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    Full Name
    Семинар по Системе международного научного наблюдения (СМНН)
    Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина
    Дата/время начала совещания:
    Дата/время окончания совещания :
    Срок подачи документов
    понедельник, июня 19, 2017 - 00:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)

    Videos in our support forum

    The Secretariat has developed instructional videos about the submission of meeting documents and the use of the meeting server. These videos are available from the CCAMLR Support Forum (currently available in English only).

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      1     Opening of the meeting

      The Convener will welcome participants, review the terms of reference for the workshop and outline priorities and anticipated output from the workshop. The Convener will also provide an overview of local facilities including Secretariat support, internet access and any exciting extracurricular activities.

      2     Review of the recommendations from the 2013 SISO review

      The Secretariat will provide an update on progress for those recommendations that were identified in the 2013 SISO review for action by the Scientific Committee and its working groups. The Workshop will report on what has been addressed and consider the relative priorities for addressing the recommendations that remain to be addressed.

      3     Current data collection priorities

      Current data collection priorities and data collection protocols used by SISO observers will be reviewed for fisheries targeting.

      3.1     Longline: toothfish
      3.2     Trawl: krill
      3.3     Trawl: finfish

      This review will include items that should be removed, retained and added to the current requirements for SISO observers.

      4     Data management and data quality improvements in SISO

      The Workshop will examine proposals for improvements to the quality of data collected as part of SISO, including:

      4.1     Improvements implemented for the data quality assurance control of existing data, and new processes applied to the receipt and processing by the Secretariat of SISO data submitted by technical coordinators
      4.2     Potential changes required to observer logbooks and cruise reports, and the processes for the implementation of such changes, for:
      4.2.1     Longline: toothfish
      4.2.2     Trawl: krill
      4.2.3     Trawl: finfish
      4.3     Analyses of SISO and associated data to identifying data quality issues and provide recommendations for addressing such issues in existing data and in ongoing data collection protocols
      5     Advice to the Scientific Committee and its Working Groups

      The Workshop will review the need for a dedicated Working Group and how such a group would operate.
