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    Improving the CCAMLR Compliance Evaluation Procedure through proposed amendments to Conservation Measure 10-10

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegations of the European Union, the Republic of Korea and the USA
    Submitted By:
    Dr Lauren Fields
    Approved By:
    Ms Elizabeth Phelps (United States of America)

    The delegations of the European Union, the Republic of Korea, and the United States propose to amend Conservation Measure (CM) 10-10 to focus the CCAMLR Compliance Evaluation Procedure (CCEP) on Contracting Parties’ responses to compliance issues identified in the annual Draft CCAMLR Compliance Report prepared by the Secretariat. In recent years, CCAMLR has spent considerable time during the CCEP negotiating the severity of identified compliance issues. Failure to reach consensus on the severity of these issues has led to protracted discussions within the Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC) and the Commission and, on occasion, resulted in CCAMLR being unable to adopt a final CCAMLR Compliance Report. The purpose of the CCEP is to improve and support Contracting Party compliance with CCAMLR Conservation Measures and, if needed, identifying where measures may need to be clarified or improved. In our view, this purpose is best achieved by focusing the CCEP on the responsive actions taken by Contracting Parties to address noncompliance. This proposal seeks to refocus the CCEP accordingly with the goal of improving the efficiency and efficacy of the process.