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    Full Name
    Second Special Meeting of the Commission
    Bremerhaven, Germany
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Friday, 31 May 2013 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Paper)
    Saturday, 15 June 2013 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Background Paper)
    Meeting Report:
    e-cc-sm-ii.pdf (615.92 KB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda for the Second Special Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Bremerhaven, Germany, 15 and 16 July 2013)
      More Info
      Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Second Special Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Bremerhaven, Germany, 15 and 16 July 2013)
      More Info
      Proposal for a conservation measure establishing the East Antarctic Representative System of Marine Protected Areas
      Delegations of Australia, France and the European Union
      More Info
      A proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area
      Delegations of New Zealand and the USA (This paper introduces a revised version of the proposal contained in CCAMLR-XXXI/16 Rev. 1 of 29 October 2012)
      More Info
      Marine Protected Areas: A fundamental tool for long-term ocean biodiversity protection and sustainable management A statement by IUCN-WCPA
      Submitted by IUCN
      More Info
      Antarctic Ocean Legacy: Securing Enduring Protection for the Ross Sea Region – Updated AOA Report
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      More Info
      AOA Briefing 1: Duration of MPAs
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      More Info
      AOA Briefing 2: Applying the Precautionary Principle to Marine Reserves and Marine Protected Areas
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      More Info
      AOA Briefing 3: Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Benefits of Marine Reserves and Marine Protected Areas
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      More Info
      AOA Briefing 4: The Opportunity to Create an Antarctic Ocean Legacy
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      More Info
      Information on the proposal for an East Antarctic Representative System of Marine Protected Areas
      Delegations of Australia, France and the European Union
      More Info
      On absence of legal ability to organise marine protected areas in the high seas of the World Ocean, including the Antarctic waters
      Delegation of Ukraine


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      1     Opening of meeting

      The meeting will open at 0900h on Monday, 15 July 2013.

      The Chair of the Special Meeting (Mr Terje Løbach, Norway) will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members as well as observers from CCAMLR Acceding States. The Chair will also welcome observers from non-Contracting Parties and international organisations invited in accordance with the decision taken last year (CCAMLR-XXXI, paragraphs 13.3, 13.5 and 13.6) and further considerations in COMM CIRCs 13/15, 13/16, 13/27, 13/38 and 13/47.

      The Chair will introduce Peter Bleser, the State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of Germany to deliver an opening address. The Mayor of Bremerhaven, Melf Grantz, will then welcome participants to the city.


      2     Organisation of meeting

      Directly following the opening of the meeting, the Chair will deal with procedural matters, including logistical, administrative and technical support available to the meeting.

      2.1     Adoption of agenda

      The Preliminary Agenda for the Second Special Meeting of the Commission was prepared and distributed in accordance with Rule 15 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure. A Provisional Agenda, taking account of Members’ additions and comments on the Preliminary Agenda, was distributed on 24 May 2013 in accordance with Rule 17 of the Rules of Procedure. The Agenda for the Special Meeting will be adopted.

      2.2     Schedule of work

      The Chair will propose a schedule of work for the Special Meeting.

      3     Marine Protected Areas

      CCAMLR-XXXI agreed to convene a Special Meeting of the Commission for the purpose of considering MPA issues and making decisions, if possible, on the Joint New Zealand and USA MPA proposal on the Ross Sea region and the Joint Australia, France and EU MPA proposal on East Antarctica.


      CCAMLR-SM-II/04 A proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area
      Delegations of New Zealand and the USA (This paper introduces a revised version of the proposal contained in CCAMLR-XXXI/16 Rev. 1 of 29 October 2012)
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/03 Marine Protected Areas: A fundamental tool for long-term ocean biodiversity protection and sustainable management A statement by IUCN-WCPA
      Submitted by IUCN
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/04 Antarctic Ocean Legacy: Securing Enduring Protection for the Ross Sea Region – Updated AOA Report
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/05 AOA Briefing 1: Duration of MPAs
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/06 AOA Briefing 2: Applying the Precautionary Principle to Marine Reserves and Marine Protected Areas
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/07 AOA Briefing 3: Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Benefits of Marine Reserves and Marine Protected Areas
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/08 AOA Briefing 4: The Opportunity to Create an Antarctic Ocean Legacy
      Submitted by ASOC (Printed copies of the brochure will be available at the meeting)
      CCAMLR-SM-II/BG/10 On absence of legal ability to organise marine protected areas in the high seas of the World Ocean, including the Antarctic waters
      Delegation of Ukraine
      3.1     Advice from the Intersessional Meeting of the Scientific Committee

      CCAMLR-XXXI requested the Scientific Committee to review and advise the Commission on the science already considered by the Scientific Committee and any additional available science relevant to assist the Commission’s deliberations on the proposals, in accordance with CM 91-04.

      The Chair of the Scientific Committee will introduce the report of the Intersessional Meeting of the Scientific Committee (11 to 13 July 2013) containing advice to the Commission in accordance with the Commission’s request from CCAMLR-XXXI.


      3.2     Joint New Zealand and USA MPA proposal on the Ross Sea region

      The Commission will consider the Joint New Zealand and USA MPA proposal for the Ross Sea.

      3.3     Joint Australia, France and EU MPA proposal on East Antarctica
      4     Conservation measures

      Draft conservation measures for marine protected areas will be discussed and, if possible, adopted.

      5     Other business
      6     Report of Second Special Meeting of the Commission

      The Report of the Second Special Meeting of the Commission will be adopted.

      7     Close of meeting

      The meeting is scheduled to close at 1600 h on Tuesday, 16 July 2013.
