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    Boundaries of five candidate management units in Subarea 48.1 to facilitate the development of the new management approach for Antarctic krill

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegation of the People’s Republic of China
    Submitted By:
    Mr Gangzhou Fan
    Approved By:
    Dr Xianyong Zhao (China)

    Any spatial management units need to be clearly defined for CCAMLR fishery. To facilitate the development of the new krill management approach in Subarea 48.1, the boundaries of 5 candidate management units, including the 4 US AMLR strata adjusted for administrative purpose, and an extra stratum adjacent to US AMLR Strata to reflect proactively the need to manage the krill fishery in the Gerlache Strait area, are given together with the rationale behind the adjustment of the US AMLR Strata and the definition of the extra stratum. The sea surface area of the 5 strata are also given for easy reference.