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By-catch of morid cods (Gadiformes: Moridae) in the CCAMLR area and adjacent areas during commercial fishing and research surveys

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Номер документа:
Delegation of the Russian Federation
Представлено (имя):
Dr Andrey Petrov
Утверждено (имя):
Mr Dmitry Kremenyuk (Российская Федерация)
Пункт(ы) повестки дня

This document is devoted to studying species composition, spatial and vertical distributions, size composition and abundance of morids in the CCAMLR and adjacent areas. The main goal is to conserve these fishes and prevent them from disturbance in the Antarctic waters. This will be done by detection of areas and depths of their aggregations, by reveal of presence/absence of spatial and vertical migrations and by study of their seasonal and multi-annual variations. Results will be used for preparation of conservation measures allowing for preservation these vulnerable by-catch species from irreparable harm of destructive fishing.