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Постоянный комитет по административным и финансовым вопросам
Хобарт, Австралия
Дата/время начала совещания:
Дата/время окончания совещания :
Отчет совещания:
r-cc-xxvii-a4.pdf (343.06 КБ)

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    1     Organisation of meeting
    2     Examination audited Financial Statements for 2007
    2     Examination audited Financial Statements for 2007
    3     Audit requirement for 2008 Financial Statements
    3     Audit requirement for 2008 Financial Statements
    4     Secretariat Strategic Plan
    4     Secretariat Strategic Plan
    5     Review of 2008 budget
    5     Review of 2008 budget
    6     Interpreter services for SCIC
    6     Interpreter services for SCIC
    7     Recruitment of Executive Secretary
    8     Wireless computer network
    9     Contingency Fund
    11     Performance Review
    12     Budget for 2009
    12.1     Scientific Committee budget
    12.1     Scientific Committee budget
    12.2     Advice from SCIC
    13     Multi-year funding of Scientific Committee tasks
    14     Members contributions
    14.1     Timing of Members contributions
    14.2     Interpretation of Article XIX of the Convention - Period of Default
    15     Forecast budget for 2010
    18     Election of SCAF Vice-Chair
    10     Professional Staff salaries
    16     CDS Fund
    17     Other business