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    Full Name
    Eleventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xi.pdf (1.61 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda for the Eleventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      More Info
      Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eleventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      More Info
      CCAMLR publication policy - publication of scientific papers
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      Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Krill(Punta Arenas, Chile, 27 July to 3 August, 1992)
      More Info
      Joint meeting of the Working Group on Krill and the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
      (Viña del Mar, 5 to 6 August, 1992)
      (Convener’s and Rapporteur’s Summary)

      More Info
      Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
      (Viña del Mar, Chile, 7 to 12 August, 1992)

      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
      (Hobart, Australia, 13 to 22 October 1992)

      SC-CAMLR-XI/07 Corrigendum
      More Info
      Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
      More Info
      Status and trends of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds
      Chairman of the Bird Biology Sub-Committee, SCAR
      SC-CAMLR-XI/09 Rev. 1
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      Abundance and trends of Antarctic pinniped populations
      SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
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      Pilot study on acquisition of satellite imagery: report to the Scientific Committee
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      IOC - Seventeenth Session of the Assembly, Paris, 25 February to 11 March 1993, invitation to send observer
      Executive Secretary
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      IWC resolution on a sanctuary in the southern hemisphere request for CCAMLR comments
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      Research initiative on seals in the Antarctic sea ice zone
      SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
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      IWC resolution on the need for research on the environment and whale stocks in the Antarctic region
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      View of the Japanese Government on the French sanctuary proposal
      Delegation of Japan
      More Info
      Summary of fishery statistics for 1992
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      CCAMLR databases and data availability
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      Acquisition of biomass database by CCAMLR
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/04 Rev. 1
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      Comparison of CCAMLR and FAO Statlant data
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      Scientific Observers Manual for observations on commercial fishing vessels (draft)
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      Observers report from the 1992 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
      Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia)
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      Analysis of marine debris found at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
      Delegation of Chile
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      Report of the CCAMLR observer to the 80th Statutory Meeting of the International Committee for the Exploration Of The Sea (ICES)
      CCAMLR Observer (E. Balguerías, Spain)
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      Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia
      Delegation of United Kingdom
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      Cephalopod research in the CCAMLR Area undertaken by the British Antarctic Survey, 1991-1992
      Delegation of United Kingdom
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      Trophic relations of the cephalopod Martialia hyadesi (Teuthoidea: Ommastrephidae) at the Antarctic Polar Front, Scotia Sea
      Delegation of United Kingdom
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      Extract from report of the 1992 meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee - whale sanctuaries
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      Proposals on krill aggregation model project (KRAM project)
      Delegation of Russia
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      CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1990/91 season in the fishing grounds north of Livingston Island and north of Elephant Island
      Delegation of Japan
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      Proposal to allocate krill precautionary limit within foraging range of land-based predators
      Delegation of USA
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      Report of biologist-observer on the commercial trawler Grigory Kovtun, March-August 1992
      Submitted by Ukraine
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      Comments on SC-CAMLR/XI/15: views of Japanese Government on Antarctic whale sanctuary proposal
      Submitted by the Delegations of Australia, France
      More Info
      Considerations in respect of the proposal to establish a whale sanctuary in the Southern Ocean
      Submitted by the Delegations of France, Australia


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      SC-CAMLR-XI/01 Provisional Agenda for the Eleventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XI/02 Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eleventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      SC-CAMLR-XI/03 CCAMLR publication policy - publication of scientific papers
      SC-CAMLR-XI/04 Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Krill(Punta Arenas, Chile, 27 July to 3 August, 1992)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/05 Joint meeting of the Working Group on Krill and the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
      (Viña del Mar, 5 to 6 August, 1992)
      (Convener’s and Rapporteur’s Summary)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/06 Report of the Working Group for the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program
      (Viña del Mar, Chile, 7 to 12 August, 1992)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/07 Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
      (Hobart, Australia, 13 to 22 October 1992)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/07 Corrigendum Report of the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment
      SC-CAMLR-XI/08 Status and trends of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds
      Chairman of the Bird Biology Sub-Committee, SCAR
      SC-CAMLR-XI/09 Rev. 1 Abundance and trends of Antarctic pinniped populations
      SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      SC-CAMLR-XI/10 Pilot study on acquisition of satellite imagery: report to the Scientific Committee
      SC-CAMLR-XI/11 IOC - Seventeenth Session of the Assembly, Paris, 25 February to 11 March 1993, invitation to send observer
      Executive Secretary
      SC-CAMLR-XI/12 IWC resolution on a sanctuary in the southern hemisphere request for CCAMLR comments
      SC-CAMLR-XI/13 Research initiative on seals in the Antarctic sea ice zone
      SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals
      SC-CAMLR-XI/14 IWC resolution on the need for research on the environment and whale stocks in the Antarctic region
      SC-CAMLR-XI/15 View of the Japanese Government on the French sanctuary proposal
      Delegation of Japan
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/01 Summary of fishery statistics for 1992
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/02 CCAMLR databases and data availability
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/03 Acquisition of biomass database by CCAMLR
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/04 Rev. 1 Comparison of CCAMLR and FAO Statlant data
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/05 Scientific Observers Manual for observations on commercial fishing vessels (draft)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/06 Observers report from the 1992 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
      Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/07 Analysis of marine debris found at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
      Delegation of Chile
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/08 Report of the CCAMLR observer to the 80th Statutory Meeting of the International Committee for the Exploration Of The Sea (ICES)
      CCAMLR Observer (E. Balguerías, Spain)
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/09 Entanglement of Antarctic fur seals in man-made debris at Bird Island, South Georgia
      Delegation of United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/10 Cephalopod research in the CCAMLR Area undertaken by the British Antarctic Survey, 1991-1992
      Delegation of United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/11 Trophic relations of the cephalopod Martialia hyadesi (Teuthoidea: Ommastrephidae) at the Antarctic Polar Front, Scotia Sea
      Delegation of United Kingdom
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/12 Extract from report of the 1992 meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee - whale sanctuaries
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/13 Proposals on krill aggregation model project (KRAM project)
      Delegation of Russia
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/14 CPUEs and body length of Antarctic krill during 1990/91 season in the fishing grounds north of Livingston Island and north of Elephant Island
      Delegation of Japan
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/15 Proposal to allocate krill precautionary limit within foraging range of land-based predators
      Delegation of USA
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/16 Report of biologist-observer on the commercial trawler Grigory Kovtun, March-August 1992
      Submitted by Ukraine
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/17 Comments on SC-CAMLR/XI/15: views of Japanese Government on Antarctic whale sanctuary proposal
      Submitted by the Delegations of Australia, France
      SC-CAMLR-XI/BG/18 Considerations in respect of the proposal to establish a whale sanctuary in the Southern Ocean
      Submitted by the Delegations of France, Australia