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    Proposal for a CCAMLR Workshop on Marine Protected Areas (2011)

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    Numéro du document:
    MPA Special Fund Correspondence Group
    Point(s) de l'ordre du jour

    The Scientific Committee has agreed that the proposed 2011 workshop should be a priorityfor support by the MPAs Special Fund. It requested that the MPAs Special FundCorrespondence Group should develop a proposal for the workshop, and that funds could beset aside for this purpose as required (SC-CAMLR-XXVIII, paragraph 3.32). The Correspondence Group has therefore developed this preliminary proposal forconsideration by WG-EMM, including draft terms of reference, suggested outputs, requiredexpertise, possible timing, and an outline budget. It is hoped that this proposal can be refinedby WG-EMM and subsequently presented to SC-CAMLR-XXIV for its endorsement.