During CCAMLR-39 the Commission agreed to establish an e-group aimed at facilitating discussions on reinforcing the objective of the Convention, to pave the way for the Commission’s 40th meeting, where the Commission may wish to send a clear signal of unity and cooperation to fulfil its obligations for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources. The e-group launched in February 2021 and nine Commission members participated in these discussions: Argentina, Australia, Chile, the European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom, and the United States. Most contributions to the debate included references to climate change, marine protected areas (MPAs), Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and compliance, strengthening of the Scientific Committee (SC), rational use of Antarctic marine living resources and, finally, the future of CCAMLR. This document proposes several recommendations in these areas, aimed at reinforcing the objective of the Convention, as well as a draft proposal of a Declaration to mark the occasion of CCAMLR-40.
Reinforcing the objective of the Convention
Document Number:
Submitted By:
Ms Christine Stockins (Chile)
Approved By:
Ms Christine Stockins (Chile)
Agenda Item(s)