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    Proposed workplan for developing and implementing data collection needs for CCAMLR krill fisheries, and re-scoping of the Krill Fishery Observer Workshop

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    SC-CAMLR-41/16 Rev. 2
    S. Kawaguchi and G. Zhu (Co-conveners of the proposed Krill Fishery Observer Workshop)
    Submitted By:
    Dr So Kawaguchi
    Approved By:
    Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)

    Since 2019 there has been considerable discussion by the Scientific Committee and its Working Groups regarding data collection issues in the krill fishery. This document outlines issues that have been identified for consideration by the Scientific Committee and its working groups, processes to address these, and a timeline for changes to forms, instructions and implementing outcomes. This document also makes suggestions of re-scoping of the Krill Fishery Observer Workshop to adapt to the proposed workplan.