation of New Zealand
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/10 Oil, paint, marine debris and fishing gear associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia, 1997/98
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/11 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia during the 1997 winter and 1997/98 pup-rearing season
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/12 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in man made debris at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands 1997/98
      Delegation of the United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/13 Southern royal albatross Diomedea epomophora census on Campbell Island, 4 January–6 February 1996, and a review of population figures
      Delegation of New Zealand
      Correspondence with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/14 Correspondence with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/15 Informe del observador de la CCRVMA a la Reunión del Grupo de Especialistas en Pinípedos del SCAR
      Delegación de Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/16 Report of the CCAMLR Observer at the Third GLOBEC SSC Meeting and the First GLOBEC Open Science Meeting
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/17 Report of the ICES Annual Science Conference
      (16–19 September 1998)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/18 Calendar of meetings of relevance to the Scientific Committee – 1998/99
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/19 Letter from the founding editor of the journal ‘Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries’ (RFBF)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/20 Observer’s report on the 1998 meeting of the SCAR Working Group on Biology
      CCAMLR Observer (Sweden)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/21 Report on activities of SCAR’s Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation
      E. Fanta (Brazil), GOSEAC Liaison Officer
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/22 Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the SCAR Sub-Committee on Evolutionary Biology of Antarctic Organisms
      CCAMLR Observer (E. Fanta, Brazil)
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/23 Report of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research: VII International Biology Symposium
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/24 Report of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Bird Biology Subcommittee
      SC-CAMLR-XVII/BG/25 Secretariat tasks, allocated priorities and deadlines for 1997/98: prepared by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee and Conveners of Working Groups