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The Chair of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members.
This agenda was adopted by the Commission under Item 2 of its agenda.
Consistent with Financial Regulation 11.1, a full audit of the 2021 Financial Statements was completed in 2022. The Financial Statements, together with the associated Audit Report, will be reviewed by SCAF and presented for acceptance by the Commission.
CCAMLR-41/03 Rev. 1 | Examination of the audited financial statements for 2021 Executive Secretary |
A paper will be presented by the Secretariat, at the request of the Auditors, for the Commission to consider the adoption of Australian, rather than International, Accounting Standards.
SCAF will recommend an auditor for the 2023 and 2024 financial statements.
The Executive Secretary will present his annual report. The report will summarise the implementation of activities and tasks described in the 2019–2022 Strategic Plan undertaken during the 2021/22 intersessional period.
The 2023–2026 Strategic Plan will be presented. It will include the following papers:
• CCAMLR Secretariat Strategic Plan (2023–2026)
• CCAMLR Staffing and Salary Strategy (2023–2026)
• Review of the Job Classification System
• CCAMLR Financial Analysis (2023–2026).
CCAMLR-41/01 Rev. 1 | CCAMLR Secretariat Strategic Plan 2023–2026 Executive Secretary |
CCAMLR-41/07 | CCAMLR Staffing and Salary Strategy (2023–2026) Executive Secretary |
SCAF will consider any reports from the General Capacity Building Fund (GCBF) Panel, the Secretariat’s reports on the activities of the GCBF, and administrative and financial proposals arising from any of this work.
CCAMLR-41/04 | Review of the 2022 Budget, Draft 2023 Budget and Forecast Budget for 2024 Executive Secretary |
CCAMLR-41/09 | Proposal for an extraordinary meeting of the Commission on Spatial Planning and Marine Protected Areas CCAMLR Secretariat and the Chair of the Commission |
• The status of the 2022 budget will be presented for review.
• The status of Dormant Funds will be presented for review.
• A report on the Working Capital Fund will be presented for review.
A draft budget for 2023 will be presented. This will be used to prepare a recommended budget for 2023. The advice to the Commission will reflect SCAF’s discussions on financial and administrative issues as well as advice from the Scientific Committee and SCIC Chairs. This item will be finalised late in the second week of the Commission’s meeting.
As part of its budgetary considerations, SCAF will review any income and expenditure proposals for any of the Special and other Funds.
The Committee will present a forecast budget for 2024 to the Commission for information purposes only.
SCAF will discuss other administrative issues arising from intersessional work, including access to meeting documents and the Second Performance Review.
CCAMLR-41/02 | Developing a Code of Conduct for CCAMLR meetings CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-41/10 | Access to meeting documents CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-41/12 | Options for future meeting arrangements CCAMLR Secretariat |
CCAMLR-41/BG/08 | Website update CCAMLR Secretariat |
SCAF will adopt a report that will be provided to the Commission.
Preliminary Schedule (last updated: 31 October 2022)
Week 2 (31 October to 4 November)
Commission meeting (Convention Room) with side group meetings (place and time) during week 2 of CCAMLR-41
Monday 31 October |
Tuesday 1 November |
Wednesday 2 November |
Thursday 3 November |
Friday 4 November |
0900–1030 | Commission plenary | Commission plenary | (CM drafting) | (CM drafting) | Commission Report |
1030–1100 | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break |
1100–1230 | Commission plenary | Commission plenary | (CM drafting) | (CM drafting) | Commission Report |
1230–1400 | Lunch | SCAF Room: Workgroup to develop a workplan to accompany the rollover of CM 51-07 |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
1400–1530 | Commission plenary | Commission plenary | Commission plenary | Commission plenary | Commission Report |
1530–1600 | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break |
1600–1730 | Commission plenary | Commission plenary | (CM drafting) | (Report preparation) | Commission Report |
Agenda topics – Commission | 3 (Objective), 4 (Management of marine resources), 5 (Spatial management) |
6 (Climate), 7 (Implementation and compliance), 8 (Observation), 9 (Conservation measures) |
9 (Conservation measure drafting), 10 (Administration and Finance) |
9 (Conservation measure drafting), 11 (Cooperation), 12 (Administration), 13 (Other business), 14 (Report preparation) |
14 (Report adoption), 15 (Clos |
Sunday 30 October |
Monday 31 October |
Tuesday 1 November |
Wednesday 2 November |
Thursday 3 November |
Friday 4 November |
1000–1430 |
1245–1350 1800–2000 |